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Published byMaura Mankey Modified over 10 years ago
It’s Time For Band Martinez Elementary Scott Elementary Wednesday and Friday Percussion: Mon Winds: Tues and Thurs Keller Elementary King Elementary Monday and Wednesday Tuesday and Thursday Table of Contents pg Welcome 1 It’s Time For Band (Rehearsal Days) Course Description 2 Required Materials Grading Policy 3 Performances Attendance Concert Dates Concert Attire 4 Eligibility School-Owned Instruments Instrument Upkeep Band Hall Expectations 5 Practice Expectation 6 Final Words Handbook Signature Sheet Welcome To Beginning Band 5 th grade just got even better. You are now a member of an amazing inclusive group of friends that all share the love of making music together. My primary responsibility is to provide students with fundamental instruction in the aspects of instrumental music including proper playing technique, as well as music reading and writing skills. Through their participation in band, students will receive the training necessary to be prepared for situations and responsibilities they will encounter in other classes and in life. At the same time, it is my hope that students acquire a lifelong love and appreciation for music. This handbook contains information regarding expectations, procedures, and performances. It is extremely important that all details are understood by both students and parents. Please keep this handbook as a reference should you ever have questions. Your time, energy, and cooperation in continuing a tradition of excellence are appreciated. I am honored that you have trusted the musical care of your children to me and I look forward to an amazing year. Dedicated to your child’s success, Kim Kincaid COMMUNICATION: Email Contact: Please refer to the band webpage often to make sure you stay involved in class information and assignments. Since I am at each of my four campuses only 2-3 times during the week, email is my preferred method of contact. I check email often and respond as soon as time allows. Your questions are important to me and I am eager to get back with you in a timely manner. KELLER, KING, MARTINEZ, AND SCOTT ELEMENTARY 2013-2014 BAND HANDBOOK
The Beginning Band is comprised of first year band students. Prior experience in not necessary and each student goes through an interview process to help determine which instrument will encourage the student to be most successful. Students receive instruction on fundamental tone production, rhythmic concepts, and basic music reading skills. Students will perform two concerts and have the opportunity to perform at the Elementary Solo and Ensemble Festival in the Spring. COURSE DESCRIPTION REQUIRED MATERIALS The books and musical supplies are available from your favorite music dealer. EVERY DAY, EVERY STUDENT will need an instrument, a 3-ring 1½ inch binder, a pencil (no pens will be allowed in band), and the band book: Tradition Of Excellence, BOOK 1 for your instrument. (Percussion, see below for additional required method books) The following items are needed for each instrument: FLUTE: Cleaning rod and cleaning cloth OBOE AND BASSOON: swab; cork grease; at least 2 reeds, and water cup (an empty prescription bottle works great!) CLARINET: swab; cork grease; reed guard; at least 4 reeds (#2 ½ or stronger) TRUMPET: valve oil; tuning slide grease; mouthpiece brush; and cleaning snake TROMBONE: slide cream; tuning slide grease; mouthpiece brush; and cleaning snake FRENCH HORN AND BARITONE: valve oil, tuning slide grease and mouthpiece brush TUBA: valve oil and mouthpiece brush PERCUSSION: A percussion kit (bells, practice pad, drum sticks and bell mallets). Percussion students will also need to purchase A Fresh Approach to the Snare Drum and A Fresh Approach to Mallets, both by Mark Wessels. A music stand is highly recommended for proper posture and instrument position when practicing at home. I’d also like to recommend a metronome (especially!) and a tuner. These are beneficial to your student’s success and are available for free in your smart phone’s application store. 2
GRADING POLICY 60% Daily Participation: The expectation is that students are engaged in class and create a positive influence on the overall improvement of the band. You must be in your seat ready to play at the class start time. Every day you must have your instrument with nametag, music, pencil, and required materials for your specific instrument. If you forget your instrument, supplies or music, it is possible to regain 80% of your class daily participation grade by returning a practice slip signed by a parent THE NEXT CLASS DAY stating you’ve practiced an additional 30 minutes. Students cannot learn to play an instrument if they cannot be responsible for bringing their materials to class. 40% Playing Assessments: While I do not require signed practice cards, students are expected to practice 20 minutes per day at least 5 times per week. Playing skills will be assessed weekly. Check the inside cover of the method book to follow along with assignments. If students are absent on a playing test day, they will be expected to make up that playing test in a reasonable amount of time. Concert Performance: Attendance is required and will count as two playing assessments. PERFORMANCE ATTENDANCE AND DATES Students are required to attend all scheduled concerts and must be dressed properly, playing their best and working for an outstanding performance. Absences of any kind negatively impact the other students in the band. Missing a performance will be excused for the following reasons and must be made up by completing an alternate writing assignment. 1.Illness (absent from school the same day) 2.Family Emergency (approved by the Principal) Non-school activities such as club sports, medical appointments, etc. are NOT considered excused absences. Performance make-up assignments must be completed within one week of the missed event OR within one week of the student’s return to school. UNEXCUSED absences CANNOT BE MADE UP and will result in a performance grade of “0” Please post the concert schedule to your family calendar now. You can always check dates on our Band Web page and reminders will be sent home as the date draws near. Keller Elementary Concert Dates: December 16, and May 12, King Elementary Concert Dates: November 21, and May 13, Martinez Elementary Concert Dates: December 5, and May 8, Scott Elementary Concert Dates: December 10, and May 6, 3
CONCERT ATTIRE Taking pride in a uniform is important to projecting a professional appearance and making a good first impression. Any student who is inappropriately dressed will lose points from their performance grade. Students are required to wear traditional Black and White concert attire: white dress shirt or white Polo with black dress pants, black socks, and black dress shoes. Many band and orchestra programs wear the same uniform, so please plan early to make sure that sizes are available for your child. ELIGIBILITY Participation in band is not required and students are responsible for any worked missed while attending band rehearsals. Extreme care was taken when devising the rehearsal schedule to choose the least impactful class times possible. If students are unable to keep up with their regular class assignments, a conference will be called with parents, core teacher(s) and me; the student may be removed from the band program. LET US HELP YOU BE SUCCESSFUL. TOGETHER WE CAN ALL BE AWESOME! SCHOOL-OWNED INSTRUMENTS Students playing instruments not rented by local music stores will play on school-owned instruments. Students with these instruments will pay a one time usage fee in the amount of $20.00 per year payable to “Colorado Springs School District 11” as soon as possible. This fee is used to pay for annual cleaning and repairs. A completed and signed rental agreement will be due along with the fee. Students are responsible for any damage above normal “wear and tear” and will be charged for any repair or replacement due to negligence. INSTRUMENT UPKEEP It is important that all students’ instruments are kept in good working condition. If a student’s instrument develops any kind of mechanical problem, he/she should notify the director as soon as possible. In many cases, I am equipped to handle minor repairs. We are very fortunate to have several reputable music stores close by for all your supply and repair needs that cannot be handled by myself. While an instrument is being repaired, students may be ale to use a school instrument, if available. Instruments are not available for students who merely forget an instrument. 4
1. Always enter the Band Hall with a positive attitude. 2. When you walk into the Band Hall, move quickly to get your instrument and materials so we can begin rehearsals on time. Please remain quiet during this time – talking should be done outside. 3. Listen aggressively! Focus on fully understanding the concept or instruction being presented. If something is not understood, ask APPROPRIATE questions at the APPROPRIATE time. 4. Always follow directions the first time they are given. 5. Please remain quiet during class. Raise your hand and wait to be acknowledged before speaking so we can have productive and efficient rehearsals. 6. All students are expected to be respectful of others. Speak in a courteous tone, keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself and allow for a quiet classroom atmosphere. 7. It is everyone’s responsibility to keep the Band Hall clean and neat. Stack chairs and stands when you are finished using them, and throw all trash away. 8. Do not hold, play, operate, or otherwise handle any instrument besides your own. This is a liability issue. 9. There will be no gum, candy, food, or drinks (other than water) allowed in the Band Hall. 10. Only band and orchestra students are allowed in the Band Hall. This is for security as well as traffic flow concerns. Your friends may wait for you outside. 11. Students will take their instruments and binders home EVERY NIGHT. Students are expected to practice an average of 20 minutes per day, 5 days a week outside of rehearsals. Instruments are not allowed to remain at school overnight. Doing so will cause a lowered grade unless you have an off campus school activity that prevents you from coming to get your instrument after school. 15. While every effort is made to keep the Band Hall secure, we are not liable for any damage to or loss of instruments that are stored at school. TAKE YOUR INSTRUMENT HOME! CONSEQUENCES -- Please remember that all School rules apply in the Band Hall! Each of the schools at which I teach has a slightly different procedure for documenting behavior infractions. Please refer to your school’s handbook for the consequences at your child’s school. BAND HALL EXPECTATIONS 5
PRACTICE: It’s the only way to improve! As with any activity that requires a special skill, students must practice their instrument in order to achieve the best results. 20 minutes 5 days per week should ensure that your child is able to perform all of the music to the best of their ability. Students can practice in one sitting or may find that two 10 minute sessions work better for their learning style and schedule. Please don’t wait until the last minute to practice your music. I do not require practice slips so Playing Assessments and “quick checks” during class will take place often to check a student’s progress. Beginning in October, I will be available one day a week after school for Band enrichment. This optional club allows students to work on more advanced music or receive additional help in necessary. Please encourage your child to practice often and never forget that children love to play for you. Free Metronome and Tuner applications are available online and through your smart phone app store. These tools, along with regular practice, and encouragement from family and friends play an invaluable role in your child’s success. FINAL WORDS Tips for Parents and Students (HELP) H elp to set up the best possible practice facility. The area should be well lit and free from other distractions and should accommodate a straight chair and music stand (siblings should never be allowed to touch the musical instrument). E stablish a regular time and routine for practice. Students should begin with some warm-up exercises (long tones and scales), move into the assignment and isolate difficult passages to be worked on. These passages can be played slower with different articulations to help resolve technical problems. Students should end practice time with a piece they know and enjoy playing for fun. L isten enthusiastically to your child’s practicing. Recognize his/her effort and make positive comments. Remember, you are the audience your child will most appreciate. P articipate in our three-way partnership: Parent, student, and teacher working together to make band an enjoyable and lifelong experience. Student Name_________________________________Guardian’s Name___________________________ By signing below, you are agreeing to the following: 1.keep my child’s instrument in good repair 2.provide him/her with all the supplies needed 3.provide proper concert attire 4.encourage regular and positive instrument practice 5.make sure my child is at every concert performance 6.make sure my child is picked up promptly at the conclusion of any optional after school practice that your child chooses to attend. 7.and to “HELP” your child be a success. (Refer to “Final Words” above) ___________________________________________ _____________________ Parent SignatureDate 6
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