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Stimulus, instigator catalyst. saucy, bold, shameless brazen.

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Presentation on theme: "Stimulus, instigator catalyst. saucy, bold, shameless brazen."— Presentation transcript:

1 stimulus, instigator catalyst

2 saucy, bold, shameless brazen

3 partner in crime accomplice

4 submit, give way to succumb

5 slipshod, sloppy, slapdash

6 chatter, babble prattle

7 obliterate, demolish annihilate

8 to make easier, to assist facilitate

9 hidden, undeveloped latent

10 unruly, beyond control incorrigible

11 not letting light through opaque

12 given to fighting militant

13 supreme, foremost, primary paramount

14 a large-scale departure or flight exodus

15 disprove, confute rebut

16 morbid, doleful; not sociable morose

17 capricious, based on one’s whims arbitrary

18 slavery, captivity, forced labor servitude

19 submit, give way to succumb

20 to scold, find fault with; a rebuke reprimand

21 still, motionless, fetid stagnant

22 partner in crime accomplice

23 stimulus, instigator catalyst

24 hidden, undeveloped latent

25 slipshod, sloppy, slapdash

26 unruly, beyond control incorrigible

27 chatter, babble prattle

28 obliterate, demolish annihilate

29 to make easier, to assist facilitate

30 not letting light through opaque

31 given to fighting militant

32 saucy, bold, shameless brazen

33 supreme, foremost, primary paramount

34 still, motionless, fetid stagnant

35 morbid, doleful; not sociable morose

36 a large-scale departure or flight exodus

37 stimulus, instigator catalyst

38 slavery, captivity, forced labor servitude

39 disprove, confute rebut

40 capricious, based on one’s whims arbitrary

41 to scold, find fault with; a rebuke reprimand

42 partner in crime accomplice

43 hidden, undeveloped latent

44 not letting light through opaque

45 obliterate, demolish annihilate

46 submit, give way to succumb

47 slipshod, sloppy, slapdash

48 chatter, babble prattle

49 disprove, confute rebut

50 to make easier, to assist facilitate

51 unruly, beyond control incorrigible

52 saucy, bold, shameless brazen

53 given to fighting militant

54 a large-scale departure or flight exodus

55 supreme, foremost, primary paramount

56 still, motionless, fetid stagnant

57 to scold, find fault with; a rebuke reprimand

58 morbid, doleful; not sociable morose

59 capricious, based on one’s whims arbitrary

60 slavery, captivity, forced labor servitude

61 stimulus, instigator catalyst

62 saucy, bold, shameless brazen

63 partner in crime accomplice

64 submit, give way to succumb

65 slipshod, sloppy, slapdash

66 chatter, babble prattle

67 obliterate, demolish annihilate

68 to make easier, to assist facilitate

69 hidden, undeveloped latent

70 unruly, beyond control incorrigible

71 not letting light through opaque

72 given to fighting militant

73 supreme, foremost, primary paramount

74 a large-scale departure or flight exodus

75 disprove, confute rebut

76 morbid, doleful; not sociable morose

77 capricious, based on one’s whims arbitrary

78 slavery, captivity, forced labor servitude

79 submit, give way to succumb

80 to scold, find fault with; a rebuke reprimand

81 still, motionless, fetid stagnant

82 partner in crime accomplice

83 stimulus, instigator catalyst

84 hidden, undeveloped latent

85 slipshod, sloppy, slapdash

86 unruly, beyond control incorrigible

87 chatter, babble prattle

88 obliterate, demolish annihilate

89 to make easier, to assist facilitate

90 not letting light through opaque

91 given to fighting militant

92 saucy, bold, shameless brazen

93 supreme, foremost, primary paramount

94 still, motionless, fetid stagnant

95 morbid, doleful; not sociable morose

96 a large-scale departure or flight exodus

97 stimulus, instigator catalyst

98 slavery, captivity, forced labor servitude

99 disprove, confute rebut

100 capricious, based on one’s whims arbitrary

101 to scold, find fault with; a rebuke reprimand

102 partner in crime accomplice

103 hidden, undeveloped latent

104 not letting light through opaque

105 obliterate, demolish annihilate

106 submit, give way to succumb

107 slipshod, sloppy, slapdash

108 chatter, babble prattle

109 disprove, confute rebut

110 to make easier, to assist facilitate

111 unruly, beyond control incorrigible

112 saucy, bold, shameless brazen

113 given to fighting militant

114 a large-scale departure or flight exodus

115 supreme, foremost, primary paramount

116 still, motionless, fetid stagnant

117 to scold, find fault with; a rebuke reprimand

118 morbid, doleful; not sociable morose

119 capricious, based on one’s whims arbitrary

120 slavery, captivity, forced labor servitude

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