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Verity K2 en la estrategia de Gobierno Electrónico de Veracruz 20 de abril de 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Verity K2 en la estrategia de Gobierno Electrónico de Veracruz 20 de abril de 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Verity K2 en la estrategia de Gobierno Electrónico de Veracruz 20 de abril de 2006

2 National map  Mexican Republic: 31 states & 1 Federal District (Mexico City) State Neighbors Veracruz

3 State Map  Veracruz has 212 municipalities  43% of the municipalities grew smaller from 2000-2005 due to immigration to the US ESTADO DE TAMAULIPAS ESTADO DE SAN LUIS POTOSÍ ESTADO DE HIDALGO ESTADO DE PUEBLA ESTADO DE OAXACA ESTADO DE TABASCO ESTADO DE CHIAPAS GOLFO DE MÉXICO North zone Center zone South zone State capital: Xalapa  3rd largest state population with 7,110,214 inhabitants (2005) with 40% in rural areas  20,578 cities/towns/villages  1,454 villages dissppeared between 2000-2005 due to immigration  745 coast kms which account to 30% of the Gulf coast  More than 40 rivers  72,420 SqKm  Main income: oil & gas, tourism, coffee, meat, fishing,

4 Our vision 2005-2010 “Create a citizen-centric government using a multi-channel strategy in order to provide a better service, information, transparency and accountability” CITIZEN-CENTRIC Vote Tax Citizen needs Justice Education Health Housing Properties Business Grants, benefits given by all Gov levels Public Safety Job

5 Multichannel & IT strategy Citizen Offices (Single window) Call Center ATMs Dialogue Recognition System Citizen Portal Sociedad de la Información Standard-based infrastructure SIGE – GIS – Autodesk (50% since 2005) Citizen Relationship Management - CRM – Oracle to be implemented 2006 Institutional systems: GRP (Oracle eBusiness Suite / 2002); eMail (OWA); HR (legacy / 1998) Core activity systems – developed in each Secretariat SIEVER – KPIs - TBD Public Server Intranet

6 Innovation through channels

7 Portal Ciudadano Portal del Ciudadano  Launch date:  June 15, 2006  Integrates information from 15 Secretariats and all other Descentralized Organizations within the Government  Content manager  Verity K2 for searches categorizes information

8 Internet Portals Portal del Ciudadano  Two types of portals/internet  Institucional – politician oriented to promote their Secretariat  Citizen-centric portals  e-Tax  e-Mergency  e-Press  e-Justice  e-Tourism  e-Health  e-Ducation  e-Mployment

9 OVH – Oficina Virtual de Hacienda e-Tax  Audience targeted through communities:  Public notaries  Enviromental  Education fees  Hotel state tax (2%)  Payroll state tax (2%)  VAT for small businesses (15%)  Car owners (% to value)  Car dealers  Car drivers  12% transactions online  Big use of alternative channels: Oxxo and Banks

10 Approach – OVH – Environmental Travel to Xalapa Transpo rt from CGMA to Tax Office Pay in the Tax Office Pick-up packag e of stamps in CGMA Visit CGMA office to buy stamps 2-3 days Cost: $$$$$$ Satisfaction:  Before Visit Virtual Office to pay Receive via courier the stamps 2 days Cost: $ Satisfaction: After

11 eGobierno

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