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Bobby Sands went on a hunger strike and died to protest British rule in Northern Ireland.

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Presentation on theme: "Bobby Sands went on a hunger strike and died to protest British rule in Northern Ireland."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bobby Sands went on a hunger strike and died to protest British rule in Northern Ireland

2 “The Troubles” in Northern Ireland

3 Geography of Ireland: - A country tucked away in the Northwestern part of Europe -It rarely snows in Ireland because of the GULF STREAM Geography of Ireland: - A country tucked away in the Northwestern part of Europe -It rarely snows in Ireland because of the GULF STREAM

4 EARLY IRISH HISTORY 4 th century- St. Patrick converts the population to the Roman Catholic Religion 11 th century England conquers the island 1608- Protestant Scottish settlers are encouraged to emigrate to Ireland. The land is taken from the Irish and given to them. These “Scotch-Irish” are loyal to Great Britain to this day. 4 th century- St. Patrick converts the population to the Roman Catholic Religion 11 th century England conquers the island 1608- Protestant Scottish settlers are encouraged to emigrate to Ireland. The land is taken from the Irish and given to them. These “Scotch-Irish” are loyal to Great Britain to this day.


6 A serious POTATO BLIGHT struck the island in the 1840’s. Most of Ireland relied on this vegetable. What was the effect on Ireland?

7 Massive famine and starvation I’m so hungry Mom! Lord help us; the British sure won’t

8 The British offered food to the peasants if the Catholics would change their religion. Stop being Catholic and we’ll give you some of this food!!!

9 Irish Catholic peasants were victims of a BRITISH GENOCIDE- many died, thousands left their cabins to come to AMERICA in the 1850’s and 1860’s. There is a better place to be...

10 But still from near and far to seek America, they came by thousands to court the wild And she just patiently smiled and bore them a child To be their spirit and guiding light. What event in American history occurred in 1860? And that place is America!

11 The EASTER REBELLION occurred in 1916 as Irish rebels tried to drive the British out. The rebellion failed and 7 Irish leaders were executed

12 Give Ireland back to the Irish, Don’t make them have to take it away. Give Ireland back to the Irish, Make Ireland Irish today. Give Ireland back to the Irish, Don’t make them have to take it away. Give Ireland back to the Irish, Make Ireland Irish today. The British negotiated a treaty in 1921 to split the island into two countries: a Catholic IRISH FREE STATE in the south and mostly Protestant ULSTER, or NORTHERN IRELAND, which remained part of GREAT BRITAIN. Michael Collins was the Irish Prime Minister.

13 Religious Divisions Diary

14 Over one third of the Ulster’s population is Catholic. Many feel discriminated against by the Protestant majority. In 1972, Catholics attempted to march through DERRY to protest INTERNMENT. The result was Bloody Sunday.

15 Death toll: 13 Catholics

16 At one time, there were 3,000 British troops in Ulster sent to keep the peace.

17 Terms you should know: IRA - IRISH REPUBLICAN ARMY(terrorist group)supporting the Republican cause Terms you should know: IRA - IRISH REPUBLICAN ARMY(terrorist group)supporting the Republican cause UVF UVF - Ulster Volunteer Force (Protestant terror group) INTERNMENT -the policy of detaining someone without trial SINN FEIN ( pronounced “SHIN FANE”)- the legal political party of the IRA Transubstantiation The Catholic doctrine of changing of bread and wine into the body and blood of God

18 Hundreds of nationalists were arbitrarily imprisoned without charge or trial, beaten and tortured, and retained in Long Kesh camp, a former British army airfield.


20 Bobby Sands had just been elected to Parliament, from his prison cell! Other hunger strikers followed

21 The IRA strikes targets in England too

22 On August 15, 1998, a bomb went off in Omagh, Ireland. It killed 29 and wounded 200 innocent people.

23 Scenes from the Omagh bombing and from life under British rule

24 Song: Luck of the Irish by John Lennon and his wife Yoko



27 Man being arrested

28 Soldier on patrol

29 Police tower

30 Boy with plastic bullet

31 Pro-British graffiti



34 Anti-Riot Vehicle

35 Why the hell are the British there anyway? As they kill with God on their side Blame it all on the kids and the IRA As the Bastards commit genocide

36 If you had the luck of the Irish You would be sorry and wish you were dead You should have the luck of the Irish As you would wish you was English instead Yes you would wish you were English instead





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