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Pierre-Simon Laplace. Content Life of Laplace Carrier Articles Laplace Transform Inverse Laplace Transform Basic Laplace Transform Pairs Z- Transform.

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Presentation on theme: "Pierre-Simon Laplace. Content Life of Laplace Carrier Articles Laplace Transform Inverse Laplace Transform Basic Laplace Transform Pairs Z- Transform."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pierre-Simon Laplace

2 Content Life of Laplace Carrier Articles Laplace Transform Inverse Laplace Transform Basic Laplace Transform Pairs Z- Transform

3 Life of Laplace French mathematician and astronomer 23 March 1749 – 5 March 1827 Support of neighbors for education Contact with D’Alembert Supporting young mathematicians (Biot)

4 Carrier Studying on theorems of Lagrange, Leipzig – Lagrange:Theoretical mathematic – Laplace: Physics and mathematics Book: “Théorie Analytique des Probabilités” Elected to acedemy Ministry of the Interior(to beat Newton)

5 Articles Wrote 13 scientific articles – Implementation of integral calculation to differential equations – Implementation to games of chance – Calculation of integrals in undefined points – Geometry and astronomy First article: Recherces sur les maxima et minima des lignes courbes – New perspective to Euler’s boundary value problems

6 Laplace Transform Related to fourier transform Solving differential and integral equations – Fourier transform: express a function as a series of frequencies – Laplace transform: resolves a function into its moments.

7 Laplace Transform Used integral transform with many applications in physics and engineering – Electric circuits – Harmonic oscillators – Optical devices – Mechanical systems s is a complex number

8 Inverse Laplace Transform Various name for inverse laplace transform – Bromwich integral – Fourier-Mellin integral – Mellin’s inverse formula y is a real number


10 Z-transform Simply the Laplace transform of an ideally sampled signal with the substitution of where T = 1/f s is the sampling period and f s is the sampling rate The Laplace transform of the sampled signal is with the substitution of z → e sT we have z-transform

11 What we know is not much. What we do not know is immense.

12 References 11/pierre-de-laplace-hayat-ve-olaslklar.html 11/pierre-de-laplace-hayat-ve-olaslklar.html laplace-kimdir-laplace-nin-hayati-ve- basarilari/12930952 laplace-kimdir-laplace-nin-hayati-ve- basarilari/12930952 Simon_Laplace Simon_Laplace m m


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