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Grace Church Elkridge Demographics Summary of ExecutiveInsite Report February 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Grace Church Elkridge Demographics Summary of ExecutiveInsite Report February 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grace Church Elkridge Demographics Summary of ExecutiveInsite Report February 2013

2 12 Key “Insites” 1)Population Trends 2)Racial/Ethnic Trends 3)Age Trends 4)“School Age” Trends 5)Household Income 6)Households & Children 7)Marital Status Trends 8)Adult Education 9)Employment 10)Household types 11)Charitable Giving 12)Religious Practices

3 1) Population Trends The Population of Elkridge will grow by almost 4000 in the next decade.

4 2) Race & Ethnicity The Racial and Ethnic Makeup of Elkridge will change very little over the next five years.

5 3) Age Trends The Average Age of Elkridgians will increase slightly over the next 10 years, but still be below Maryland’s Average. The fastest growing age segment is people over 55.

6 4) School Age Trends Over the next five years the number of early elementary students will increase by 4%; the number of middle grade students will stay the same; the number of High School students will decrease by 4%.

7 5) Household Income Overall Income will rise steadily during the next five years. Per Capita income will fall over the next five years.

8 5) Household Income There will be modest declines in the numbers of households at all income levels except the very top -- $200,000 or more.

9 6) Households & Children Elkridgians have a more “traditional Family structure” than other Marylanders.

10 7) Marital Status All by less than 1%: the percentage of Married people is rising; the percentage of Never Married and Divorced people is dropping; the percentage of Separated and Widowed people is unchanged.

11 8) Adult Education Elkridgians are better educated than most Marylanders …

12 8) Adult Education … and it will improve over the next five years.

13 9) Employment Professions above the State Average: Managerial Executive Personal Care Professional Specialty

14 10) “Mosaic” Household Type G24: Status Seeking Singles – Page 134 B07: Generational Soup – Page 67 B08: Babies & Bliss – Page 71 A03: Kids & Cabernet – Page 51 A05: Couples with Clout – Page 59 = 49.46%

15 11) Charitable Giving Garrison Keillor would be proud of Elkridgians!

16 12) Religious Practices Church is important … but there are too many other things going on to get there!

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