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Town of Ossining 2011 Preliminary Budget Presentation November 23, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Town of Ossining 2011 Preliminary Budget Presentation November 23, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Town of Ossining 2011 Preliminary Budget Presentation November 23, 2010

2 2 Budget Preparation January 1, 2011-December 31, 2011 Estimate forms prepared by Dept. Heads Tentative Budget must be submitted to Town Clerk by October 30 Adopt by December 20, 2010

3 3 What does the Town Budget consist of ? Town General Village of Ossining Village of Briarcliff Manor Unincorporated Area Special Districts (Town wide water, Light/Fire/Refuse, Ambulance & Sewer Districts)

4 4 Town General Services Town Justice Administration Financial/Comptroller Tax Collection & Assessment Town Clerk & Elections Senior Services Parks & Recreation, Facilities Maintenance Dale Cemetery

5 5 Unincorporated Area Services Police Department Building, Engineering, Planning & Zoning Stormwater Management Highway Department Refuse & Recycling Collection Ambulance Service Fire Protection Services

6 6 BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS 2010 General Fund Expenditures$4,843,653 2011 Proposed General Fund Expenditures$4,817,706 Decreased Expenditures Over Prior Year$(25,947) 2010 Unincorporated Fund Expenditures$6,178,032 2010 Proposed Unincorporated Fund Expenditures$5,767,830 Decreased Expenditures Over Prior Year$(410,202) 2011 Budget Highlights Established contingency accounts in Town General, Unincorporated Area and Highway Funds No Fund Balance appropriated for any fund Dale Cemetery Town General contribution decreased from $232,358 to $57,248 Established Six (6) year Capital Plan for all departments including proposed method of financing Taxable Assessed Value decreased -1.10% in Town Outside & -0.38% in Town General New York State Employees’ Retirement System: 43.45% increase Revenue Reductions Mortgage Tax Budgeted revenue decreased 11.5% (565,000 budgeted in 2010 to 500,000 in 2011) New York State Aid 10% decrease (165,000 budgeted in 2010 to $149,000 in 2011)

7 7 FACTS & FIGURES 2011 Proposed Town General Tax Rate $10.97 per thousand % decrease from 2010 -0.32 % decrease 2011 Proposed Unincorporated Area Tax Rate $96.70 per thousand % decrease from 2010 -9.62 % decrease Average Residential Tax Village of Briarcliff, Village of Ossining$258.12 decrease of $1.11 from Town Unincorporated General 2010 Town Unincorporated$2,048.72 decrease of $265.13 from 2010

8 8 Additional Services for Unincorporated Property Owners Refuse & Recycling, Fire Protection and Street Lighting is provided at an average cost of $485 per year per residential homeowner. Ambulance Service is provided at an average cost of $67 per year per residential homeowner. Sewer Service is provided at an average cost of $106 per year per residential homeowner. (excludes North State Road Sewer District debt)

9 9 Distribution of Property Taxes Unincorporated Area-Oss. School Percentage if Town Tax Rates were in effect for 2010 Tax Rates Townwide: 10.97 (2011) Unincorp. Twn: 96.70 (2011) County: 77.95 (2010) OUFSD: 392.49 (2010-2011) TOTAL: 578.11

10 10 Distribution of Property Taxes Village of Ossining-Oss. School Tax Rates Townwide: 10.97 (2011) Village of Oss. 168.90 (2011) County: 77.95 (2010) OUFSD: 392.49 (2010-2011) TOTAL: 650.31

11 11 Distribution of Property Taxes Village of Briarcliff-Briarcliff School Tax Rates Townwide: 10.97 (2011) Village of Briarcliff. 87.31 (2010-2011) County: 76.45 (2010) BMCSD: 385.70 (2010-2011) TOTAL: 560.43

12 12 Distribution of Property Taxes Village of Briarcliff-Oss. School Tax Rates Townwide: 10.97 (2011) Village of Briarcliff: 87.31 (2010-2011) County: 76.45 (2010) OUFSD: 392.49 (2010-2011) TOTAL: 567.22

13 13 General Fund Expenditures

14 14 Unincorporated Fund Expenditures

15 15 Town General Revenue

16 16 Unincorporated Area Revenue

17 17 Possible Transition Costs for Police Department - 1 st Quarter 2011 Town is currently negotiating contract with Westchester County for Police Services Possible additional expenses to administer TOS Police Department until contract is signed: January 2011: $97,254.99 February 2011: $30,999.47 March 2011: $46,241.17 TOTAL: 174,495.63 (the above expenses are in addition to the anticipated contractual amount for Westchester County

18 18 WORK SESSION DISCUSSIONS TENTATIVE VS. PRELIMINARY TOWN GENERAL EXPENDITURES Supervisor (1220) salary increase transferred to Veteran’s Budget $1,315.38 Justice Court (1110) transfer from constables to overtime$1,000.00 TOWN GENERAL REVENUES Fines and Forfeitures decreased from $115,000 to $110,000$(5,000) Tax Levy Change from Tentative Budget$5,000 Tax Levy Decrease Over Prior Year-0.15% TOWN OUTSIDE EXPENDITURES Building Department (3620) decreased constables$(500.00) HIGHWAY FUND EXPENDITURES Highway Department (5010) increased conference$500.00 Highway Machinery (5130) added longevity for Mechanic$500.00 Highway-Snow Removal (5142) transfer from Sand into Liquid Calcium$500.00 Tax Levy Change from Tentative Budget$500.00 Tax Levy Decrease Over Prior Year-9.62% (no change) **These changes do not reflect potential additions resulting from negotiations with Westchester County Police.

19 19 The Budget is now available on the web Visit us on the web @

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