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Guy Maréchal (Project architect) (Technical (Project coordinator) Prepared by: Guy Maréchal (Project architect)

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Presentation on theme: "Guy Maréchal (Project architect) (Technical (Project coordinator) Prepared by: Guy Maréchal (Project architect)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Guy Maréchal (Project architect) (Technical manager) (Project coordinator) Prepared by: Guy Maréchal (Project architect) Eric Lesage (Technical manager) Contacts: Michel Merten (Project coordinator) Jean-François Cosandier (Dissemination coordinator) Short presentation of memories IST project n°053500

2 1.Introduction 2.General context 3.Objectives of the project 4.Consortium Structure of the presentation

3 The MEMORIES project focuses on the SOUND media chain: 1.The improvement of the acquisition processes 2.The improvement of the retrieval processes 3.The definition of an “Open eXchange Format” based on standards, mainly the OAIS reference model (ISO 14 721) 4.The evaluation and validation by using a demonstrator fed with a large spectrum of domain of applications. 1. Introduction

4 Partners of the project: Sound Services:MEMNON (Project coordinator)Sound Services:MEMNON (Project coordinator) Users:Radio Suisse Romande (RSR)Users:Radio Suisse Romande (RSR) Norwegian Institute of Recorded Sound (NIRS) UNESCO 3.IT suppliersMIST Technologies Israel Institute of Technology (Technion) PubGene 1. Introduction

5 2.General context 3.Objectives of the project 4.Consortium

6 PERSISTENCE: the ability of a technology system to ensure to the citizen of today that the citizen of tomorrow will be capable of enjoying the current cultural, sociological … assets. Abdelaziz Abid (Memory of the World) UNESCO User Live in evidence IT System Management Archives (Digital) Archives (Analog) Logistics Networks Acquisition Authors Live in evidence 2. General context

7 ASSETS Declaration of the existence of an “ASSET”ONTOLOGY Modeling of the “Assets” and of their presentation such as to obtain Their powerful representationSEMANTICTheir powerful representationSEMANTIC Their independence of the moments PERSISTENCETheir independence of the moments PERSISTENCE Their independence of the places NOMADISMTheir independence of the places NOMADISM Their independence of the formats EVOLUTIONTheir independence of the formats EVOLUTIONENRICHMENT… 2. General context

8 The users want to find interesting media material That they can see, listen, understand …That they can see, listen, understand … With good quality of audio, video, image, text, …With good quality of audio, video, image, text, … Easy & cheap to accessEasy & cheap to access They can acquire rights to exploit, to enrich, to improve, …They can acquire rights to exploit, to enrich, to improve, … Through a large variety of network channelsThrough a large variety of network channels With large semantic annotationsWith large semantic annotations With association and synchronization of other contentWith association and synchronization of other content … Users Live in evidence 2. General context

9 The Authors want to dispose of powerful authoring systems Easy to operate …Easy to operate … That the modeling should be staunch …That the modeling should be staunch … Cheap to acquireCheap to acquire Ensuring their intellectual rights …Ensuring their intellectual rights … Accessible through a large variety of network channelsAccessible through a large variety of network channels With large semantic annotations facilitiesWith large semantic annotations facilities With association and synchronization of other contentWith association and synchronization of other content … Authors Live in evidence 2. General context

10 The ‘Contents’ are those excerpts of the “social life” which have been selected for acquisition. They are the ‘Original Information Packages’ They require That they should be captured with the expected qualityThat they should be captured with the expected quality That they should be recorded with preservation of their existence, of their identity, of their authenticity, of their integrity, of their accessibility, of their availability…That they should be recorded with preservation of their existence, of their identity, of their authenticity, of their integrity, of their accessibility, of their availability… That they should be documented, indexed,... in a fair, competent and ethic wayThat they should be documented, indexed,... in a fair, competent and ethic way 2. General context

11 The Archives, as custodians of the social memory, require That they could easily be accessed and exploited That they could easily be accessed and exploited That they will survive to the progressive physical degradation of their support That they will survive to the progressive physical degradation of their support That they will survive to the progressive evolution of the formats of representation That they will survive to the progressive evolution of the formats of representation That they will survive to the changes of the industrial policies That they will survive to the changes of the industrial policies That they will be semantically understood That they will be semantically understood That the enrichments will be kept for further exploitations That the enrichments will be kept for further exploitations … … Archives (Digital) Archives (Analog) 2. General context

12 The management team should Meet the expectations of the User’s and the various User’s communitiesMeet the expectations of the User’s and the various User’s communities Meet the expectations of the Social communities as custodians of the archivesMeet the expectations of the Social communities as custodians of the archives By ensuring The IT system for managing and exploiting the archivesThe IT system for managing and exploiting the archives The persistence of the archives at a reasonable costThe persistence of the archives at a reasonable cost A technology watchA technology watch … Management of the archives 2. General context

13 The management of the persistence cannot: Be captive of “Proprietary Systems”Be captive of “Proprietary Systems” Pay the price of “Exclusive” suppliersPay the price of “Exclusive” suppliers Suffer the “barriers” and “obstacles” in the flows of their processesSuffer the “barriers” and “obstacles” in the flows of their processes … Management of the archives 2. General context

14 In that context, the IT supplier’s policy would be that : Their investments should be firmly protected (patents, copyrights, …)Their investments should be firmly protected (patents, copyrights, …) Their cutomers would be satisfied by the quality of their products, information and services (functionalities, human interfaces, training, warranties, …)Their cutomers would be satisfied by the quality of their products, information and services (functionalities, human interfaces, training, warranties, …) Their product and services should be interoperable in space and timeTheir product and services should be interoperable in space and time … 2. General context

15 Domain of the industrial proprietary technologies Interchange formats defined on the basis of standards and under local control Functional module Data according to standards Functional module Control Environment Functional module 2. General context

16 By standards it is meant: 1.International standards (ISO, ETSI, …) 2.National standards (DIN, AFNOR, ANSI, …) 3.Industrial & Community standards (DVD-R, CD-R, RDF, Dublin Core, OAIS, METS, BWF, MXF, AAF, …): They are standards backed by a large number of major actors of the domain 4.Industrial standards backed by International or National Standards (DVB → ETSI) 5.Local standards : They are standards valid in a specific environment (BLAP-S is a local standard of the British Library for the creation of metadata in the Audio sector; it is the definition of a Dublin Core Profile with possible MARC relators) Remark: If ‘proprietary formats’ have to be included in the exchanges between modules, they will be encapsulated and cloned by a proxy. 2. General context

17 1.Introduction 2.General context 3.Objectives of the project 4.Consortium

18 The project span on the whole SOUND media chain with focus on: 1.The improvement of the acquisition processes namely by using a “Single Sensor Source Separation” approach 2.The improvement of the retrieval processes namely by using a “Advance search base on semantic annotations” 3.The definition of an “Open Exchange Format” based on standards by using an approach based on standards, mainly the OAIS (ISO 14 721) 4.The evaluation and validation by using a demonstrator fed with a large spectrum of domain of applications. 3. Objectives of the project

19 The objectives of the project focuses on SOUND contents: 1.The improvement of the acquisition processes namely by using a “Single Sensor Source Separation” approach 2.The improvement of the retrieval processes 3.The definition of an “Open Exchange Format” based on standards 4.The evaluation and validation by using a demonstrator 3. Objectives of the project

20 Users’ Evaluation and Validation Plan (excerpt)

21 The objectives of the project focuses on SOUND contents: 1.The improvement of the acquisition processes 2.The improvement of the retrieval processes Namely by using a “Advance search base on semantic annotations” developed for the biology 3.The definition of an “Open Exchange Format” based on standards 4.The evaluation and validation by using a demonstrator Semantic association DNA 3. Objectives of the project

22 The objectives of the project focuses on SOUND contents: 1.The improvement of the acquisition processes 2.The improvement of the retrieval processes 3.The definition of an “Open Exchange Format” based on standards by using an approach based on standards, mainly the OAIS (ISO 14 721) 4.The evaluation and validation by using a demonstrator fed with a large spectrum of domain of applications. 3. Objectives of the project

23 Adopt for the “Open Interface” the SIP, AIP architecture of the OAIS model (ISO 14721) OAIS:Open Archival Information System SIP:Submission Information Package AIP:Archival Information Package 3. Objectives of the project

24 Descriptive Information about Package #n Preservation Description Information Content Information Package # n Packaging Information The project does not intend to develop an Open Archival Information System but to Define how to construct SIP’s which have the properties of AIP’s and being “Autonomous eXchange Entities” (OAIS – X-AXIS) 3. Objectives of the project

25 M edia A sset M anagement X-AXIS P ackage A sset M anagement DIP Expl # n U # n ………EXPLOITATIONS Analogue source Digital source M edia A cquisition S ystem AXIS eXchange Open Specifications OAIS reference model (ISO 14 721) AIP / SIP DIP ARE’s /Opus/Media/Profile/Labels/ Id Fountain X-AXIS AXE’s AIP / SIP expressed as Architecture (Global model) ACE = A utonomous C ontent E ntities WEBDIP Expl # 1 U # 1 A utonomous e X change E ntities ARE’s /Opus/Media/Profile/Labels/ Id Fountain … AIP / SIP Analogue source Digital source M edia A cquisition S ystem … FTPTCP-IP

26 MAM X-AXIS PAMDIP Expl # n U # n ………EXPLOITATIONS AXIS eXchange Open Specifications OAIS reference model (ISO 14 721) AIP / SIP DIP ARE’s /Opus/Media/Profile/Labels/ Id Fountain X-AXIS AIP / SIP expressed as AXE’s Architecture The two General Software Libraries ACE = A utonomous C ontent E ntities WEBDIP Expl # 1 U # 1 A utonomous eX change E ntities ARE’s /Opus/Media/Profile/Labels/ Id Fountain … AIP / SIP Analogue source Digital source MAS GSL for S ingle S ensor S ource S eparation Analogue source Digital source MAS GSL for S ingle S ensor S ource S eparation GSL for E nhanced I nformation R etrieval

27 The objectives of the project focuses on SOUND contents: 1.The improvement of the acquisition processes 2.The improvement of the retrieval processes 3.The definition of an “Open Exchange Format” based on standards by using an approach based on standards, mainly the OAIS (ISO 14 721) 4.The evaluation and validation by using a demonstrator fed with a large spectrum of domain of applications. 3. Objectives of the project

28 Demonstrator The first Profiles of Sound documents: NIRS : Music Recordings, Works with some different interpretations RSR : Radio Interviews (i. e. a dialogue between two or more persons) UNESCO : Ethnographic Recordings Planned : 3’000 Hours of sound (in preparation)

29 1.Introduction 2.Context of the project 3.General objectives 4.Consortium

30 1.Sound Services:MEMNON (Project coordinator) 2.Users:Radio Suisse Romande (RSR) Norwegian Institute of Recorded Sound (NIRS) UNESCO 3.IT suppliersMIST Technologies Israel Institute of Technology (Technion) PubGene 4. Consortium

31 1.“Single Sensor Source Separation” General Software Library MIST Technion 2.“Advanced Information Searches” General Software Library PubGene 3.Open licensing of the exchange format “AXIS”MEMNON UNESCO 4.Ontological and Semantic ProfilesRSR NIRSUNESCOMEMNON 5.Services for Sound acquisition, valorization and exploitationMEMNON 6.Autonomous Asset Entities (~ 3 000 hours of sound archives)RSR NIRSUNESCO 4. Consortium (Main target results)

32 Guy Maréchal (Project architect) (Project coordinator) Prepared by: Guy Maréchal (Project architect) Contacts: Michel Merten (Project coordinator) Jean-François Cosandier (Dissemination coordinator) Short presentation of memories IST project n°053500

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