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Unit 4: Money Lesson 6 The Go Around Dollar By, Joyce Adams.

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1 Unit 4: Money Lesson 6 The Go Around Dollar By, Joyce Adams

2 Day 1: Word Knowledge What do these words have in common? Line1: govern government pave pavement Line 2: entertain entertainment involve involvement They are all base words with the suffix -ment What does the suffix –ment mean? (Action/Process) How does adding this suffix change the word? (From a verb to a noun)

3 What do you notice about these words? Line 3: black white hot cold big small real counterfeit They are all antonyms, which means the opposite Can you think of other antonyms?

4 What do these words have in common? Line 4: dollar bills money buy pay tender They are all related words that have to do with money. Who can name other words that have to do with money?

5 Line 5: bank pink sign design doubt debt These words have the sound /nk/, /n/ spelled /gn/, or /t/ spelled /bt/.

6 These are all words in your story, what do you notice about them? Line 6: sometimes neighborhood overprinting something shoelaces These are all compound words. Can you name the 2 words that make up each of these compound words?

7 Can you find words that have a suffix, antonyms, and related words? Sentence 1: The United States government has laws about the way dollar bills can be shown. Sentence 2: For instance, a dollar drawn as an illustration for a book must be in black and white, not in full color. Sentence 3: Dollar bills are used to buy things, pay back money that was borrowed, or pay for a service such as a bus ride.

8 Can you find the compound words? Sentence 4: Sometimes people can trip if their shoelaces are untied.

9 Build Background What do you know about how paper money is made? What do you think happens to money that gets damaged? How many people do you think can touch the same dollar bill?

10 Background Information The story we will read this week is realistic fiction, but there are some boxes of information in the story that give factual information. The story has a combination of fiction and non- fiction. The Federal Reserve is the central banking authority in the US. It distributes all paper money, makes loans to banks, and protects account in banks financially

11 Anthology pg. 72 Let’s read the title, author, and illustrator of the story. Browse through the story to search for clues that tell you something about the story, problems with unfamiliar words, and questions you might have about the story.

12 Selection Vocabulary circulation- Movement around many different places or people. tender- Money, payment.

13 formula- Set method for doing something. official- Formal and proper.

14 pyramid- Object with triangular sides that meet at a point at the top. emblem- Sign or figure that stands for something.

15 Day 2 D.O.L Let’s see how many synonyms you can make for these words. Sour Happy Messy

16 Can you choose a word and use it in a sentence? Line1: govern government pave pavement Line 2: entertain entertainment involve involvement Line 3: black white hot cold big small real counterfeit

17 Selection Vocabulary circulation- Movement around many different places or people. tender- Money, payment.

18 formula- Set method for doing something. official- Formal and proper.

19 pyramid- Object with triangular sides that meet at a point at the top. emblem- Sign or figure that stands for something.

20 Can you match the word with the definition? circulation Object with triangular sides. emblem Formal and proper. official Money, payment. tender Set method for doing something. formula Movement around many different places. pyramid Sign that stands for something.

21 Vocabulary Practice The newspaper has been in ____________ for years. Stores do not accept gold bars as a form of legal____________. Sue wrote the math____________ on the board. The leader will be chosen by an_______________ vote. The dove is an international ___________ of peace. One circle has an eagle on it; the other, a ____________ with an eye.

22 Day 2:Word Analysis thing Who can list compound words that have the word “thing” in them? treasury What does the word treasure mean? gold, riches, money treasury is money owned by a group and when it is capitalized, Treasury means the department of finances.

23 Fill in the blanks using the proper adverbs Jennifer runs _______than me. She runs the ______of all. Sam is __________ at reading, but he’s even _________ at spelling. Joan is the _______ talented at drawing. Read pg. 266 in LA Handbook. Do pg. 118-119 Comp. LA

24 Day 3: Word Knowledge What do these words have in common? Line1: govern government pave pavement Line 2: entertain entertainment involve involvement They are all base words with the suffix -ment What does the suffix –ment mean? (Action/Process) How does adding this suffix change the word? (From a verb to a noun)

25 What do you notice about these words? Line 3: black white hot cold big small real counterfeit They are all antonyms, which means the opposite Line 4: dollar bills money buy pay tender They are all related words that have to do with money.

26 What do these words have in common? Line 5: bank pink sign design doubt debt These words have the sound /nk/, /n/ spelled /gn/, or /t/ spelled /bt/. Line 6: sometimes neighborhood overprinting something shoelaces

27 Sentence 1: The United States government has laws about the way dollar bills can be shown. Sentence 2: For instance, a dollar drawn as an illustration for a book must be in black and white, not in full color.

28 Sentence 3: Dollar bills are used to buy things, pay back money that was borrowed, or pay for a service such as a bus ride. Sentence 4: Sometimes people can trip if their shoelaces are untied.

29 Selection Vocabulary circulation- Movement around many different places or people. tender- Money, payment.

30 formula- Set method for doing something. official- Formal and proper.

31 pyramid- Object with triangular sides that meet at a point at the top. emblem- Sign or figure that stands for something.

32 Can you match the word with the definition? circulation Object with triangular sides. emblem Formal and proper. official Money, payment. tender Set method for doing something. formula Movement around many different places. pyramid Sign that stands for something.

33 Vocabulary Practice The newspaper has been in ____________ for years. Stores do not accept gold bars as a form of legal____________. Sue wrote the math____________ on the board. The leader will be chosen by an_______________ vote. The dove is an international ___________ of peace. One circle has an eagle on it; the other, a ____________ with an eye.

34 Day 3: Word Analysis Who can name sporting words that are compound words? Do pg. 96-97 Spelling Vocab. Skills

35 tender The word tender has many meanings, but in our story it relates to money. What is legal tender used for? (all debts) The dollar is legal tender in the US because our government offers this promise of money

36 Circle the adverb, tell the comparative and superlative form of the adverb Jessie climbed carefully up the tree. A= carefully, C= more carefully, S= most carefully He rocked steadily on the camel. A= steadily, C= more steadily, S= most steadily Her dog acts nice. A= nice, C= nicer, S= nicest We arrived late for Church. A= late, C= later, S= latest

37 Day 4: Word Knowledge Let’s see how many antonyms you can make for these words. Sour Happy Messy

38 Can you choose a word and use it in a sentence? Line 4: dollar bills money buy pay tender Line 5: bank pink sign design doubt debt Line 6: sometimes neighborhood overprinting something shoelaces

39 Selection Vocabulary circulation- Movement around many different places or people. tender- Money, payment.

40 formula- Set method for doing something. official- Formal and proper.

41 pyramid- Object with triangular sides that meet at a point at the top. emblem- Sign or figure that stands for something.

42 Can you match the word with the definition? circulation Object with triangular sides. emblem Formal and proper. official Money, payment. tender Set method for doing something. formula Movement around many different places. pyramid Sign that stands for something.

43 Day 4: Word Analysis debts What are debts? (something owed, money) How does debt relate to the American dollar? (dollars pay for debt)

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