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First Aid H Text H Notes at McGreggor’s H Yellow card H 20 minutes from hospital H National Safety Council H Red Cross H American Heart Association.

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Presentation on theme: "First Aid H Text H Notes at McGreggor’s H Yellow card H 20 minutes from hospital H National Safety Council H Red Cross H American Heart Association."— Presentation transcript:

1 First Aid H Text H Notes at McGreggor’s H Yellow card H 20 minutes from hospital H National Safety Council H Red Cross H American Heart Association

2 Course Information H Practical H Prevention H Easy Class? Easy A? H Concern for the victim H Advanced training?

3 First Aid H Leading causes of death –Heart disease-725,790 –Cancer-537,390 –Stroke-159,877 –Lung diseases 110,637 –Accidents 92,191

4 Injuries H The leading cause of death and disability in children and young adults H Brain and spinal cord injuries: 80,000 unnecessary and permanently disabled H Disabling injuries from unintentional causes: –19.4 million in l998 –One disabling injury every 2 seconds –One fatality every 6 minutes

5 Expenses Related to Unintentional Injuries H 480.5 billion dollars each year H Prevention is much less expensive

6 Leading Injury Related Deaths H Motor vehicle crashes H Falls H Poisoning H Drowning H Fires, burns

7 Heart Problems H 1 of every 4 Americans has a heart problem

8 Emergency Frequency H ASU: 10,000 students H Student in this class

9 The Golden Hour

10 What Is First Aid? Chapters 1 and 2 H It is the immediate care given to the injured or suddenly ill until more advanced care is obtained

11 What Is First Aid #2 H Proper first aid procedures may mean the difference between: –Life and death –Rapid or slow recovery –Hospitalization –Temporary disability or permanent injury

12 Lawsuit Society

13 Legal Aspects H No one is required to render first aid unless: –Designated by employer –Pre-existing responsibility

14 Legal Aspects #2 H Once first aid has begun, you are not to leave until: –The victim is under the care of someone with equal or greater training –The victim refuses treatment or transportation

15 Legal Aspects #3 H If you do leave, you may be charged with: – ABANDONMENT

16 Standards Of Care H What type of first aid care is appropriate and acceptable? H If you act reasonably and with the same amount of training as others who would deal with similar circumstances, you fall under The Type Of Rescurer

17 Standards Of Care #2 H If you follow recommendations identified by the American Heart Association, American Red Cross, National Safety Council, etc. you fall under: Published Recommendations

18 Consent H Expressed Consent: – Nod, oral, or written permission (parents / guardian of incompetent individuals) –Do not withhold first aid from a minor just to obtain consent H Implied Consent: –Deals with the unconscious –Deals with conscious who does not resist help

19 Consent #2 H Touching another person without permission is unlawful! (battery)

20 Right To Refuse Care H Why might someone refuse care? –(student didn’t believe in going to the doctor) H Try to convince victim that they need care

21 If Victim Refuses Care: H DO NOT give aid or transport H Make note of witnesses H Document events (put all info in writing)

22 If Parents Refuse Help For A Child: H Convince otherwise H Call police H Document events in writing H Identify witnesses

23 If Intoxicated Or Belligerent And Refuse Care H Convince otherwise H Document events in writing H Identify witnesses H Drugs and alcohol may mask injury

24 Good Samaritan Laws H Vary from state to state H Protects those acting in good faith without gross negligence or willful misconduct. – some legal experts suggests this gives a false sense of security to the first aider

25 Good Samaritan Laws #2 H If the victim‘s condition is worsened by one giving first aid, litigation is possible H Your protection consists of proper training and application of skills

26 Confidentiality

27 Rescue Doctrine H In some cases, the injured rescuer has the right to recover for injuries sustained while attempting to help –(amputated leg) –(downed power line - sued power company)

28 Will You Help?

29 Consider The Following H Consider your health as well as the victim’s H Try to decide ahead of time if you will help H Are you bothered by blood, HIV risks, HBV? H Calm yourself, take deep breaths

30 Will You Help? #2 H Protect yourself by wearing gloves –(victim in street) H Glove removal

31 Will You Help? #3 H All human blood and body fluids should be considered infectious –Wash hands extremely well –Clean spills with diluted bleach

32 Will You Help? #4 H If you don’t think you can handle a situation, call EMS –Do not call a friend or relative first –Teach children to call 911

33 The Dying Victim H Avoid negative statements H Assure victim that family will be located H Allow for some hope H Use a gentle voice

34 The Dying Victim #2 H Use the victim’s name H Reassure by touching the victim H Do not pronounce death –Even paramedics can’t pronounce death

35 Grieving H For the victim’s family and for yourself H Don’t tell survivors everything at once H Counseling (paramedics- Westside)

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