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Features of small farmers and amateurs 12 th June 2013 by Hans Felber.

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Presentation on theme: "Features of small farmers and amateurs 12 th June 2013 by Hans Felber."— Presentation transcript:

1 Features of small farmers and amateurs 12 th June 2013 by Hans Felber

2 2013 Conference on Safe and Sustainable Use of Pesticides Features of small farmers and amateurs 2 Similar target groups, but regulated differently Small farmersAmateurs Professional user Non-professional user

3 2013 Conference on Safe and Sustainable Use of Pesticides Features of small farmers and amateurs 3 Professional and non-professional products Small farmers Amateurs Pesticides for professional use Pesticides for non-professional use (trend to low toxicity) g or mL Issues: Amateurs may purchase professional pesticides illegally from -internet sales -farmers in non-original packs (Coca-Cola bottles) more efficient less efficient

4 2013 Conference on Safe and Sustainable Use of Pesticides Features of small farmers and amateurs 4 Registration / authorization of products Small farmers Amateurs Pesticides for professional usePesticides for amateur use Issues: -The UPJ amateur model is not well known. In many countries amateur products are registered like pesticides for professional use. -In order to use the UPJ amateur exposure model, a buy-in by member states might be necessary. German model UK model UPJ amateur exposure model

5 2013 Conference on Safe and Sustainable Use of Pesticides Features of small farmers and amateurs 5 Small package and its disposal Small farmers Amateurs Pesticides for professional usePesticides for amateur use Opportunities: -Small packages help to avoid pesticide left over and obsolete product in the package. -Disposal of package as hazardous or household waste. Triple rinsing of empty package is the key. Small package pesticides

6 2013 Conference on Safe and Sustainable Use of Pesticides Features of small farmers and amateurs 6 Personal Protective Equipment Small farmers Amateurs PPE for professional usePPE/no PPE for amateur use Issues: -PPE for amateur use rather difficult to accomplish. -Exposure model /risk assessment of paramount importance regarding PPE label recommendations.

7 2013 Conference on Safe and Sustainable Use of Pesticides Features of small farmers and amateurs 7 Training / Information (SUD 2009/128/EC) Small farmers Amateurs Member State to provide training for certification Member State / Pesticide producer to provide general information on hazards, exposure, storage, handling, application, disposal Opportunity: Common information/training material for both amateurs and small farmers. Issue: 26 Nov 2015: Sales of products for professional use (also small holders) are restricted to professional users holding a certificate.

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