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District Information Session For the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

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Presentation on theme: "District Information Session For the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act."— Presentation transcript:

1 District Information Session For the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

2 Agenda Items Today we’re going to talk about: The Money The Process The Rules

3 The Money Indiana has received $658M $460M for State road and bridge and TE projects $198M for use on Local road and bridge and TE projects Group I MPO: $84,898,430 Group II MPO: $26,347,789 Cities, towns and counties with population under 200K (not in MPO): $86,144,093

4 The Money ARRA Limitation Funding award based upon contract bid amount. Change orders and cost overruns will not be permitted PE and R/W costs are not eligible $3 million maximum per community outside MPO jurisdiction

5 The Process Submitting Projects: MPOs will determine their own project awards The are no sub-category requirements Cities/Towns under 200K population projects will be submitted directly to INDOT All Projects will be reviewed on a first come first serve basis

6 The Process Environmental and right-of-way documents, as required, can then be submitted to the appropriate district office for certification Final plans with all information required for bidding shall be submitted to District Project Manager for review.

7 The Process Construction Inspection LPAs may select a consultant through traditional Consultant Selection Process for Preventative Maintenance and Safety Projects INDOT will provide a district-wide Construction Inspection contract. LPAs may utilize this contract or chose their own consultant through the Consultant Selection Process

8 The Process District Project Manager will time stamp the plans and the project is then entered into the queue for funding Approval of final plans does NOT guarantee funding District will forward plans to Central Office for final verification and funding award. If funding is approved, project will be placed on first available letting Detailed project programming steps will be provided at a later date

9 The Process Additional Submittal Requirements: Inspection Report Representative photographs Age of last treatment Functional Classification Explanation of how proposed treatment meets criteria Certified by Professional Engineer Design Data if available As-Built for UBWC or HMA single lift ARRA also requires other reports

10 The Process Date to Remember Complete and accurate bid packages must be in District Offices 10 weeks prior to desired letting date. RFC Date:Letting Date March 11May 20 March 25June 3 April 15June 24 May 20July 29 June 17August 26 July 15September 23 August 12October 21

11 The Rules Project Eligibility Projects must meet federal requirements Title 23 Federal requirements including all standard environmental and right-of-way clearances Existing project must move forward across state and federal fiscal year boundaries to be eligible for stimulus funds. LPA whose project is advanced has 45 days from ARRA funding selection to backfill with another project (or projects).

12 The Rules Project Eligibility Road – must be on-system All Arterials Urban Collectors Rural major Collector Preventative Maintenance criteria

13 The Rules Preventative Maintenance Pavement: PCCP patching PCCP joint sealing PCCP profiling/retexturing Asphalt: Chip and Seal Crack Sealing Ultra-thin bonded wearing course Microsurfacing Single lift asphalt overlay ADA compliance required in urban areas where curb currently exists for single lift asphalt overlay or above

14 The Rules Bridges: Deck Overlays (Preventative Maintenance) On-system Cannot be posted for weight Bridge Ratings – see criteria Bridge Painting (Preventative Maintenance On-system Cannot be scheduled for replacement Bridge ratings – see criteria

15 The Rules Bridges (continued) Deck Replacements On or off-system Cannot be posted for weight Bridge Ratings – see criteria Replacement/Rehabilitations Traditional eligibility – see Procedures for Local Federal Aid Projects at

16 The Rules Local Transportation Enhancement TE projects will also be reviewed on a first come, first served basis These projects will follow conventional eligibility requirements: htt:// bs/TransportationEnhancementGuide.pdf Eligibility of the projects must be confirmed prior to project package submission

17 The Rules Safety Projects: On or off-system These project types are highly encouraged: System-wide sign upgrades, pavement markings, horizontal curve treatments, guardrail and/or ADA compliancy Criteria and process are still under development See

18 Questions?

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