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From evidence to blueprints for action Sally Witcher & Judith Midgely.

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Presentation on theme: "From evidence to blueprints for action Sally Witcher & Judith Midgely."— Presentation transcript:

1 From evidence to blueprints for action Sally Witcher & Judith Midgely

2 Why do we need evidence?  Understand, learn  Influence, persuade  Predict  Communicate - articulate, visualise  Reassure, build confidence  Drive improvements to practice

3 What is evidence? Evidence- base Research Practice wisdom User & carer experience

4 Evidence to action to evidence EvidenceGapsGatherApplyAnalyse

5 SDS Evidence Explorers  Purpose: explore issues and process of coproducing evidence  Outcomes –Evidence gaps and action to plug –Value of different types of evidence –Share learning, promote improvement –Participants’ learning  Co-production partners

6 What we did & what we found  Evidence gaps  Work streams –Mental health –Human Rights Implications –BME Communities  SDS Insight

7 Evidence gaps  2 stage process  Clusters  Framework –To organise and steer collection –Analytical tool/s

8 Evidence (gaps) framework -Strategic issues -Designing delivery -What’s happening now -Outcomes

9 Mental health work stream  Barriers include: –Stigma and self- stigma –Professional nervousness –Lack of stories and role models –Health route (not necessarily social work) –Involuntary admission= disempowering –Certain mental health problems- feels like control isn’t possible

10 The map: what we did 1.Initial meeting 2. Really small survey (n=4) 3.Bring Your Own Evidence (BYOE) session 4.NHS Lothian literature review

11 The evidence we talked about  Lived experience (user & carer)  Falkirk Mental Health Respite Vouchers Pilot  NHS Lothian SDS Pilot  IBSEN study (mental health data only)  NHS Lothian Literature review  “Self- directed support A review of the barriers and facilitators” (2011)  Scottish Government  Potential pieces of work (SRN, NHS Highland)

12 What we found…  Create accessible information, mental health and SDS.  Don’t make stigma based assumptions about people’s ability to cope and thrive with their own budget.  Develop strong stories, recovery and SDS, SDS possible.  Need to know more about what happens long term.  Need the individual’s whole story from start to finish.

13 Human Rights work stream -Contact 4 LAs to consider some of the gateways to SDS, including; –Charging –Eligibility criteria –Resource Allocation Systems –Assessment -‘FAIR’ & ‘PANEL’ approaches to human rights analyses -Developed a set of recommendations

14 SDS: key ECHR Articles: –Article 14 = the right to enjoy all rights in the Convention without discrimination –Article 3 = the right not to be tortured or treated in an inhuman or degrading way –Article 8 = the right to respect for private and family life, home and correspondence –Article 2 = the right to life

15 SDS: key UNCRPD articles Article 19 = states must ensure that “disabled people have a right to live in the community, with the support they need and can make choices like other people do” Other relevant UNCRPD articles = Article’s 18 & 20 on mobility, 27 on employment, 28 on an adequate standard of living & income, 29 & 30 on participation in cultural, political and civic life

16 What we found -Tension between adult protection/service regulations & overly cautious approach to risks Vs HRs and empowerment, choice and control. -Familiar balance between individual rights and risk -Proportionate & consistent decision making in question -Human rights are under threat in context of cuts NOT because of SDS -Rights agenda is being eroded

17 What we recommend  Wide-ranging: –Local authorities: leadership, policy & practices, guidance, clear & transparent decision-making, appeals process –Charging: free at point of use, Commission on charging, Scottish Government to direct

18 Project Outputs -Final report – process and outcomes – Learning points -Evidence framework – Tools for collecting and analysing data -Work streams – various -Insight -Informing other developments

19 What next?  You? –What evidence do you have? –What evidence could you collect? –How could you share it?  IRISS –Pilotlight project

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