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Babysitting Handbook Mrs. Hoffman will show you how to make your booklet.

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Presentation on theme: "Babysitting Handbook Mrs. Hoffman will show you how to make your booklet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Babysitting Handbook Mrs. Hoffman will show you how to make your booklet

2 Developmental stages  Young Infants: Can look at faces and recognize primary caregivers’ voices; their neck muscles strengthen, allowing them to hold up their head; soon they can kick their legs and feet, and roll over from their stomach to their back. They can communicate by cooing, laughing, and crying.

3 Developmental Stages  Older Infants: Learn to sit alone, crawl, and stand; some may begin to walk. They learn to play. They explore many objects by putting them in their mouths, they enjoy music, picture books, and simple games. They usually speak their first word by the time they turn one.

4 Developmental Stages  Young Toddlers: Those that are 12-24 months of age; eating table foods, hold their own spoon and may use a straw to drink. They can walk, climb steps and run. Young toddlers are very curious people, they enjoy exploring their surroundings and want independence.

5 Developmental Stages  Older toddlers: Have increased physical energy, between 24-36 months they become toilet trained. They can also wash their own hands and dress themselves. Some will engage in parallel play-where they play alongside them but not directly with them, they develop a conscience, which helps them monitor their own behavior.

6 Developmental Stages  Preschoolers: Their large motor skills are well developed. Their fine motor skills are becoming more refined. Increased vocabulary; they start to experience many emotions and begin to understand that adults set rules that they need to follow. They will move towards cooperative play, in which they will play with other children.

7 Developmental Stages  School-Age: They begin to spend more time away from home; they can read and do math, reason, and problem solve. They also face increased academic pressure which can move them towards stress. They learn teamwork and compromise and can consider others’ feelings.

8 Age appropriate games and toys  Use this opportunity to review what you’ve written for the developmental stages.  Next tell me some games or toys that are age appropriate for those developmental stages.  You will complete this part on your own— no answers from the powerpoint!  You will complete this part on your own— no answers from the powerpoint!

9 Become an expert childcare provider!  Get training- this knowledge can make you more comfortable and reassure adults  Learn about the family- find out the date, time, number of children and ages, how long you will be needed, and transportation details; agree on fee  Inform your parents- tell your family the clients’ name, address, and phone number  Arrive early- Get there about 15 minutes early, get to know the children and the home’s layout  Get emergency information- have the parents write down emergency numbers for you, including where they can be reached.  Stay focused on the children- You have been hired to watch the kids, leave personal calls and television for when you get home.

10 Ways to entertain children  Fascinate infants with simple, sensory experiences  Play peek-a-boo with infants  Make mealtime fun  Play pretend with toddlers  Make play out of work  Explore nature  Encourage preschoolers’ imagination  Create prints

11 Make Play Dough!  1 cup water  3 cups flour  1 ½ cup salt  ¼ cup oil  Food coloring  Combine ingredients in bowl and mix. Add more flour if mixture is too sticky. Store in a plastic zip-lock bag.

12 How to handle temper tantrums  Ignore the tantrum-this shows them you aren’t giving in  Maintain the rules- only teaches children that poor behavior gets results  Hold the child- can give comfort  Distract the child- get involved with another activity or game  Remove the audience- attention from others can encourage the child but pressure you  Stay calm- this teaches the child you are in control

13 Safety in the home  Hazardous objects and furniture – Check for debris, objects, furniture, or equipment that could hurt a crawling baby.  Stairways – Monitoring the stairs is a must; infants and toddlers often attempt to climb stairs  Doors and windows – Keep windows and exterior doors locked at all times  Chemicals and matches – Many ordinary household products are poisonous and can cause death.  Constant supervision - ACCIDENTS CAN HAPPEN IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE!

14 Toy Safety  Before giving toys to a child make sure they are clean, unbreakable, free of sharp edges, and too large to swallow  Toys should be age appropriate. Toys with long strings or cords may cause choking and should not be placed in cribs or playpens  Check to see that toys are in good working condition with no broken pieces or sharp edges.  Provide children with safety equipment for activities such as biking or inline skating.

15 Steps to follow during an emergency  Remain calm – Breathe deeply and focus your thoughts on actions you need to take.  Assess the situation – Ask yourself whether this is a minor or major injury, is the child burned, bleeding, or unconscious, can you handle this by yourself or do you need help…  Call for assistance – If the child is seriously injured call 911  Give the minimum necessary first aid treatment – Knowing what you should not do in an emergency is just as important as knowing what you should do. Some injuries can be made worse if you don’t know what you are doing

16 What does family mean to me?  Use this time to write out what family means to you. Do you consider friends family? Write about what family does for you. You should have enough written for the entire page.


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