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2 Understanding and writing about statistics

3 A. Some kinds of charts. 1. Bar-chart 2. Pie-chart 3. Graph

4 B. Some useful words and expressions to describe trends.
1. Verbs: - rise, increase, shoot up, soar up - fall, drop, decline, decrease - remain (constant/ unchanged) - reach (a plateau/ a peak) - level off/ out - fluctuate

5 2. Adverbs: - slowly, gradually, steadily - rapidly, sharply, steeply, suddenly, dramatically, markedly

6 3. Nouns: - an upward trend - a rise, an increase - a downward trend - a fall, a drop, a decline, a decrease

7 4. Adjectives: - slow, gradual, steady - rapid, sharp, steep, dramatic, marked.

8 A suggested outline - a general statement ( title, main subject of the graph) - trends at different time - overall trend

9 Work in pairs. Look at the graphs and match the phrases used in statistical writing to the corresponding information in the graph. The first one has been done for you. (8) (7) (6) (5) (10) (9) (3) (4) (1) (2) a. To level off f. A sudden fall or drop b. To reach a plateau g. To reach a peak c. To remain constant h. An upward trend d. A downward trend i. To rise steadily or to increase gradually e. A drop / fall / decrease / decline j.A dramatic increase

10 Answers

11 VND (in millions) increased/ rose
D. Look at this graph showing sales of Viet Export Corp. and fill in the missing information VND (in millions) increased/ rose 1. In February, sales (1) to 100 million.

12 VND (in millions) 2. In the following two months, they (2)
D. Look at this graph showing sales of Viet Export Corp. and fill in the missing information VND (in millions) 2. In the following two months, they (2) …………… ………………………… at 100 million. remained constant/ reached a plateau

13 D. Look at this graph showing sales of Viet Export Corp
D. Look at this graph showing sales of Viet Export Corp. and fill in the missing information VND (in millions) 3 - In the next three months, they (3) ………… 60 million. fell to

14 VND (in millions) a steady rise
D. Look at this graph showing sales of Viet Export Corp. and fill in the missing information VND (in millions) a steady rise 4 - The next two months saw (4)…………………… to 120 million.

15 D. Look at this graph showing sales of Viet Export Corp
D. Look at this graph showing sales of Viet Export Corp. and fill in the missing information VND (in millions) 5 - This was followed by (5) … …………………………………………to 40 million in October. a dramatic/ sudden fall

16 VND (in millions) rose/ increased
D. Look at this graph showing sales of Viet Export Corp. and fill in the missing information VND (in millions) rose/ increased 6. Sales (6) ………………………… in December to finish the year at 120 million.

17 E. Write a short paragraph related to the statistics of incomes of Viet Discovery Travel shown by the graph (page 54), using the language in statistical writing.

18 Suggested answer: As the graph shows, there was an upward trend in sales. In July, sales rose steadily/ gradually. In August and September, sales remained unchanged (reached a plateau). Then there was a sudden fall (decrease) in October followed by a sharp/ dramatic increase to a peak of 2,000,000 in November

19 Do the homework in the exercise book Prepare for the next period

20 Thank you!

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