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Advertising. Role of advertising to increase the sales of a product or usage rates of a service to improve corporate image to change attitudes and behaviour.

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Presentation on theme: "Advertising. Role of advertising to increase the sales of a product or usage rates of a service to improve corporate image to change attitudes and behaviour."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advertising

2 Role of advertising to increase the sales of a product or usage rates of a service to improve corporate image to change attitudes and behaviour to address generic issues to reassure consumers to remind loyal consumers to generate awareness to encourage trial of new products to encourage users of rival brands to switch

3 Types of advertising brand advertising political advertising directory advertising direct response advertising business-to-business advertising institutional or corporate advertising public service advertising

4 Creating, developing and making advertising The creative brief The creative strategy: -the Big Idea -advertising appeals The creative strategy: -the Big Idea -advertising appeals Creative execution style Implementation

5 The creative process Immersion Digestion Incubation Illumination Verification Young, 1974

6 Creative execution styles slice of life dramatisation humour factual demonstration technical expertise scientific evidence comparison endorsement or testimonial personality symbol animation fantasy controversy

7 10 principles for evaluating advertising 1.impact 2.concentrates on one Big Idea 3.simple and clear 4.involves the target consumer 5.discriminates the brand from its competitors 6.credible and genuine 7.integrates brand name with central idea 8.establishes and/or develops consumer relationship 9.builds brand personality 10.idea must be campaignable

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