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 Download music  Doing homework / research  Google  Digital cameras  Gaming sites  Youtube  Social Networking (JD: play video to explain SN here)

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Presentation on theme: " Download music  Doing homework / research  Google  Digital cameras  Gaming sites  Youtube  Social Networking (JD: play video to explain SN here)"— Presentation transcript:


2  Download music  Doing homework / research  Google  Digital cameras  Gaming sites  Youtube  Social Networking (JD: play video to explain SN here) (MSN, Facebook, Myspace, Bebo, Hi5)

3  Keeping in touch with our friends  Research / helps with our homework  Share design skills  Young people promote themselves (music/art/writing)  MSN can be used for file sharing

4  Cyberbullying  Bad influences  Distractions from responsibilities, ie. Schoolwork  Grooming – targeted by paedophiles JD: Embed ‘Claire’s video here

5  DO NOT give your personal details to strangers  Use the privacy settings on the site  DO NOT put up pictures that you don’t want your grandparents to see!  DO NOT add people that you don’t know TRUSTED  DO NOT meet up with someone online without a TRUSTED adult REPORT ABUSE  Use the REPORT ABUSE button

6  TALK TO YOUR CHILDREN  TALK TO YOUR CHILDREN about the internet  Talk about the consequences  Don’t be nosy - be understanding of their privacy  Be open with them and listen to them  Learn from your children  Reassure them that they can talk to you  Don’t be forceful – that can backfire!  Don’t criticise – remember, they know more than you do

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