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Introducing the Law, the Child Protection System and the Courts Guardian Ad Litem Program.

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Presentation on theme: "Introducing the Law, the Child Protection System and the Courts Guardian Ad Litem Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introducing the Law, the Child Protection System and the Courts Guardian Ad Litem Program

2 Federal Child Abuse & Neglect Laws 1974 CAPTA 1978 ICWA 1997 ASFA

3 1974-CAPTA Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act Required states to have child abuse reporting laws Maintain confidentiality Provide a Guardian Ad Litem to every child Agency must be responsible for investigating and receiving reports of child abuse

4 1978 ICWA Indian Child Welfare Act Recognizes that Indian Children have special sovereign rights within the United States ICWA takes precedence over Federal and State Laws

5 1997 ASFA Adoptions and Safe Families Act Child's safety is paramount concern Permanency planning should begin at the onset of the case Created judicial review/time lines Created reasonable efforts findings Created aggravated circumstances findings

6 Third and Fourth Judicial District an overview Serve 10 counties Work in Magistrate court Work in civil court Proceedings are closed Use prosecutors and public defenders

7 Tips for Court Days Plan Ahead-arrange to be in court for at least an hour, come 15 minutes early Dress Appropriately Be prepared-know your case Check in with CASA Staff to let them know you are there Be mindful of others-in the hall and in the courts room- discuss cases quietly Remember to rise when the Judge enters or leaves the court room.

8 Parties to the Case Prosecutor/Attorney General Public Defender GAL Attorney Child Attorney Social worker Parents Guardian Ad Litem/GAL Program REMEMBER: You may only discuss case information with the parties of the case.

9 Chapter Review- for Debrief session Review Power Point Review Mary Ellen's Story Review Principles that Guide Child Abuse Don t Forget to Schedule your Session and court observation time!!!!

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