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Computer Game Development By Jijun Tang. People Instructor: Jijun Tang TA: None, the dept. is too poor to support one Room: 3A63

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Presentation on theme: "Computer Game Development By Jijun Tang. People Instructor: Jijun Tang TA: None, the dept. is too poor to support one Room: 3A63"— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer Game Development By Jijun Tang

2 People Instructor: Jijun Tang TA: None, the dept. is too poor to support one Room: 3A63 Email: Phone: (803) 777-8923

3 Web Site etc. Will create a forum/group to share ideas and questions Will accept emails for questions and suggestions

4 Grading No exam One big project (70%):  Group of 4, you pick your own group.  Finish a 2D/3D game using existing engines.  50% points for the programming part, including the final presentation  20% for intermediate presentations

5 Presentations 2 intermediate presentations:  1 st presentation is about the overall design, seek approval from the class  2 nd presentation is about the detailed design, check any missing part and discuss possible problems Final presentation will be an open demo  Good to show off  With food

6 Homework 30%, 6-7 homework total Some are simple, like doing a survey Some are complex, for example to create a flash game

7 Game Development 2010 Game History

8 First game: William Higinbotham  1958  Analog computer  An isolated incident Inpsiration: Steve “Slug” Russell  1961 as a student in MIT  DEC PDP-1 (18 bit) $120,000

9 Tennis for two (1958)

10 Spacewar (1961)

11 Game for the Masses Ralph Baer (left) and Nolan Bushnell (right)

12 Magnavox Odyssey (1972) 1967-1968, Ralph Baer Light gun and shooting Brown Box, the first home video game console Sold to Magnavox

13 Light Gun and Odyssey

14 Nolan Bushnell and Atari (1972) Computer Space machines Atari company Arcade games Pong: first popular video game

15 Pong and Arcade Computer Space

16 Cartridge-based Console (1977) Atari 2600, 1977 Able to support many games

17 Crash (1983) Poor games  Pac-Man on console  E.T. ($20 Million for the right) Too many cartridges Rebirth, with Japanese companies  Nintendo Entertainment System (8 bit) from Nintendo  Miyamoto’s Mario

18 NES (90% market) NES Game boy Mario contra

19 Wii

20 Sega Sega Master System (1985)  16 bit  Genesis Saturn (1994)  Not successful, but can add modem Dreamcast (1999)  Built-in modem, 128-bit graphics  Last from Sega

21 Sega Systems Master System Saturn

22 Playstation Playstation I  Sony (1994-1995)  CD form Playstation II (2000)  DVD  Strong third party support Playstation III (2006)

23 Playstation I Final Fantasy Grand Theft Auto

24 Xbox Microsoft has been in game for long  Flight simulator  Age of Empires Microsoft (2001)  PC architecture  Xbox Live  Xbox 360 (2006)—loosing big money

25 MS Games

26 Designers Will Wright  SimCity  The Sims Sid Meier  Pirates!  Railroad Tycoon  Civilization Ken & Roberta Williams  Adventure games: Quest  half-Life Richard Garriott  RPG games  Ultima

27 Old Legendary Games Pac-Man Tetris Final Fantasy Pokémon Doom …

28 Studios MS (flight simulator, AE) Electronic Arts (publisher) Interplay LucasArts Blizzard (Warcraft) Id Software (DOOM)

29 Types Adventure (text-based/graphical) Action (shooting, combat sim)  First-person shooting  Combat sim  Action adventure  Platformer (Mario)  Fighting  Real-time strategy (RTS)  Survival Horror

30 Types Role Playing Game (RPG) Stealth Simulation  SimCity  Flight Simulator  Train Simulator Racing Sports

31 Types Rhythm  Dance Dance Revolution Puzzle  Tetris Education  Typing  NSF funds many such games

32 DDR

33 Languages Assembly C/C++ VB Java Flash Script

34 Types of Players (from wiki) Casual gamer: A person who enjoys playing games with simple rules or which do not require large blocks of time to play, may even not consider him/herself as a gamer Hardcore gamer: spends much of their leisure time playing games.  Competitive gamer: plays games for the enjoyment of competing with other players.  Retrogamer: enjoys playing or collecting vintage video games from earlier eras.  Glitcher: enjoys finding flaws in a game or finding ways to exploit unintentional features. Professional Gamer: plays games for money  Game tournament  Receive prizes  Cyberathlete Professional League

35 E-Sports

36 ESA Entertainment Software Association

37 Industry Facts Facts: $57 billion software sale globally in 2008, 68 billion in 2012?? US: grew 23% to $11.7 billion in 2008, quadrupling since 1996 25% age 50+ play video game (9% in 1999) 68% households play games Average player is 35 years old and has been playing games for 12 years 84% games are E, 10+ and T rated

38 Sales From ESA

39 Comparison 2003 Ave age: 29 Game buyer: 36 Women: 39% Online: 22% Women online 40% 2005 Ave age: 33 Game buyer: 40 Women: 38% Online: 44% Women online 42% Head of household 67% 2009 Ave age: 35 Game buyer: 39 Women: 40% Online: ? Women online 43% Head of household 68%

40 Who and what From ESA

41 Genre info From ESA

42 Online game From ESA

43 How to Interpret the Data Pro-data:  Do as data suggests  Why: the failure of targeting pre-teen female market Anti-data:  Explore un-charted territory  Target older audience on Xbox?  Real Time Strategy on Xbox?  Shooting game for moms?

44 ESRB Entertainment Software Rating Board Self-regulated rating board From ESA

45 Why Rating? Example: Conker Animated Violence, Mature Sexual Themes, Strong Language Age 17+ Seven different worlds with 60+ sub- chapters to explore Massive multiplayer mode Easy to confuse parents and buy for young kids

46 Conker Screens

47 New Conker on Xbox

48 Controversial Games Sega’s Night Trap (1992)

49 DOOM School shooting----Doom?

50 Grand Theft Auto Teaching how to hi-jack?

51 Hot Coffee Mod Hidden sexual mini-game in Grand Auto Theft San Andreas Can be unlocked by changing one bit in the main.scm file Who created the scene? Re-rating and recall, lost $300M, numerous lawsuits. Who’s responsibility? Rockstar? Modifier? End users?

52 The Mini-Game

53 Game and Violence Study from National Institute on Media and the Family Concerns  Children are more likely to imitate the actions of a character with whom they identify. In violent video games the player is often required to take the point of view of the shooter or perpetrator.  Video games by their very nature require active participation rather than passive observation.  Repetition increases learning. Video games involve a great deal of repetition. If the games are violent, then the effect is a behavioral rehearsal for violent activity.  Rewards increase learning, and video games are based on a reward system.

54 Concerns Warranted? Exposure to violent games increases physiological arousal Exposure to violent games increases aggressive thoughts Exposure to violent games increases aggressive emotions Exposure to violent games increases aggressive actions Exposure to violent games decreases positive prosocial (i.e., helping) actions

55 Evidence against Linking Games and Violence Violent crime, particularly among the young, has decreased dramatically since the early 1990s, whilevideo games have steadily increased in popularity and use. Many games with violent content sold in the U.S. -- and some with far more violence -- are also sold in foreign markets. However, the level of violent crime in these foreign markets is considerably lower than that in the U.S Numerous authoritieshave examined the scientific record and found that it does not establish any causal link between violent programming and violent behavior. The above are claims from

56 Results on 9 th Grader By David Walsh

57 Parents Controling Kids

58 Culture Issues Culture acceptance is hard to predict Stereotypes  may backfire  but also may pay-off, should we avoid? Foreign policies  Try to understand other cultures  Have some sensitivities Culture acceptance is hard to predict

59 Requirements of Our Projects We will mimic ESRB and rate your games (E, 10+ or T) Vote from the class Please do some research about your games: culture issue, violence? IP? Avoid controversies

60 MMORPG Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game World of Warcraft (8M worldwide, 2M North America, 1.5M Europe, 3.5M China) NavyField MUD (Multi-User Dungeon) Counter Strike: online first person shooter game (>200K simultaneously) EverQuest Second Life (virtual world)

61 Examples

62 Society Issues with Online Games Improve society and provide fun Some people make a living through adding stuff to online games Bad things can happen  Play too much, mess real life or cannot separate real from virtual  Security problems, cheating, hacking Deindividuation In-game regulatory tools

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