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Warm up Usually it’s OK to go out if a friend ask you; but once in a while you have to excuse yourself. What excuses you use so you can do some important.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm up Usually it’s OK to go out if a friend ask you; but once in a while you have to excuse yourself. What excuses you use so you can do some important."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm up Usually it’s OK to go out if a friend ask you; but once in a while you have to excuse yourself. What excuses you use so you can do some important and urgent tasks?

2 On page- 142-143, cd, Tr. 1-2 On page 144, do # 1,2, 3,4. On page 145: making suggestions ; making excuses ** P.145, do 6, sc 5 Tr. 3

3 It’s important through out this chapter, you remember following expressions and words: * qu’est-ce que vous prenez? * C’est combien? * Vous avez choisi? * L’addition, s’il vous plait. Some cognates: en orfre, serveur, invite; truc ( thing): something you can’t remember name.

4 Ex. J’aime bien ces trucs. ( I like these things) D’accord./Bonne idée./ ça ne me dit rien./ j’aime mieux…/ désolé(e), mais, je ne peux pas. On page 146, do 7 with a partner. There are other expressions you can also use: c’est fun! Allons-y! oui, c’est génial/ super. Non, c’est barbant/zéro/nul.

5 * Changing Gear: How to order food or a drink (mineral water). ** Give students handouts! ** On page 147: display different food; ordering French food, learn about their names. Ex. Baguette, café au lait, fraise…. Exit Ticket

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