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Play! Standards: 1.1 In the target language, engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.

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Presentation on theme: "Play! Standards: 1.1 In the target language, engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions."— Presentation transcript:


2 Play!

3 Standards: 1.1 In the target language, engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions. 1.2 Understand and interpret both written and spoken forms of the target language on a variety of topics. Next Back Back

4 Directions In this game you will be using your speaking, reading and listening skills to answer questions about things in a market. Before you start the game, obtain a scorecard by clicking the “Scorecard” button. Print one off to use for the game, then close the Word document. In the next screen, you will have the option of “visiting” four different booths. Start at any booth you would like to by clicking on one of the booth signs. You will then navigate through the game with the buttons. “Exit” will end the game, “Back” will return you to the last specific “booth” or question you visited, and “Mercado” will take you back to the market screen. Make sure you “visit” each booth and answer all the questions to complete the game. Give yourself one point for each correct answer unless otherwise noted. When you have answered all the questions in one “booth”, click to go to the next booth. When your score card is full, go to and click. Mercado Back Exit Next Back Back Scorecard Mercado Finish

5 FrutasFrasesVerdurasPrecios Como? Cuanto? Tomate Donde? precio Sandia caja 2.50 $4.58 $0.50 Back Back Finish

6 Frases Write down the following phrases in Spanish and say them out loud. Next, click the button to check your answers. Give yourself one point for writing it down correctly and one point for speaking it correctly (two possible points for each question. 1. How much does it cost? 2. That is very expensive! 3. I want 3 boxes of apples. 4. Are the tomatoes good? 5. Where can I buy watermelon? MercadoBack Exit

7 ¿Cuánto cuesta? MercadoBack Exit

8 Eso es muy caro! MercadoBack Exit

9 Quiero tres cajas de mazanas. MercadoBack Exit

10 ¿Son buenos los tomates? MercadoBack Exit

11 ¿ Dónde puedo comprar sandía? MercadoBack Exit

12 Frutas Identify the following fruits and write their names next to the corresponding number on your score card. Next, click the fruit to check your answer. 1. 2. 3. 5. 4. MercadoBack Exit

13 MercadoBack Exit

14 MercadoBack Exit

15 MercadoBack Exit

16 MercadoBack Exit

17 MercadoBack Exit

18 Verduras On your answer sheet, fill in the blank with the English name for the following vegetables. Next click the button to check your answer. 1.Maíz es ______________. 2. Cebollas son _______________. 3. Calabaza es _______________. 4.Zanahorias son_______________. 5.Lechuga es ____________. Answer MercadoBack Exit

19 corn MercadoBack Exit

20 onions MercadoBack Exit

21 squash, pumpkin MercadoBack Exit

22 Carrots MercadoBack Exit

23 lettuce MercadoBack Exit

24 Precios Click the button after each number to hear a price out loud in Spanish. You may listen to it up to 4 times. Then write the price you hear on your scorecard. Next, click the button to check your answer. 1.Precio # 1 2.Precio #2 3.Precio #3 4.Precio #4 5.Precio #5 Answer Answer 1 Answer 2 Answer 3 Answer 4 Answer 5 MercadoBack Exit

25 $2.53 MercadoBack Exit

26 $4.00 MercadoBack Exit

27 $0.89 MercadoBack Exit

28 $1.16 MercadoBack Exit

29 $4.25 MercadoBack Exit

30 Start New Game

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