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Smarter Travel – Policy and Context Wednesday 11 September, 2013. Denise Keoghan/Clare Smith Sustainable Transport Division Department of Transport Tourism.

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Presentation on theme: "Smarter Travel – Policy and Context Wednesday 11 September, 2013. Denise Keoghan/Clare Smith Sustainable Transport Division Department of Transport Tourism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Smarter Travel – Policy and Context Wednesday 11 September, 2013. Denise Keoghan/Clare Smith Sustainable Transport Division Department of Transport Tourism & Sport

2 Smarter Travel Policy Framework Published 2009 - 49 actions in total, corresponding to 4 key actions types: Reducing the need to travel Providing alternatives to the car Improving fuel and energy efficiency Strengthening institutional arrangements to deliver targets smarter travel >>>

3 Ambition By 2020, our ambition is to improve the quality of life for our citizens by: Reducing modal share for cars from 65% to 45% - 500,000 commuters switch to other forms of transport - walking, cycling, public transport Ensuring that total car kms do not increase significantly Emissions savings smarter travel >>>

4 2012-2016 Multi-Annual Programme Funding approved for 5-year multi-annual support programme Opportunity to address smarter travel objectives in a more strategic, systematic and planned manner smarter travel >>>

5 Programme Delivery Smarter Travel Areas Active Travel Towns National Cycle Network Regional City Bikes Smarter Workplaces/Smarter Campuses smarter travel >>>

6 National Cycle Network € 7m 2012/2013 funding programme to support 16 local authority NCN and greenway projects being developed across Ireland –Links to tourism –Recreational cycling –Proven economic return –Culture of cycling smarter travel >>>

7 National Cycle Networks Lessons Learned Successes and Demands Scoping and Estimated Costs Evaluation Delivery Mechanisms Guidance and Signage smarter travel >>>

8 Active Travel Towns Experience to Date Most Local Authorities now have a strategy for the development of cycling and walking for towns with populations in the region of 5,000 or greater Local Authorities required to demonstrate that they understand that modal shift is of paramount importance smarter travel >>>

9 Active Travel Towns Lessons learned Focus to date has been on the delivery of infrastructure Greater focus required on evaluation of changes Greater focus on softer measures to encourage modal shift Community support is key to change smarter travel >>>

10 Active Travel Towns 4 towns have now completed their plans 8 towns are in year two of the programme Feedback from Local Authorities??? smarter travel >>>

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