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Washington State Department of Ecology King County Department of Natural Resources Ecology - Presentation for Salish Sea Conference - 10/25/2011 - Preliminary.

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Presentation on theme: "Washington State Department of Ecology King County Department of Natural Resources Ecology - Presentation for Salish Sea Conference - 10/25/2011 - Preliminary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Washington State Department of Ecology King County Department of Natural Resources Ecology - Presentation for Salish Sea Conference - 10/25/2011 - Preliminary Results

2 What will be covered …  Background on the Puget Sound Toxics Loading Analysis  Key Elements of the Assessment Report Sources Loading and Pathways Hazard Evaluation  Approach to Prioritizing Near-Term Actions Ecology - Presentation for Salish Sea Conference - 10/25/2011 - Preliminary Results

3 Puget Sound Toxics Loading Analysis (PSTLA) The overall goal of PSTLA … … is to provide scientific information that will help guide decisions about how to best to direct and prioritize resources and strategies for controlling toxic chemicals in the Puget Sound basin. Ecology - Presentation for Salish Sea Conference - 10/25/2011 - Preliminary Results

4 Phased approach Ecology - Presentation for Salish Sea Conference - 10/25/2011 - Preliminary Results Initial estimates and data gaps (2007) Surface runoff Atmospheric deposition Wastewater discharges Combined sewer overflows Spills to marine waters  best available information Improved load estimates (2008-2010) Surface runoff Wastewater discharges Ocean data T-BiOS Sediment-Biota Flux  Data and models Targeting priority toxics sources (2008-2011) LOADING STUDIES Surface runoff Atmospheric deposition Wastewater discharges Ocean exchange Groundwater Pelagic Food Web PPCPs in WWTPs Primary Sources  Field Data and models

5 Toxic Chemicals in Puget Sound  Where do they come from?  How much is being delivered?  What delivery pathways contribute to the loading?  What is the relative toxic hazard posed by these chemicals at observed concentrations? Ecology - Presentation for Salish Sea Conference - 10/25/2011 - Preliminary Results

6 Chemicals of Concern Metals Halogenated OrganicsOther Organics ArsenicPCBsPAHs CadmiumPBDEsDEHP CopperDioxins/FuransTriclopyr Lead DDT Nonylphenol MercuryPetroleum Zinc Ecology - Presentation for Salish Sea Conference - 10/25/2011 - Preliminary Results


8 Toxic Chemicals in Puget Sound Where do they come from? Ecology - Presentation for Salish Sea Conference - 10/25/2011 - Preliminary Results

9 Primary Sources  Initial Releases from Sources Preliminary Estimates Anthropogenic Releases Ongoing Releases  Does Not include: Natural Sources Legacy Pollution Pathways Ecology - Presentation for Salish Sea Conference - 10/25/2011 - Preliminary Results

10 Total Annual Releases (t)  Petroleum 10,000  Zinc 1,000  Lead 500  Total PAH 300  Copper 200  Triclopyr 100  DEHP 40  Total PCB 2  Cadmium1  Arsenic0.8  Total PBDE0.7  Mercury0.5  Nonylphenol0.2  Dioxins/Furans0.00001 Ecology - Presentation for Salish Sea Conference - 10/25/2011 - Preliminary Results

11 PAH Releases

12 Ecology - Presentation for Salish Sea Conference - 10/25/2011 - Preliminary Results Copper Releases

13 Toxic Chemicals in Puget Sound How much is being delivered? What delivery pathways contribute to the loading? Ecology - Presentation for Salish Sea Conference - 10/25/2011 - Preliminary Results

14 Total Annual Loads (t)  Petroleum 330 - 550  Zinc140 - 240  Copper 33 - 80  Arsenic 14 - 25  Lead 4 - 12  DEHP 2 - 3  Total PAH 0.2 - 1  Triclopyr 0.6 – 0.7  Cadmium 0.05 – 0.5  Mercury 0.1 – 0.4  Total PBDE0.03 – 0.05  Nonylphenol 0.02  Total DDT0.002 – 0.03  Total PCB0.003 – 0.02  Dioxins/Furans NA Ecology - Presentation for Salish Sea Conference - 10/25/2011 - Preliminary Results

15 POTWs Surface Runoff Atmos. Dep. Ground Water As Cd Cu Pb Hg Zn

16 Ecology - Presentation for Salish Sea Conference - 10/25/2011 - Preliminary Results POTWs Surface Runoff Atmos. Dep. Ground Water PCBs PBDE DDT DEHP LPAH HPAH cPAH Total PAH

17 Toxic Chemicals in Puget Sound What is the relative toxic hazard posed by these chemicals at observed concentrations? Ecology - Presentation for Salish Sea Conference - 10/25/2011 - Preliminary Results

18 Hazard Evaluation  Media/Receptors: Surface Water Sediments Tissue Residue Wildlife Human Health  Compared Observed Concentrations (90 th Percentile) to Thresholds  “Priority 1” if Observed (90 th %ile ) Exceeds Threshold Ecology - Presentation for Salish Sea Conference - 10/25/2011 - Preliminary Results




22 No Overlap: Priority 2 Level of Concern

23 Ecology - Presentation for Salish Sea Conference - 10/25/2011 - Preliminary Results

24 Overlap: Priority 1 Level of Concern

25 Hazard Evaluation – Priority 1 COCs Surface Water Sediments Tissue Residue Wildlife Human Health CopperArsenicPCBsMercuryPCBs MercuryCadmiumPCBsPCDD/Fs ZincCopperPCDD/FsDDT PCBsMercuryDDTPAHs DDTZincDEHP PCBs PAHs DEHP Ecology - Presentation for Salish Sea Conference - 10/25/2011 - Preliminary Results Not Analyzed: PBDEs Triclopyr Petroleum

26 Prioritizing Near-Term Actions Priority 1 Hazard for at least two categories Large Opportunity for Source Control Substantial Loading to Puget Sound Ecology - Presentation for Salish Sea Conference - 10/25/2011 - Preliminary Results

27 COCs and Sources for Near-Term Actions  Copper Urban and Agricultural Pesticides  Roof Runoff Copper and Zinc ○ Phthalates and Cadmium  PAHs Creosote treated Wood Woodstoves Vehicle Emissions  Petroleum Motor Oil Drips and Leaks Minor Gasoline Spillage at Pump Marine Engine Oil and Gas Leaks Ecology - Presentation for Salish Sea Conference - 10/25/2011 - Preliminary Results

28 Lessons Learned  Stay Goal-Oriented What is most important information to have? Provides direction for approach  Natural Sources and Legacy Contribution Mass balance  Expand List of Chemicals Addressed Approach from effects perspective? Ecology - Presentation for Salish Sea Conference - 10/25/2011 - Preliminary Results

29 Drew Ackerman Joel Baker Josh Baldi Robert Black Jon Butcher Jim Cowles Michael Cox Jay Davis Karen Dinicola Rob Duff Joan Hardy Lon Kissinger Andrew Kolosseus Carol Kraege Andrea LaTier Sandie O’Neill Anthony Paulson Charles Pitz Scott Redman Mindy Roberts Michael Rylko Nathaniel Scholz Randy Shuman Alex Stone Ken Stone Ian Wesley Jim West Primary Sources Project Team Holly Davies Jim Maroncelli Tanya Roberts Dave Serdar Assessment Project Team Jenée Colton Richard Jack Deb Lester Dale Norton Dave Serdar Thanks to:

30 This work was funded largely through an EPA National Estuary Program Grant Ecology - Presentation for Salish Sea Conference - 10/25/2011 - Preliminary Results

31 What’s Next?  Primary Sources and Assessment Reports will be available: ○ November 3, 2011  Washington State Department of Ecology Homepage ○ ○ Click on Saving Puget Sound Ecology - Presentation for Salish Sea Conference - 10/25/2011 - Preliminary Results

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