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ATMIA Latin America 26 June 2014 Regional Board Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "ATMIA Latin America 26 June 2014 Regional Board Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 ATMIA Latin America 26 June 2014 Regional Board Meeting

2 Agenda Page  2 Latin America Chapter meeting Welcome and overview of agenda Status of the Latin America chapter Latin America chapter financial report Creation of a joint LA Board and Government Relations Committee Plans for a 2015 Latin America Conference and Expo 1 2 3 4 5 What other committees might be of benefit to the chapter? Strategy for member growth Translation of Best Practices and other resources 6 7 8

3 ATMIA Latin America – Chapter Status Page  3  Region includes -South America -Central America -Mexico, Carribean (may choose USA/LA)  As of June 1 -3 new members; including MasterCard as a Board member -14 company members -1 regional sponsor -23 global sponsors  Resources translated -2 Best Practice manuals -Member collateral Diversity of the region

4 ATM Market in South America Page  4

5 ATMIA Latin America – Financial Report Page  5 As of May 22, 2014

6 ATMIA Latin America Board Page  6 First meeting of the LATAM Regional Board Regional Board Functions  Create and manage working committees and forums  Provide regional input on ATMIA mission and planning  Guide development of regional resources – webinars, best practice  Provide input on budgetary needs  Assist with membership development  Determine need for a regional defense fund

7 ATMIA Latin America Board Page  7 First meeting of the LATAM Regional Board Election of a Board Chairman  Board may also be led by a Chairperson and Co-chair, or two Co-chairs  An important step in the growth and maturity of the region  It is preferred that Board leaders be based within a LATAM country  If multiple individuals are interested in this responsibility, an election would be held

8 ATMIA Latin America GRC Page  8  Government Relations Committee (GRC) is another important step -Monitors regulatory efforts across the region -New regulations tend to cross borders -Coordinate response to new initiatives  We recommend that smaller chapters use a combined Board and GRC format Combined Regional Board and GRC

9 2015 ATMIA Latin America Conference Page  9  Venue – Miami, Florida, USA -April/May time frame -Working on hotel options  Regional conference -A theme for the event is needed -Seek out a Keynote speaker -Call for speakers for general sessions -$500 -600 registration fee  Exhibit hall -Need a minimum of 10 -15 exhibitors and/or sponsors -$2,500 – 3,500 per booth; depending on hotel costs

10 Global Committees Page  10  ATM Cash Council  Global GRC  Windows 7 Migration -Recently terminated  2020 -End of Win7 support  ATM Software & Cyber Security -Best Practices update  Updateable ATM -Alternative ATM O/S There are a number of global committee groups

11 Regional Committees Page  11  U.S. Board Steering Committee  Government Relations Committee (GRC)  Independent ATM Deployer  Sponsoring Financial Institutions  U.S. Underbanked Forum  U.S. EMV Migration ATMIA USA has six active committees

12 Regional Committees Page  12  European Government Relations & Communications  European Cash & Technology  European Security & Accessibility  European Membership & Business Development ATMIA Europe has four active committees

13 Regional Committees Page  13  Latin America Cash?  Latin America Fraud and Security?  Latin America Under-served Markets?  Latin America EMV Migration?  Postpone formation of other committees? Latin America – what committees are of interest and value?

14 Strategy for Member Growth Page  14  Webinars on current topics of interest? -EMV migration in LATAM -Prevention of explosive attacks -Windows t migration  Marketing program focused on banks? -Press releases in the region -Email campaign  Partner with existing members? -Internal marketing to bank customers What can we do to drive membership growth?

15 ATMIA – Best Practices Page  15 Brazilian Portuguese Translated Best Practices Prevenção de Ataques a ATMs Spanish Translated Best Practices Sistema de Pagos Integrados en el ATM y Experiencia del Cliente Mejores prácticas para la prevención de ataques contra cajeros automáticos con gas y explosivos Other Best Practices to Translate? Cardless ATM Transactions Best Practices ATM Software Security Best Practices ATM Business Efficiency Best Practices ATM Physical Security Version 2 Best Practices Managing Anti Money Laundering at ATMs

16 Page  16 Feel free to contact us. Do You Have Any Questions? David Tente Executive Director, LATAM (407) 833-7906

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