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Native Americans.

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Presentation on theme: "Native Americans."— Presentation transcript:

1 Native Americans

2 Native American Chart Tribe Food Region Important Information
Tribe Food Region Important Information Karankawas Coahuiltecan Atakapans Caddo Comanche Apache Jumano Tigua

3 Native Texans of The Coastal Plains and Southeast Texas
Atakapans Karankawas Coahuiltecans

4 KARANKAWAS - Located in the Gulf Coast sub region of the Coastal plains - Nomadic – Fished using dugout canoes – Hunted small game using bows and arrows – Women did most the hard work. - coated themselves with alligator and shark grease to ward off mosquitoes *were friendly to Cabeza de Vaca. In fact, de Vaca wrote about them.

5 - Located in the Gulf Coast sub region of the Coastal plains
COAHUILTECANS - Nomadic - Located in the Gulf Coast sub region of the Coastal plains –Hunted deer, rabbit, buffalo –Gathered beans, nuts, berries, cacti, worms, lizards, etc. Made homes out of mud, animal skin, and brush

6 ATAKAPANS - Sedentary – Hunted small game and deer in marshlands - used dugout canoes to fish – Gathered roots and berries. Some farming

7 Native Texans of East Texas

8 CADDOES – Sedentary - Hunted deer, bear, and buffalo – Farmed corn, beans, squash – Lived in mound shaped dwellings -developed crafts, - women in charge of family

9 Native Texans of the Great Plains
Kiowas Comanches Apaches

10 APACHES - Nomadic – Relied on buffalo for food, shelter, clothing - Fierce warriors –For part of the year they lived in farming communities along rivers and streams called rancherias.

11 COMANCHES – Relied on buffalo for food, shelter, Clothing - Lived in tepees – Fierce warriors; raided other groups - Skilled traders – “Lords of the Plains”

12 – Relied on buffalo for food, shelter, clothing,
KIOWAS – Relied on buffalo for food, shelter, clothing, – Painted pictures of events on their tepees; made beautiful crafts – developed a calendar - The most feared group on the plains

13 Native Texans of West Texas
Tiguas Jumanos

14 JUMANOS - Sedentary –Hunted, farmed, and traded –Lived in villages made of adobe houses –Planted crops along rivers and streams

15 TIGUAS - Sedentary – Hunted, fished, and farmed – Lived in villages of adobe houses – Made pottery for cooking and storing food (ovens)

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