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16/5/2003SCT PAR, Georg Viehhauser1 Assembly of Modules to Cylinders Georg Viehhauser.

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Presentation on theme: "16/5/2003SCT PAR, Georg Viehhauser1 Assembly of Modules to Cylinders Georg Viehhauser."— Presentation transcript:

1 16/5/2003SCT PAR, Georg Viehhauser1 Assembly of Modules to Cylinders Georg Viehhauser

2 16/5/2003SCT PAR, Georg Viehhauser2 Assembly at Oxford and KEK Barrels come to Oxford/KEK from RAL with all the services mounted and tested. Modules are only items left to be added at Oxford/KEK to complete cylinders: –Limited space → high precision during mounting required. –Tasks: Mechanical location & fixing of module, Thermal & mechanical connection to cooling system, Alignment & connection of dogleg. After mounting: performance has to be verified. –Use all final (or very close to it) ATLAS SCT components (power supplies, off-detector electronics, DCS, cooling). –Compare performance to checks after module assembly. –System studies. After passing final acceptance checks: Barrels are shipped to CERN for final 4-barrel assembly.

3 16/5/2003SCT PAR, Georg Viehhauser3 Transport Transport from RAL to Oxford/KEK: all services, but no modules. Transport from Oxford/KEK to CERN: with modules. RAL → Oxford → CERN: B3, B5, B6, all road. RAL → KEK → CERN: B4, by plane. Environment: Temperature & humidity controlled, ESD, mechanically isolated.

4 16/5/2003SCT PAR, Georg Viehhauser4 Transport Box Two box design Inner box: –Al protective frame with conductive plastic panels, –Central part stays around barrels all time (even during assembly), –Wrapped air-tight during transport. Outer box: –Steel structure and panels, –Handling points for shipping. Mechanical coupling through wire rope isolators. Plane transports might need different setup. B3 inner box Box assembly

5 16/5/2003SCT PAR, Georg Viehhauser5 Service Cages All services, which will later be fanned out on the thermal enclosure, have to be stored safely for assembly and transport (LMTs, capillaries, readout fibres, DCS sensor wires). Storage assembly has to –satisfy ESD and grounding requirements for checks, –provide temporary connections for services during assembly checks, –clear adjacent barrels for 4-barrel assembly.

6 16/5/2003SCT PAR, Georg Viehhauser6 Oxford Assembly Area- Heavy Lab Cold Room Control Room Clean Room Cooling/ UPS/ Services

7 16/5/2003SCT PAR, Georg Viehhauser7 Module Reception - Storage ~1500 modules will be shipped from all over the world to Oxford Shipping box, which –protects during transport, –provides safe environment for module checks (thermal and electrical connections, so that module can be checked without opening), –has mechanical fiducials to align module for module mounting. Each module gets tested at Oxford after reception (same tests as at module production site). Storage in shipping box in humidity & statically controlled area (up to 400 modules). Modules will be kept in shipping box until immediately before mounting. Module Connector Position fiducials

8 16/5/2003SCT PAR, Georg Viehhauser8 Barrel Reception Barrels will be delivered to tent outside of the heavy lab. After removal of outer box transfer to lifting cart. Wheel into clean room, lift to cold room floor level and move into cold room. Remove ends of inner transport box, install cable and fibre supports, connect barrel DCS sensors. Preassembly checks: –Verify DCS sensor operation. –Connect cooling system and operate cooling system (cold). Verify operation. –Confirm harness integrity.

9 16/5/2003SCT PAR, Georg Viehhauser9 Assembly Overview Tight schedules require parallel operation of 1. and 2. on two assembly stations. But: switch between them is complex. → Do assembly in groups of 96 modules. First 16 rows of lower modules (16×6 = 96), which then get checked. Then mount upper modules and check them out. 1.Mount modules & make thermal and electrical connections. 2.Verify performance after mounting. 3.After completion of barrel: final acceptance test

10 16/5/2003SCT PAR, Georg Viehhauser10 Module Mounting High 3d-precision during insertion required → robot. Additional operations: 1.Align dogleg to pigtail. 2.Apply thermal grease on cooling block. 3.Mate pigtail and dogleg connector. 4.Mount module cooling block clip. Done by hand with tools held by a tooling frame. Done row-by-row (first lower, than upper): First 1. & 2., then module insertion, then 3. & 4.

11 16/5/2003SCT PAR, Georg Viehhauser11 Tooling support and alignment Tooling frame with vertical and horizontal travel, attached to front of transport box. Positioning of tools by stages, aligned by hand with small lasers. Alignment of robot automatically. Survey of brackets on barrel with laser sensors. Coordinates kept in database for retrieval during mounting. Fine adjustment of tool position Tooling frame

12 16/5/2003SCT PAR, Georg Viehhauser12 Procedure I: Align Dogleg Remove tab with circuit board from module box (module stays covered). Transfer pigtail connector position to template using position fiducials. Position template using alignment rods onto barrel. Adjust dogleg position (align to module mounting bushes) and fix. Template Connector Position fiducials Alignment rods

13 16/5/2003SCT PAR, Georg Viehhauser13 Procedure II: Apply Thermal Grease A rectangular mask covers cooling block (maintains thickness of grease joint). Opening of mask just slightly smaller than cooling block surface. Back of cooling block supported from tool. Grease squeezed out of reservoir by piston lever. Applicator moves over mask, scrapes off excess grease. Piston Grease reservoir Mask Travel

14 16/5/2003SCT PAR, Georg Viehhauser14 Done by robot (one program): 1.Pick up module from box 2.Survey module optically – verify correct pickup, envelope. 3.Insert module (robot knows where to put it). 4.Drive in screws (limited torque). Procedure III: Mount Module Control by touch- screen Module box

15 16/5/2003SCT PAR, Georg Viehhauser15 Procedure IV: Apply Clips Same tool used for clip removal.

16 16/5/2003SCT PAR, Georg Viehhauser16 Procedure V: Electrical Connection Template aligns connectors on pigtail and dogleg. Pliers force connectors together. Same template also used for disconnecting.

17 16/5/2003SCT PAR, Georg Viehhauser17 Clearances Exposed wirebonds on modules demand great care. All components and module (3-point constrained) must satisfy space envelope as given in SCT drawings. Clearances during insertion ~1-2mm on each side (depending on barrel). Lower module – upper module: ~1.9mm Component – dogleg: ~1mm Component – connector: >1.7mm Hybrid – Optopackage: ~1.2mm In situ:

18 16/5/2003SCT PAR, Georg Viehhauser18 Fault recovery Care has been taken to isolate robot from external faults. –Separate UPS. –Compressed air? Emergency stop button for operator. Recovery software will return the module into box after retracing approach path. Ongoing task: more failure modes will show during shake-down before B3 arrival and will be taken care of.

19 16/5/2003SCT PAR, Georg Viehhauser19 Dismounting Modules Reverse procedures of mounting. –Disconnect electrically. –Remove cooling block clips. –Remove module – requires splitting of grease layer between module and cooling block. Support splitting mechanically. –Return module into module shipping box. Jaw Lever Air-driven piston Baseboard Cooling block

20 16/5/2003SCT PAR, Georg Viehhauser20 Time estimates Estimated times for assembly: –~5h for 6 modules (1 row of lower or upper modules) = ~45min/module –96 modules in 80h = 1 week (5d) of 2 daily shifts (8h) each. → During established assembly: mount modules on one barrel for one week, while testing the other, then swap.

21 16/5/2003SCT PAR, Georg Viehhauser21 Manpower Assembly: –2 ATLAS assembly techs –Up to 1 tech from electronics workshop –2 staff from Oxford, 1 staff from UCL. Testing: –1 postdoc and 1 grad student from Oxford. Additional manpower from Oxford and other SCT collaborators can be found for limited periods.

22 16/5/2003SCT PAR, Georg Viehhauser22 Mechanical QA

23 16/5/2003SCT PAR, Georg Viehhauser23 Cooling System Evaporative system (cooling capacity ?). Drives up to 16 cooling loops (B6 + 2). Two operation modes: –C 3 F 8 : about -15° (‘cold’) as in ATLAS. –C 4 F 10 : about 10° (‘warm’). Control as in ATLAS: –Mass flows & pressure drops adjusted so that cooling power exceeds heat load of detector at any time. –Heaters after the detector controlled by simple T-feedback so that remaining liquid evaporates. –No sophisticated control structures, just monitoring (→ DCS). Compressor Condensor Storage

24 16/5/2003SCT PAR, Georg Viehhauser24 Electrical QA Repeat measurements as at production sites and after reception (allows for direct comparison).

25 16/5/2003SCT PAR, Georg Viehhauser25 DCS Similar system as in ATLAS Sensor readout (all SCT barrel sensors, system status and environment) using ELMBs. Control and monitoring of power supplies (14 crates) through ELMB- based crate controllers. Distributed PVSS system. Hardware interlock of cooling loop temperature through IBOXs, interlock matrix and interlock card in PS crates. Additional interlocks for personal safety. Environment sensors: ELMBs IBOXs

26 16/5/2003SCT PAR, Georg Viehhauser26 Off-Detector Electronics Optical readout (control & data). One 9U VME crate with VME CPU, up to 14 RODs and TIM. One ROD reads 48 modules. For assembly checks: need 4 RODs. Only for final acceptance test: –B3: 8 RODs –B5: 12 RODs –B6: 14 RODs Read out histograms from ROD memory for various characterisation checks. REV C RodRev B ROD TIM CPU SCTLV2 PS

27 16/5/2003SCT PAR, Georg Viehhauser27 Power supplies Supply HV and LV. Crate holds also controller (ELMB-based, connected through CAN bus to DCS) and interlock card. One crate supplies 48 modules. Assembly checks need 2(4) crates. Final acceptance tests need 8 (B3), 12 (B5) and 14 (B6) crates. Interlock card Controller LV cardsHV cards

28 16/5/2003SCT PAR, Georg Viehhauser28 Power, ESD and Grounding Power to critical components (power supplies etc.) backed up by UPS. Special care has been taken to provide clean ground to allow meaningful electrical checks of assembled barrels. All items in the cold room conductive and grounded, standard ESD procedures followed.

29 16/5/2003SCT PAR, Georg Viehhauser29 Status I Transport infrastructure: –B3 inner transport box complete and at RAL. Outer box needs finishing design and construction. –B3 service cages: mechanical parts are ready. Mock assembly under way. Electrical components to be delivered soon. Heavy Lab infrastructure: –Clean room ready, used for power supply tests. Ready to receive and store modules. –Still to be done: reception tools (lifting cart etc.) –Cold room: service supports being installed. After that: clean & close. –Power cables: ordered. To be delivered in May. –Readout fibres: ordered. To be delivered in May. –Cooling system: Pipework being installed.

30 16/5/2003SCT PAR, Georg Viehhauser30 Status II Tooling: –Most tools have been built and are being tested in the cold room. –Robot: routinely mounting modules. Now programming recovery procedures. –Wait for sector prototype to practise procedures in realistic environment. Read out and power supplies: –Power supplies: 1 crate with cards in Oxford, ironing out problems with ELMB crate controller. –DCS: Environment monitoring operating, working on power supply control and monitoring. –Off-detector electronics: crate with CPU, TIME and 2 RODs in Oxford. Reads out optically one module on bench (SCTLV2 power supplies). Standard checks working.

31 16/5/2003SCT PAR, Georg Viehhauser31 Schedule Until arrival of B3 (expect end of June): –Finish all remaining transport infrastructure. –Finish all the remaining tasks to build infrastructure (cooling system, cables, cold room, etc.). –Test mounting procedures with sector prototype. Shake down procedures. Train technicians. –Get power supplies with control software and off- detector electronics with DAQ software working. –Start receiving modules. After B3 arrival: –Barrel reception checks. –Start mounting (production ramps up from 6 modules /wk to 96 modules/wk)

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