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Wool Judging. Wool Fiber Growth Wool fibers grow from follicles in the skin Growth and elongation occurs at the base of the fiber and not at the tip Processes.

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Presentation on theme: "Wool Judging. Wool Fiber Growth Wool fibers grow from follicles in the skin Growth and elongation occurs at the base of the fiber and not at the tip Processes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wool Judging

2 Wool Fiber Growth Wool fibers grow from follicles in the skin Growth and elongation occurs at the base of the fiber and not at the tip Processes of growth are continuous Shearing apparently does not particularly stimulate growth of wool fibers.

3 The Wool Fiber Feature of Wool Fiber Diameter may vary from.0003 to.002 inch. Length may vary form 1 to 20 inches. Practically all wool has crimp. Crimp is the natural indentation of waviness in the fibers. The number of crimp per inch of fiber ranges form 10-36. Crimp affects the length of wool may increase length by 30%. In general, the more crimp per inch, the finer the fiber.

4 The Fleece or Grease Wool Variation of wool fibers on the body. The finest and dense wool fibers are found on the shoulders about midway between the top of the shoulder and the floor of the chest. The shortest wool is on the belly.

5 General characteristics Purity Related to the kind and color of the fiber of which the fleece is composed. Kemp is the most important of the purity defects. Black fibers may also be called an impurity. Color Color is partly tint,luster or brightness. White is preferred. Uniformity Fibers of uniform grade over the badly. Sought but never completely achieved.

6 Three types of fibers Wool fibers true fibers and referred to as crimp or waviness found on the fiber Med hair or heterotype- medullated and tend to be finer than kemp fibers as well as true fibers, yet generally lack crimp. Kemp- coarsest fibers grown by sheep and are shed seasonally. Tend s top be short, chalky white, brittle, and do not appear to accept dyes well. They are harsh handling, yet important in the manufacturing of weeds.

7 Material in raw wool Not necessarily disadvantages as they may be essential to the proper preservation of the fiber while it is being developed to a length suitable for use. Yolk- Primarily cholesterol and is secreted for the preservation of the fiber. More yolk is secreted by fine, dense fleeced sheep. Suint-(pronounced swint) A potassium salt produced by the sweat gland. Usually mixed with yolk and may be the source of odor associated with sheep. Vegetable Matter - such burns, chaff, seed, etc. Dirt- varies from one part of the country to the other. Moisture-gives a certain character to wool which makes it easier to work. I some cases these materials make up a greater percentage of the entire weight than does the wool fiber.

8 Grades of Wool Wool Class American Bradford Breed Fine Fine 80-70-64Merino, Ranbouillet, Debouillet Half-blood 62-60 Targhee, Southdown Three-eights blood 58-56 Corriedale, Columbia, Hampshire Medium Quarter Blood 54-50 Shropshire, Dorset, Cheviot Low quarter blood 48-46 Romney and coarse crossbreds Common 44-40 Lincoln, Cotswold, Leicester Long Braid 36

9 Sheep vary considerably in the type of wool they produce. Fine wool from MerinoCarpet wool from a Karakul One type of wool is not better than the other. They just have different uses.

10 Breeds of sheep are grouped according to the type of wool they grow. Fine Rambouillet, Merino Crossbred (fine x medium) Targhee, Corriedale, Columbia Medium (fine x long) Suffolk, Hampshire, Dorset, Cheviot, Montadale, Southdown, Shropshire, Tunis, Polypay Long (coarse) Romney, Border Leicester, Lincoln, Cotswold Carpet (double-coated) Scottish Blackface, Karakul, Icelandic Hair (shedding) - not sheared Katahdin, Dorper, Barbado Rambouillet (fine wool) sheep

11 Fleece The wool from one sheep. Sheared off in one piece. Grease or raw wool is wool as it is shorn from the sheep.

12 Fineness – Fiber Diameter Thickness of the wool fiber Measured in microns (one millionth of a meter - µ)

13 Fineness - Fiber Diameter Fine $$$$ Crossbred Medium Long Coarse Grade refers to the relative diameter of the wool fibers (fineness). Thicker Thinner < 17µ > 40 µ

14 Fiber diameter  Coarser Britch Breech (hairy)  Short, dirty, kinky Short, dirty Polypay

15 Crimp Natural curl or waviness in the wool fiber. Fine wool usually has more crimp per inch than coarse (long) wool.

16 Staple Refers to the length of a (unstretched) lock of shorn wool. Coarse wools are usually longer than finer wools. Fine Long, coarse Medium

17 Vegetable matter (VM) Any material of plant origin found in the fleece (hay, grass, seeds, etc.) High VM lowers yield.

18 Purity Freedom from pigmented fibers, hair and kemp. Black fiber/hairs Hair Kemp The commercial wool market favors white wool that can be dyed any color. From a hair sheep

19 Tag Wool that has manure attached to it.

20 Skirting Removing the stained, unusable, or undesirable portions of a fleece (bellies, top knots, tags). Show fleeces and other high value fleeces should be skirted at the time of shearing.

21 Wool Judging Score Card CharacteristicPoints Estimated clean yield35 Length25 Quality or fineness10 Soundness (strength)10 Purity10 Character and color10 Total points100 You will judge “like” (same type or grade) kinds of wool.

22 Yield The amount of clean wool that remains after scouring. Expressed as a percentage. Wool yield is quite variable: 40 to 70%. Long wools have higher yields than fine wools, due to less grease. Bulky fleeces have higher yields. Clean wool yield = Raw wool – shrinkage (VM, grease, impurities)

23 Vegetable matter affects yield Other contaminants: soil, dust, polypropylene from tarps, feed sacks, and hay baling twine, paint, skin, external parasites, and foreign objects.

24 Length Look for uniformity of length Staple length adds weight to the fleece more than any other characteristic.

25 Quality or fineness Appropriate grade for breed or type. Look for uniformity of grade (fineness). Finer wools are permitted less variability.

26 Soundness (strength) Tender wool is wool that is weak and/or breaks due to poor nutrition or sickness. This wool does not have a break or tender spot.

27 Character General appearance of a fleece: crimp, handle, and color.

28 Weathered tips Affects dyeing “Tippy” wool

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