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Management of Medical Conditions By Valentina, Amy, Maree and Dilara.

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Presentation on theme: "Management of Medical Conditions By Valentina, Amy, Maree and Dilara."— Presentation transcript:

1 Management of Medical Conditions By Valentina, Amy, Maree and Dilara

2 Heart Attack What is a heart attack? A heart attack occurs when a blockage in a blood vessel prevents blood from circulating to the heart. This causes damage to the heart tissue; This is the basis of the poor heart function. Signs and symptoms: Tightness in the chest and major areas of the body contributing to movement. Distressed and shortness of breath. Skin may appear cold, clammy and perspiring. Irregular pulse, may develop shock or may collapse.Management: DRSABCD, call '000‘ If casualty is conscious--> Loosen clothing and offer reassurance. Place into recovery position and monitor until help arrives. DO NOT LEAVE CASUALTY

3 Stroke What is a Stroke? A Stroke is when there is a cut off of Oxygen to areas of the brain cells or a burst blood vessel. Signs and symptoms: Unconscious casualty Partial paralysis and slurred speech Blurred/decreased vision Numbness and difficulty swallowingManagement: DRSABCD and call 000 If conscious- loosen clothing and reassure Place them in the recovery position Don’t leave the casualty

4 Diabetes What is diabetes? A condition where the body is unable to properly maintain the body blood sugar (Glucose) Signs and SymptomsManagement Hypoglycemia (Low blood glucose) Shaking, dizziness, hunger, fast heart beat, tingling around mouth and lips, feeling weak, sweating and a headache. May lead to unconsciousness Sugary substance ( 5-7 jelly beans, soft drink, fruit juice etc.) if not feeling better within 5-10 minutes give them more After, offer carbohydrate food (piece of fruit, milk, sandwich) If unconscious: DRSABCD and call 000 Hyperglycemia (High blood glucose) Always thirsty, large amounts of Urine, rapid pulse, dizzy or faint, smell of acetone on breath. May lead to unconsciousness DRSABCD Give them something to eat or drink If conscious, allow them to administer medication and seek medical advice

5 Epilepsy What is epilepsy? It is a condition of a disturbance in electrochemical activity in the brain and causes reoccurring seizures to one person. Signs and SymptomsManagement  Petit mal: This may go unnoticed as the sufferer may tend to stare, or have temporary memory loss.  Clear area immediately for safety of casualty.  Reassure and comfort sufferer after seizure has passed, seek medical help.  Grand mal: Sufferer may suddenly fall to the ground and cry out.  Body is rigid with jerking movements.  Excess saliva flows from mouth.  May lose control of bladder or bowl.  Tired, confused, agitated and may become unconscious.  Do not restrain casualty or place anything in their mouth.  Area is clear of objects to prevent further injury.  Once seizure has passed place in recovery position to rest and monitor breathing.  Be aware they may feel uncomfortable about moving if they do not have control of their bladder or bowl.  If sufferer is unconscious, apply DRSABCD, seek urgent medical help and DO NOT LEAVE THEM.

6 Asthma Asthma is a respiratory condition as a result of the bronchi going into seizures and becoming narrower. Excess mucus may form causing trouble in breathing. Factors that may trigger an asthma attack include: - exercise - respiratory infections - house dust and smoke - exposure to sudden weather changes - food allergies - animal/insect bites Signs and symptoms include: - Tightness in the chest region, and having difficulty breathing (especially exhaling) - grasping for air (coughing), pale and sweaty skin - blue around lips, ear lobes and finger tips Management of condition: - Reassure, encourage and support the victim - “The 3, 4’s and repeat” : (4 puffs (of medication/inhaler), 4 relaxed breaths, 4 minutes and repeat) - seek medical advice if breathing doesn’t improve.

7 Anaphylaxis Anaphylaxis is a potentially deadly allergic reaction that is rapid on set. It is often triggered by food allergies, medication and insect bites. Anaphylaxis is an unpredictable condition and can end up fatal. Signs and symptoms include: - Swell and increasing redness of victims skin. Itchy raised rash (like hives). - swelling of throat, wheezing and/or coughing. - rapid, irregular pulse, tightness in chest area, headache, vomiting & diarrhoea. - Dizziness and unconsciousness. Management of condition: - DRSABCD and call ‘000’ - Use an Epipen if the victims has owns one - Keep victim in lying or sitting position, and observe and record their pulse and breathing - If victim is unconscious, check for signs of life and prepare to give CPR if necessary.

8 Poisoning A poison is a substance that is dangerous to the normal bodily functions. Poisons can enter the body through swallowing, absorbing through skin, inhaled or injected. Signs and symptoms include: - Dizziness, headache, nausea, blurred vision, rapid pulse, vomiting, dilated pupils, abdominal pain, difficulty in breathing, burns or discolouration of skin, odours on the breath or skin and signs of shock. Management of condition: - Inhaled poison: Move yourself or victim into fresh ai, loosen clothing, and consider oxygen therapy if necessary. - Absorbed poison: Where possible, protect yourself using gloves, goggles and protective clothing. Remove contaminated clothing, carefully to avoid further skin contact and flush the skin with running water. - Ingested poison: Do not induce vomiting or give the victim anything to eat or drink, wash acidic substance off mouth and face with water, or wipe off in all situations. - In all situations: Apply DRSABCD, and call 000 and seek medical advise.

9 Quiz 1.What are the signs/ symptoms of a heart attack 2.What is a stroke and how do you manage it? 3. \How do you manage low blood glucose (Hypoglycemia)?

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