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1 San Diego County Office of Education Juvenile Court & Community Schools Fall 2007 Accountability Progress Report Prepared by Student Services Division.

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Presentation on theme: "1 San Diego County Office of Education Juvenile Court & Community Schools Fall 2007 Accountability Progress Report Prepared by Student Services Division."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 San Diego County Office of Education Juvenile Court & Community Schools Fall 2007 Accountability Progress Report Prepared by Student Services Division

2 2 Overview of the Juvenile Court & Community Schools

3 3 The JCCS Programs SDCOE/JCCS Juvenile Court Schools Community Day Schools County Community Schools

4 4 Juvenile Court Schools Juvenile Hall  Kearny Mesa  Girls Rehabilitation Facility  East Mesa Rancho del Campo Juvenile Ranch Facility Camp Barrett Youth Correctional Facility Youth Day Centers Hillcrest School (through 2006-07 school year) Oak Creek School San Pasqual Academy Phoenix Academy

5 5 County Community Schools  North, Metro, Hope, East and South County Programs  Includes Community Day Schools Harbor School  St. Vincent DePaul Village

6 6 Student Demographics

7 7 JCCS Student Ethnicity

8 8 Length of Enrollment Down from 16,203 in 2005-06, 15,418 total students enrolled in 2006-07 Average length of enrollment was 48.2 school days

9 9 Student mobility produces instability in SDCOE’s Academic Performance Index (API)

10 10 Alternative Schools Accountability Model (ASAM) Indicator Data

11 11 ASAM ASAM is California’s accountability system for Alternative Schools The San Diego County Board of Education approved accountability indicators for JCCS Schools in the Fall of 2001 and 2003 Student performance data based on students enrolled at least 90 school days Data are reported annually to the California Department of Education

12 12 JCCS ASAM Indicators Attendance Rate High School Credit Completion Locally-adopted pre-post measures of academic achievement in  Reading  Mathematics

13 13 Community School Attendance Rates & State Performance Standards “Growth Plan” Standard “Sufficient” Standard

14 14 Improvement in Community Schools Attendance Rates

15 15 Credit Completion Rate “Sufficient” Performance Standard Expected Semester Rate

16 16 What are the Student-Level Measurable Academic Gains? Value-Added Measures

17 JCCS Attendance Improves Student Reading Comprehension 2006-07 JCCS MAP reading data indicate that student predicted Lexile score improved steadily with longer enrollments For example:  A student attending JCCS for 30 days, had a predicted reading gain of 26 Lexile points  A student attending 240 days, had a predicted reading gain of 209 Lexile point  This gain is the equivalent to more than 2 grade levels of reading growth

18 18 CAHSEE Passing Rates 2001 to 2007 10th Grade March Census Passing rates have steadily increased over the past 7 years

19 19 Student Level Gains in CAHSEE Scores 415 JCCS Students took the CAHSEE Math Section twice during the 2006-07 School Year 364 JCCS Students took the CAHSEE ELA Section twice during the 2006-07 School Year On average, JCCS students gained 6 scale score point in ELA and 7 points in Math, toward a passing scale score of 350

20 20 12th Grade CAHSEE Pass Rate In 2006-07, 236 12th graders graduated from JCCS 14 12th graders did not receive diplomas because they had not passed the CAHSEE 94% of JCCS 12th Graders passed both CAHSEE Sections

21 21 NCLB Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Including Program Improvement (PI) Update

22 22 JCCS NCLB Update Juvenile Court Schools has exited Program Improvement (PI) for 2007- 08 Community Schools with advance to Year 2 of PI for 2007-08  Reorganization of Community Schools

23 23 Student Progress Summary Increased Engagement  Improved Attendance Accelerated Achievement  Increased Credit Completion  Increased Test Scores  Increased CAHSEE Passing Rates for all Ethnic Groups

24 24 Curriculum & Instruction Activities Targeting Student Achievement

25 25 JCCS Student Achievement Model Student Achievement Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment & Technology Learning Support Leadership & Staff Development

26 26 Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment &Technology Measures of Academic Progress/ DesCartes Student assessment data management system Standards aligned textbooks & materials Power Standards Instructional materials for English Learners Educational technology

27 27 Leadership WASC Implementation Team Assessment Management Team Curriculum Committees  Math Committee  English Learner Committee  Science Committee Regional Equity Leadership Teams

28 28 Professional Development English-Language Arts/English Learners & Mathematics oSB 472 (AB 466) Training oTeacher Buy-backs oAB 430 (AB 75) Administrator Training oSuperintendents’ Achievement Gap Task Force Forums Science Academic Language Culturally & linguistically responsive teaching strategies Educational Technology

29 29 Learning Support School Counselors & Parent Liaisons Increased parent involvement Transition Technician Regional Guidance Teams Standards-based student assessments (MAP) Academic data management system CAHSEE preparation & tutoring Teacher Assistants PLATO Learning Systems Dollars for Scholars scholarships

30 30 Events On the Horizon Science adoption Expanded PLATO Implementation Educational Technology Training  FileMaker Pro Database  Measures of Academic Progress  Using Data Academic Language Implementation Expanded CAHSEE Intensive Remediation activities

31 JCCS...Making a Difference Targeting Student Achievement

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