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Deviant Identity Symbolic Interaction & the “Self” 2 Main assumptions: –Self is social (developed in relation to others) –Self is not fixed (changes over.

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Presentation on theme: "Deviant Identity Symbolic Interaction & the “Self” 2 Main assumptions: –Self is social (developed in relation to others) –Self is not fixed (changes over."— Presentation transcript:

1 Deviant Identity Symbolic Interaction & the “Self” 2 Main assumptions: –Self is social (developed in relation to others) –Self is not fixed (changes over time) Self Concept: composed of 3 elements 1.Identity 2.Image 3.Esteem

2 Deviant Identity Self Identity Social location (or status) relative to others Status is one’s position or social location within certain context/institution Remember that Status may be either: Ascribed Achieved Self identity is a composite of social statuses Are all statuses/social locations of equal importance to you, others or across different social audiences? Master Status (Hughes)

3 Deviant Identity Self Image Composed of characteristics or traits one possesses These qualities contribute to one’s ability to perform our social locations Self Esteem Evaluation/Judgment of self Determined by other people’s reactions People value different social locations & qualities

4 Deviant Identity What is the effect of being identified as a deviant in the composite formation of one’s self concept? Deviance must be understood as a social location/status relative to other people making judgments about that status. Labeling and the development of deviant identity

5 Labeling & Deviant Identity Labeling Theory of Deviance (Edwin Lemert; Becker, 1963 – Ch. 7) Focus on identity, self, & how language and social interaction affect your identity and self-conception “Under the table” events (deviant/criminal acts) are less consequential to self Negative Sanctioning (both formal and informal punishment) ceremonies are important status degradation events that confer STIGMA

6 Labeling & Deviant Identity Labeling is a theory of the Stigma Process & how stigmatization impacts the self Primary Deviance – Initial deviant act of status; It has no consequence to one’s self identity or concept Key element is the Social Audience – Reaction to primary behavior is paramount; It may encourage continuation of the labeling process or end the process Secondary Deviance – deviant status has been imposed as one’s social status

7 Labeling & Deviant Identity More on the Reaction of Social Audience –Reactions may Normalize or Deviantize –Deviantizing reactions result in successful conferral of criminal label, stigma & generally involve ostracism Secondary Deviance - When a person is caught and the label has been applied, s/he (re)organizes their personality (identity/sense of self) around this label and engages in further deviant acts

8 Labeling Theory: Basis for a Deviant Self- Concept Initial Deviant Act Detection by the Agents of Social Control Decision to Label Creation of a New Identity Acceptanc e of Labels DevianceAmplification

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