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A|D|S Briefing MIRA 26 November 2009. Topics IntroductionDefence and Security Sectors A|D|S and the mergerWhat A|D|S does Questions.

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Presentation on theme: "A|D|S Briefing MIRA 26 November 2009. Topics IntroductionDefence and Security Sectors A|D|S and the mergerWhat A|D|S does Questions."— Presentation transcript:

1 A|D|S Briefing MIRA 26 November 2009

2 Topics IntroductionDefence and Security Sectors A|D|S and the mergerWhat A|D|S does Questions

3 About Me Air Defence missile gunner (Germany/MoD). Commanded Hebrides Ranges. DPA, Abbey Wood:  1998 - PM IGBAD  NBC IPTL 2001-5 DESO 2005-2008. Left the Army in April 2008 and joined the DMA.

4 Defence Sector Employs over 300,000 people in the UK. Annual equipment spend £12bn (£5bn Exports). 1.5% of UK Exports.  (telecoms 1%, pharmaceutical 2%, cars 3%) 50% of aerospace, 40% of shipbuilding and electronics.

5 Security Sector Growing Sector. Asymmetric Threats. >£1.5Bn Business. >£0.5Bn Exports. Excellence of British Policing. Counter Terrorist and CBRN Expertise.

6 Brand Transition

7 Governance Structure


9 Trade Association Member-based. Specific entry criteria. Not for profit. Not a charity. Roles:  Represent members.  Provide products and services.

10 Membership Two third manufacturers, one third service providers. Membership bands cost based on UK relevant turnover. Currently over 850 companies are members:  Smallest to largest.

11 Funding Streams Membership subscriptions. Income from events. In Defence, we make it easy for the MoD to work with Industry outside of a formal contract. UOR Day example.

12 UOR Day

13 Products and Services - 1 Do not market Members’ products and do not advertise them. We assist Members to market their own products and get the best out of the marketplace by:  Special Interest Groups.  Events (international/national), networking, specialist briefing, supply chain, etc.

14 Products and Services - 2  Specialist advice (eg EGAD – Export Group for Aerospace & Defence).  Links with other overseas TAs.  Representation and influencing.  Media support.  Professional communications channels.  Register and website.  Help and advice.

15 Questions

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