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Killer Pizza By Greg Taylor Prologue: Something Wicked Run! Don’t look back! Just run!!! Charging through the dark woods, Chelsea Travers was already.

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2 Killer Pizza By Greg Taylor

3 Prologue: Something Wicked Run! Don’t look back! Just run!!! Charging through the dark woods, Chelsea Travers was already exhausted from running. She was also barefoot and unable to see more than a few feet in front of her, thanks to the dense canopy of trees overhead that prevented the moonlight from penetrating to the forest floor. Added up, three pretty big strikes against the fifteen-year-old, considering that she was running for her life. “Help! Someone, please….HELP ME!”

4 Even as Chelsea cried out for help, she knew it was a stretch to think someone might hear her, way out here in the woods. But the words had suddenly burst out of her, as though she had no control over them. You’re losin’ it, Chelsea thought as she ran between the trees. You’re totally losin’ it! You have to keep it together. Or else you’re dead! Admitting the unthinkable to herself-that she might not get out of these woods alive-gave Chelsea a well-needed burst of adrenaline. She leaped over a fallen tree trunk, shot a wild glance over her shoulder, then continued her mad dash through the woods.

5 Thoughts buzzed in and out of Chelsea’s brain as she ran. What were you thinking, walking home alone through the woods at twelve o’clock at night? Shoulda gone home with Lenny. So what if he was being a jerk, as usual? What is this thing chasing me, anyway?! More than anything, that’s what had Chelsea so off-the-rails-I- can’t-believe-this-is-happening terrified. The not knowing what was chasing her through the woods. The sudden snarling bursts, which shattered the nighttime silence behind her, obviously pointed to an animal of some sort. But Chelsea was certain she had glimpsed the thing on two legs as it ran after her. What kind of animal ran on two legs?

6 Suddenly, up ahead…a road! Chelsea couldn’t believe her luck when she saw the ribbon of worn asphalt through the trees. She slapped aside branches as she sprinted for the two-laner, her heart pounding from fear and fatigue and I-just-might-make-it optimism. But when Chelsea broke from the woods, she stumbled on the uneven terrain between the trees and the ground. Slowly pulling herself to her feet, Chelsea limped to the middle of the road. To her right, darkness. To her left, at the bottom of a long hill...the red and blue lights of a gas station. Civilization! But never had civilization felt so far away. Chelsea began a slow, hopeful, hobbled jog down the hill, carefully scanning the woods as she went. She hadn’t gone very far before a searing flash of pain exploded in the back of her thigh.

7 Screaming in surprise-she hadn’t heard even a whisper of warning that something was behind her-Chelsea whirled to defend herself. Her eyes widened when she saw what was standing in the middle of the road, towering over her. The light from the gas station wasn’t bright enough to illuminate the huge thing’s features, but it was obvious to Chelsea that she wasn’t looking at any kind of animal. Not one she’d ever seen before, anyway. What is that? Chelsea wondered, her head suddenly spinning. She felt like she’d been injected with some kind of sedative. As much as she urged herself to fight, to run, to do something to get away from the silent, bizarre creature that had bitten her, all Chelsea could do was sink to both knees. She was going fast and she knew it. The next thing she knew she was lying on the asphalt road, still warm from the hot June sun that had set three hours earlier.

8 The creature stepped toward Chelsea, its foot filling her fuzzy-and quickly fading-field of vision. Bare feet. Long, deformed toes. And…what was that, a toe ring? Is that what Chelsea was seeing? Strange… That was Chelsea’s confused last thought. Then her eyes closed and her world shut down.

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