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Tally.ERP 9 for Transport Management

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Presentation on theme: "Tally.ERP 9 for Transport Management"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tally.ERP 9 for Transport Management

2 Agenda Transport Management –An Overview
How Transport Management Operations are Structured Tally.ERP 9 for Transport Management Business Process Flow Primary Requirement- Hence Opportunity Tally.ERP 9- Fitment

3 Transport Management –An Overview
Accounts/MIS Reports Truck/Vehicle Management Goods delivery Management Garage/Stores Management

4 How Transport Management Operations are Structured

5 Transport Management –Truck/Vehicle Management
An Overview Accounts/MIS Reports Truck/Vehicle Management Goods delivery Management Garage/Stores Management

6 Primary Requirement-Vehicle/Truck Management - Hence Opportunities
Category/Module Major Requirement Explanation Vehicle / Truck Management Managing own and hired vehicle Depending on the requirement of consignee, the transport agency will arrange their own vehicle or hired vehicle. Managing own vehicle and hired vehicle information such as, drivers details , hired vehicle details, own vehicle details, vehicle destination management, vehicle wise petrol and diesel consumption, tracking the advance paid to drivers etc., are very important. Transport company will pay the rent to hired vehicle company against the agreed terms. Manage the vehicle information Creation of vehicle master with the complete information like , vehicle number, owned or hired, owner name, type, engine, chaises no, model no, insurance, permit number, home tax due date etc.

7 Tally.ERP 9 Fitment- Vehicle/ Truck Management
SL NO Requirement Tally.ERP 9 Customisation/ Integration 1 Vehicle master creation Yes 2 Manage vehicle database 3 Manage road tax information 4 Manage home tax information 5 Track the vehicle with vehicle number 6 Consignee master creation 7 Vehicle owner name (Hired) 8 Vehicle type details 9 Vehicle engine and chaises no information 10 Vehicle model details 11 Vehicle database 12 Drivers master creation 13 Drivers database management 14 Transporters database management 15 Area-wise consignee management

8 Transport Management –Goods Delivery Management
An Overview Accounts/MIS Reports Truck/Vehicle Management Goods delivery Management Garage/Stores Management

9 Process Flow- Goods Delivery Management

10 Primary Requirement- Goods Delivery Management- Hence Opportunities
Category/Module Major Requirement Explanation Goods Delivery Management Lorry receipt (LR) LR generation is the major requirement for the transporter. The LR should contain the complete information like truck/vehicle number, driver name, DL number, truck in date and time, out time, destination, ICDN (invoice cum delivery number), W.B (weigh bridge) information, name of the item, quantity, rate, advance amount paid to driver, etc. Log sheet management Against each Lorry receipt (LR) , the transporter will have to update the log sheet which contains petrol quantity consumed , IOC (Indian Oil Corporation) cost, other expenses like extra diesel filled by the driver, oil/ grease cost, toll tax ,amount paid to RTO/PC, miscellaneous expenses, repairs, running KM etc.

11 Tally.ERP 9 Fitment- Goods Delivery Management
SL NO Requirement Tally.ERP 9 Customisation/ Integration 1 Manage drivers database Yes 2 Generate the delivery order 3 Generate the lorry receipt (LR) 4 Manage the destinations masters 5 Create different price levels (Associations, Markets) 6 LR summary 7 Pending delivery order report 8 Driver-wise productivity analysis 9 Sales order management 10 Log sheet management 11 Fuel consumption management 12 Vehicle-wise analysis 13 Consignee-wise analysis 14 Drivers wages management 15 Manage the conveyance expenses 16 Display rate and balance amount in fright memo Contd..

12 Tally.ERP 9 Fitment- Goods Delivery Management
SL NO Requirement Tally.ERP 9 Customisation/ Integration 17 Invoice cancellation Yes 18 Multiple destination delivery management 19 Vehicle-wise performance report 20 Quotation/ Proposal generation 21 Specify number and kind of packages 22 Manage the toll charges 23 Manage the other delivery expenses 24 Generate proposals 25 Convert the proposals to orders and invoice

13 Transport Management –Garage/Stores Management
An Overview Accounts/MIS Reports Truck/Vehicle Management Goods delivery Management Garage/Stores Management

14 Primary Requirement- Garage/Stores Management - Hence Opportunities
Category/Module Major Requirement Explanation Garage/ Stores Management Inventory Management The company will have to maintain a separate register for managing the inventory for the vehicles. This includes the tyre purchase and issue, spare parts purchases, oil purchases and issue etc. Also, need to keep a track on retread tyre and usage, scraped tyre, spare sales etc. Tyre register The tyre register should contain the complete information related to the tyre. For example the tyre number, tyre make, tyre type, tyre company, name of vendor, bill no, bill date, bill value, date of Mfg., issued to truck number, issued date, opening KM, closing KM, Total KM, date of removal, date of retreading, date of scrap, scrap value etc.

15 Tally.ERP 9 Fitment- Garage/ Stores Management
SL NO Requirement Tally.ERP 9 Customisation/ Integration 1 Supplier database management Yes 2 Categorization of suppliers 3 Tyre master creation 4 Other spare parts master creation 5 Lubricant master creation 6 Purchase of tyre 7 Tyre retreading management 8 Purchase of other spare parts and lubricants 9 Allotment of tyre and other spare parts to vehicles 10 Transfer of tyre and spare parts to different branches 11 Scraped tyre management 12 Store register 13 Tyre register 14 Purchase orders 15 Re-order status Contd..

16 Tally.ERP 9 Fitment- Garage/ Stores Management
SL NO Requirement Tally.ERP 9 Customisation/ Integration 16 Third party stock item in hand information Yes 17 Stock at third party location information 18 Stock summary 19 Godown management 20 Item movement analysis 21 Purchases bill pending 22 Purchase orders pending 23 Physical stock register 24 Vehicle repair cost management

17 Transport Management –Accounts/ MIS Reports
An Overview Accounts/MIS Reports Truck/Vehicle Management Goods delivery Management Garage/Stores Management

18 Tally.ERP 9 Fitment- Accounts & MIS Reports
SL NO Requirement Tally.ERP 9 Customisation/ Integration 1 Generate Invoice Yes 2 Generate purchase orders 3 Enable cheque printing 4 Bank reconciliation 5 Receipts and payments 6 Reminder letters 7 Confirmation of accounts 8 Outstanding receivable 9 Outstanding payables 10 Profit and loss account 11 Balance sheet 12 Statutory compliances 13 Payroll management 14 Trial balance 15 Cash/ bank books

19 Tally.ERP 9 Fitment- Accounts & MIS Reports
SL NO Requirement Tally.ERP 9 Customisation/ Integration 16 Group summary Yes 17 Area-wise group summary 18 Sales register 19 Purchase register 20 Stock transfer register 21 Movement analysis 22 Sales order outstanding report 23 Cash/fund flow 24 Overdue receivables report 25 Overdue payable report 26 Post dated cheques 27 LR summary 28 Truck-destination wise analysis 29 Truck-wise analysis 30 Consignee-wise analysis

20 Tally.ERP 9 Fitment- Accounts & MIS Reports
SL NO Requirement Tally.ERP 9 Customisation/ Integration 31 Driver-wise analysis Yes 32 Store register 33 Tyre register 34 Spares and oil register 35 Driver log sheet 36 Trip-wise performance report

21 Thank You For any queries please contact :- Visit :

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