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Annual General Meeting October 16, 2007. Call to Order I now call this meeting to order.

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Presentation on theme: "Annual General Meeting October 16, 2007. Call to Order I now call this meeting to order."— Presentation transcript:

1 Annual General Meeting October 16, 2007

2 Call to Order I now call this meeting to order

3 Welcome Everyone … Point Grey Campus Those on webcast: Children’s & Women’s Hospital VGH St. Paul’s Robson Square UBC-Okanagan

4 1. Call to Order 12:05 2. Acceptance of the Agenda 3. Approval of the Minutes of October 17, 2006 4. President’s Report a) Welcome to those here and on the Web-cast b) Recognition of Outgoing Board Members c) Volunteer Recognition d) Year in Review e) Appointment of Permanent Executive Director 5. Executive Director’s Report a) Priorities for the Coming Year b) Welcome new Member Services Officer: Karin Wills c) Financial Update (First quarter to Sept. 30, 2007) 6. Financial Issues a) Approval of Financial Statements as of June 30, 2007 year end. b) Motion to transfer surplus into Reserve Funds. c) Appointment of the Auditor 7. Committee Reports a) Advocacy b) Member Professional Development c) Communications 8. Election of Officers for the Coming Year 9. Adjournment Agenda

5 Acceptance of the Agenda Motion:  “To adopt the agenda as presented.”

6 Adoption of the Minutes Motion adopting the minutes of the last AGM.  “To accept the minutes of the last fall annual general meeting of October 17, 2006.”

7 President’s Report: Barbara Crocker a) Recognition of Outgoing Board Members b) Volunteer Recognition c) The Year in Review d) Appointment of Permanent Executive Director

8 Outgoing Board Members Wendy Ma Tina Chiao

9 Volunteers

10 The Year in Review 1. Salaries Arbitration 2. IRP Governance & Tax Issues 3. 1% Fund and Benefits 4. Lease for AAPS Offices 5. Mandatory Retirement Agreement 6. Many dozens of Advocacy Issues 7. Executive Director Appointment

11 Executive Director’s Report: David Harvey  Thanks to Staff & Volunteers  Welcome new Member Services Officer: Karin Wills  Priorities for the Coming Year  Financial Update (First quarter July 1, 2007 to Sept. 30, 2007)

12 Thank-you – AAPS Staff Michael David Sharon Petra

13 Thank-you Volunteers

14 Welcome Karin Wills Member Services Officer: PD & Communications Karin Wills, M.A. CHRP

15 Priorities for This Year IRP Governance & Plan Design Salary Surveys Pension Improvements Update 3-yr Plan New Premises Advocacy Communications Member Professional Development

16 IRP: Governance & Design Governance: a new structure is needed where those paying have control. Design: we will look carefully at the plan design and consider:  Best services eg. Partial disability coverage  Risk and prudent premiums

17 Salary Surveys Arbitration eliminated “internal equity” We now survey family by family Wrote UBC requesting surveys Good news! HR is requesting budget $$

18 Pension Improvements Changes planned by Pensions Board Make the plan more fair for all We will be examining the plan and consulting with our members … a good retirement plan …

19 Update the 3-Year Plan Where do we want to be? What services are required? How should we be organized to provide those services?

20 New Premises We will need a new home Prudent to resolve this with UBC in 2008 Don’t want to go into 2009 without knowing where we will be located

21 Advocacy Priorities Improve reporting for Board & Members Strengthen training of Committee

22 Communications On the Radar: 6 issues Annual Report: more eco-friendly Website updates: most useful for members

23 Member P.D. Strengthen the Program Complement & supplement what UBC offers More on this from the Committee Chair

24 1 st Quarter Financial Update Revenues:  26% of budget Expenses:  19% of budget Growing membership

25 Membership Growth Insert member growth chart here

26 Financial Issues Report: Edward Hung, Treasurer 1. Approval of Financial Statements as of June 30, 2006 year end. 2. Motion to transfer surplus into Reserve Funds. 3. Appointment of the Auditor

27 Motion #1: Approval of 2006/07 Audited Statements Motion to approve the audited financial statements as submitted:  Be it resolved to approve the Association’s 2006-07 audited financial statements as presented.






33 Motion #2: Transfer to Reserve Funds “Be it resolved to transfer the 2006- 2007 operating surplus of $134,233 into the reserve funds as follows:  $66,713 to bring the dissolution fund to its target of $250,000; and  $67,520 to the contingency reserve fund.”

34 Motion #3: Appointment of Auditor for 2007 – 2008 Motion to approve re-appointment of Goosen & Associates:  “Be it resolved to appoint the firm of Goosen and Associates C.G.A. as the Association’s auditors for the 2007-08 fiscal year ending June 30, 2008.”

35 Committee Reports Advocacy Member P.D. Communications

36 Advocacy Report: Anne-Marie Fenger, Chair Training of Committee Reps Major Issues Process Success Rate

37 Advocacy Update: Training  June: Joint Training with HR Managers & Advisors  July: Training of Advocacy Reps at UBC-O  Jan. & May: Attendance at Conferences  Coming Up: More Training for Reps at Point Grey Campus

38 Advocacy Update: The Major Issues Hours of Work Terminations Classification Pay Harassment Evaluations

39 AAPS Advocacy Issues to August 31, 2007 Category of Issue YTD # Issues Handled YTD # Resolved YTD # of Issues Remaining YTD # of Issues Grieved Hours of Work 422 Workload Overtime 0 Discipline 0 Terminations Cause 1 11 Terminations Without Cause 208121 Terminations Probation 422 Resignation/Retirement 220 Term Appointment Ends 110 Classification 532 Pay 1165 Bargaining Unit 0 Exclusions 1 11 Discrimination - 13 Grounds 1 1 Harassment - Personal 532 Work Environment 413 Reorganization 3301 Sick Leave 2 2 Leaves of Absence 330 Return-to-Work 211 Benefits 312 Evaluation Post -Prob'n 440 Evaluation Probation 211 Appointments 422 Service 1 1 Attendance 0 Interpretations General 523 TOTAL 8845434

40 Advocacy Update: Our Process Fair but firm advocacy for our members. Work with departments towards effective resolutions. Build relationships with HR.

41 Advocacy: Our Success Rate AAPS Grievance History 20032004200520062007 25947

42 Member P.D. Update: Jason Congdon, Chair Last Year: New Individual P.D. Fund Limit ($400) This Year:  Insert listing

43 Communications Update: Wendy Ma Annual Report 2006/067 On the Radar  2006/07: 5 Issues Improved the AAPS website Plans:  2007/08 Annual Report  Update orientation program

44 Election of Officers Michael Shepard will now chair the elections.

45 Elections Nomination Process to Date:  Board Nominating Committee  2 Calls for Nominations  Posting of Candidate Statements Election Process Today  President, VP’s, Secretary & Treasurer  Members-at-Large  Ballot Counts at 4 Sites

46 Candidates for President, 1 st & 2 nd VP, Treasurer and Secretary President: Bernice Urbaniak  Administrative Manager, School of Human Kinetics 1 st VP: Isabella Losinger  Program Manager, Health Care, Epidemiology 2 nd VP: George McLaughlin  Facilities Manager, Land & Building Services Secretary: Jason Congdon  Manager Promotions & Advertising, UBC Press Treasurer: Edward Hung  Senior Finance Manager, Industry Liason Office

47 Candidates for Member-at-Large Daryl Stowe  Project Coordinator, IT Services Anne-Marie Hague  Associate Director, Enrolment Services, UBC-O Jess Roebuck  Disability Advisor, UBC-O

48 Questions & Comments

49 Motion to Adjourn …

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