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Q. What should you do if there is a grease fire? A. Pour large amounts of salt or baking soda over it. Cover with a tight fitting lid.

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Presentation on theme: "Q. What should you do if there is a grease fire? A. Pour large amounts of salt or baking soda over it. Cover with a tight fitting lid."— Presentation transcript:

1 Q. What should you do if there is a grease fire? A. Pour large amounts of salt or baking soda over it. Cover with a tight fitting lid.

2 Q. How should you clean up broken glass? A. Pick up the big pieces, sweep up the smaller pieces and wipe up the slivers with a damp disposable towel. Dispose of glass in a box or plastic container.

3 Q. How do you wash an electric mixer? A. Turn off the mixer. Remove the plug from the wall. Remove the beaters from the mixer and wash them in the sink Wipe the mixer with a wash cloth that has been rung out in warm soapy water.

4 Q. What should you never do if there is a grease fire? A. Put water on it.

5 Q. How should you store sharp knives? A. With the blade pointing down in a wood block or a separate container.

6 Q. Where should you keep your extra books and sweaters during cooking class? A. On your desk.

7 Q. How should you always protect your hands when handling hot equipment? A. Wear oven mitts.

8 Q. What do you need to do if the fire alarm rings while you are working in the kitchen? A. Close doors and windows. Turn off elements, the oven and appliances. Exit through the back door.

9 Q. How should you wash sharp knives? A. Lay them beside the sink until you are ready to wash them and wash them without letting them out of your hand.

10 Q. How should you respond to a spill? A. Wipe spills up immediately.

11 Q. What should you never do with a hot element? A. Reach across it.

12 Q. What is the consequence for fooling around in the kitchen? A. Loss of cooking privileges.

13 Q. How should you carry a knife? A. With the point down and the blade to the back.

14 Q. How should you lift the cover of a pot to avoid getting steam in your face? A. Lift the lid of the pot towards yourself.

15 Q. What should you do if you receive a minor burn? A. Hold the area under cold water until the pain lessens (10-15 minutes) and tell your teacher. Do not use ice or grease.

16 Q. What should you do to avoid tipping pots over while cooking? A. Turn Pot handles inward.

17 Q. What should you keep in mind when carrying hot liquids? A. Be sure they are covered.

18 Q. What do you need to keep in mind when using the oven door? A. Open the door all of the way.

19 Q. What do you need to keep in mind when working with Knives? A. Cut on a cutting board, cut away from yourself and use sharp knives.

20 Q. What important step do you need to remember when finished cooking? A. Be sure all burners and the oven are turned off.

21 Q. What should you never do with an electric mixer? A. Never immerse it in water.

22 Q. What should you remember about the cupboard doors? A. Keep them closed when not in use.

23 Q. Rules of the kitchen are: A. Stay in your own kitchen…no wandering. No fooling around. Do not behave in a way that could be dangerous to you or others.

24 Q. What should you do about long sleeves in the kitchen? A. Keep long sleeves rolled up, or wear short sleeve shirts.

25 Q. What should you do about grocery bags and toys that may clutter the kitchen floor? A. Be sure that the kitchen floor is free of clutter so that there is no tripping danger.

26 Q. What should you do with young children while you are working in the kitchen? A. Secure them in a highchair or swing, or have them engaged in an activity at the kitchen table.

27 Q. What should you do about frayed electrical cords? A. Have them repaired or replaced immediately.

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