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WANTS. Why study history? It teaches you how and why the world came to be as it is today. History asks ‘how did things get to be this way.’ History deals.

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Presentation on theme: "WANTS. Why study history? It teaches you how and why the world came to be as it is today. History asks ‘how did things get to be this way.’ History deals."— Presentation transcript:


2 Why study history? It teaches you how and why the world came to be as it is today. History asks ‘how did things get to be this way.’ History deals with big issues e.g. racism, power, war, politics, discrimination & terrorism It is very INTERESTING!! To develop the TRANSFERABLE SKILLS employers want I study history because I am interested in the future!

3 History. Employers value The skills that are taught within the subject are very useful in work, study and life.

4 How to analyse information. How to make sense of what you see on the news. Written skills How to produce an argument worth listening to! Research skills. History teaches us about our past, so that we understand the world we live in now… We can learn from the mistakes that people have made in the past - AND from the successes! History helps you to understand how and why change comes about. How to interpret information. How to recognise links between causes and effects.

5 History is important for many careers. A History qualification proves to employers and colleges that you have excellent written skills, can process information and that you are capable of independent research and thought. This is extremely important for students who wish to secure a good career. There are many exciting careers that History can lead onto… History is important for many careers. A History qualification proves to employers and colleges that you have excellent written skills, can process information and that you are capable of independent research and thought. This is extremely important for students who wish to secure a good career. There are many exciting careers that History can lead onto… Sacha Baron Cohen (Ali G, Borat): Comedian Gordon Brown: Prime Minister Ed Simons: The Chemical Brothers Louis Theroux: Broadcaster

6 History related jobs.... Museum/gallery worker Archaeologist Teacher Journalist/reporter PoliticianBanking Librarian Archivist Historian Lawyer/ barrister TV/media Tourist industry

7 History + English could lead to a career in : Writing historical fiction

8 History + Maths, Business or IT could lead to a career in : Management Research Admin Entrepreneurship

9 History + Science or Geography could lead to a career in : Travel Medicine Archaeology

10 History + Drama or Music could lead to a career in : Historical Film Historical TV Historical Theatre

11 History + Art or Textiles could lead to a career in : Auctions Restoration Projects Museums Historical costume/ set design


13 Paper 1: 45% of course mark Depth Study Germany 1918 - 1945 The Weimar Republic - successes and failures. The rise of Hitler and the Nazis. Life in Germany under Hitler: The Economy Propaganda Nazi control Education and Youth The role of Women The Jews

14 Paper 1: The Cold War 1945 – 1975 Yalta and Potsdam conferences Spread of Communism across E. Europe Case studies: The Cuban Missile Crisis The Vietnam War

15 Paper 2 Source based paper (30%) How was British Society changed 1890-1918? The Liberal Reforms Votes for Women The effect of the Great War on Britain

16 Controlled Assessment (25%) – 8 hours The USA 1917 - 1941: Boom and Bust Roosevelt and The New Deal



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