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Published byLance Quinton Modified over 10 years ago
Selected topics from the recent GLD studies Akiya Miyamoto KEK 19 July, 2006 GLD lunch time meeting At VCLW06
Events since Bangalore GLD general meeting March 17, April 27, June 21 : Meeting logs available at Task forces : PFA (Yoshioka) : – CAL Geometry: Tower Dodecagonal – E/E ~ 38%/sqrt(E) 30%/sqrt(E) Software issues discussed at weekly Jupiter meetings MDI ( Tauchi ): Background studies and optimize IR design meet weekly since early June – IR & Options Tracking (?) Track finder of TPC, IT, VTX, … GLD DOD V1.1 : include DAQ, shape up figures (April 16) V1.2 : a few corrections (July 13), submitted to hep-physics/0607154
GLD Concept Large ECAL inner radius for optimal PFA, readout by Scintillator + SiPM/MPPC for cost efficiency Large gaseous main tracker + several layers of IT + VTX Moderate B Field (3T) TPC ECAL HCAL Coil Muon
Full Simulator updates A dodecagonal shape calorimeter was installed 1 module ECAL: 33 layers of 3mm t W/2mm t Scint./1mm t Gap HCAL: 46 layers of 20mm t Fe/5mm t Scint./1mm t Gap Readout cell 2cmx2cm (Default) 1cmx1cm ( studied in parallel ) 1cmx5cm : Need to develop a package to merge 1cmx1cm to a strip shape 10cm air gap as a readout space Talk by H.Ono
A typical performance Differences between calibration constants of barrel and end cap calorimeter (~10%) is not corrected yet. Talk by H.Ono
Cheated PFA Z uds quark pair at 91.18GeV, no ISR, |cosq|<0.8 Results similar to the results by the previous geometry ( tower geometry )
Realistic PFA Preliminary result is comparable to the results by the tower geometry. Updated results will be presented during the VLCW06 By T.Yoshioka Calibration near barrel/endcap Gap is not optimized yet
ReconCheater Developed by US team, used to compare performances of detectotor concepts. GLD geometry as of Summer 2005 is defined. Simulated GEANT4 events can be fully reconstructed that uses Monte Carlo truth to reconstruct individual particles. By M.Ronan, Vienna 2005 Track: MC truth EMCAL: from Deposited energy HCAL: parameterized as 60%/Sqrt(E) s~2.1GeV for all detector models Updated results will be presented by T.Barklow at this WS.
Background reduction from VTX Discriminate background hits based on differences of cluter shapes for low Pt tracks and high Pt tracks Cluster Shapes for Low P T and High P T tracks IP CCD
Hit reduction rate Pair background can be reduced by using cluster shape by factor of 1/10 ~ 1/20 for z > 1/2 Layer length By T.Nagamine Z position Pair background hits Before cut After cut Z position Hits by 1 GeV/c Efficiency to keep hits 98%
MDI Issues Home page if GLD MDI task force See more details at &id=a06110s0t14/moreinfo
By T.Tauchi
Geometries near IR By H. Fujishima
Hit distribution at BCAL 2mrad 14mrad Backgrounds in the case of larger crossing angle This work is in progress Parameter optimization is needed ( no DID )
Experimental Hall Baseline Keep a space for construction / maintenanace while beam tuning isin proggress
option Several discussions about option at meetings and mailing lists Opinion from experts are expressed to the lcdds mailing list. See the mailing archive at 1) The Photon collider mode of the ILC will be realized only when we encounter physics case that only the photon collider (or photon electron collider) can solves the puzzle. 2) It is too soon consider physics case for 1) until LHC will show us some hints 3) It is important to leave possibility of options for the case that PHYSICS needs it. We do not want loose physics opportunities because we did not do something we can do now for options. We also do not want to loose opportunities with e+e- because we stick onto options too much. 4) Technical feasibility of collider is not clear. Study should be continued. Breif summary
Tracking Momentum resolution: based on cheated PFA ( GLD DOD ) Track finders are yet to be developed !
Common data sample (Jun06) Full simulation data sample for detector studies Data sets: dec05, mar06, may06, jun06 Links available at A kind of data Single , k0L, , 0, e-, at 1 – 500 GeV : 1K or 10k events E+e- uds quarks pair, ccbar, bbar at 91.18, 200, 350, 500, 10k- 20k events Cain background data E+e- ZH lepton + qqbar, 4-jet, 2-jet events at 350 GeV Producing data as much as possible. Statistics limited by CPU resources. Data with LCIO format are also available at the same web page. But, Pointers between objects are not fully compatible with LCIO yet. Development in progress International sharing of huge data samples is new a challenge. Considering to utilize a GRID infrastructure for LHC.
Summary Studies of the GLD concept proceed slowly and steadily. Many issues remained to be studied: PFA, MDI, Tracking, others (Muon, Physics benchmarks, …) See summary at
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