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Design your writing Craft your style. If you were going to design the storyboard for a creepy, tense story – what would you choose from below?

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Presentation on theme: "Design your writing Craft your style. If you were going to design the storyboard for a creepy, tense story – what would you choose from below?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Design your writing Craft your style

2 If you were going to design the storyboard for a creepy, tense story – what would you choose from below?

3 What sort of character would you choose?

4 What other ideas would you add? 0 Write a list. Think about the following 0 Sounds 0 Touch 0 As well as what the character can see

5 Just like designing the ideas behind the setting, plot and action - you can also design the … Punctuation such as using Full stop Comma Exclamation mark Question mark Semi-colon Ellipsis Dash ALL OF THESE CAN ADD STYLE TO YOUR WRITING

6 Do you know how to use a semi-colon? ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Here’s an example: The officer gave unclear orders: the troops walked into the enemy. It’s like cause and effect. It is like the word consequently has been left out. Try the following 1 The wind was howling around the house I drew the dog close for comfort. 2 He did not move a muscle he felt as if he was being watched. 3 The moon cast a dim glow through the window long shadows fell across the floor. 4 They climbed quickly up the hillside the river had burst its banks. 5 A howl of a wolf filled the air we fell silent, waiting for the creature to pounce..

7 Now add punctuation to the following – design your sentences 0 Create a tense mood – add punctuation for effect 0 Outside the wind was howling like an un-tuned violin when suddenly out of the shadows a hazy shape appeared I stopped I froze the malevolent form slowly oh so slowly moved towards me 0 Create a calm mood 0 The trees swayed lazily in the morning breeze they seemed to dance in slow motion as the waves gently caressed the sand all was calm and tranquil.

8 Add style to your writing with a dash - 0 To create a tense, fast paced piece of writing, you can use a dash to make your style more conversational. Use it like a gasp, a pause of breath. 0 Read the following from the Tell-tale heart. 0 Highlight the dashes 0 the exclamation marks 0 the verbs

9 The Tell-Tale Heart What do we learn about the state of the character’s mind by the use of punctuation? 0 I paced the floor to and fro with heavy strides, as if excited to fury by the observations of the men, but the noise steadily increased. O God! What COULD I do? I foamed – I raved – I swore! I swung the chair upon which I had been sitting, and grated it upon the boards, but the noise arose all over and steadily increased. It grew louder – louder- louder! And still the men chatted pleasantly, and smiled. Was it possible they heard not ? Almighty God! – non no? They heard ? They suspected ! They KNEW ! – they were making a mockery of my horror! – this I thought, and this I think. But anything was better than this agony! Anything more tolerable than this derision ! I could bear those smiles no longer! I felt that I must scream or die ! – and now – again – hark! Louder ! Louder ! Louder! LOUDER! 0 “Villains!” I shrieked “dissemble no more! I admit the deed! – tear up the planks! – here, here! – it is the beating of the hideous heart!”

10 Count the sentence lengths 0 Count each word in the last 10 sentences and write them down. 0 Now what does the punctuation, verb choices and sentence length tell you about the characters state of mind?

11 Poe designs his writing – you can too 0 On a scale of 1 – 10, 1 being not much punctuation and 10 being extreme. How would you rate the punctuation in the last paragraph? 0 Why is this?

12 So what have we learnt? 0 You can design your writing by carefully choosing your punctuation to create a certain mood. 0 Short sentences suggest… 0 Long sentences suggest… 0 You can style your writing by using a range of punctuation.

13 Do it! 0 Choose one of these and create a calm or tense mood using appropriate punctuation, sentence length and vocabulary.

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