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Robert's Rules of Order - Summary Version

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1 Robert's Rules of Order - Summary Version
For Fair and Orderly Meetings & Conventions AS Interpreted by Rick

2 What and Why Robert’s rules
What Is Parliamentary Procedure? It is a set of rules for conduct at meetings, that allows everyone to be heard and to make decisions without confusion. Why is Parliamentary Procedure Important? Because it's a time tested method of conducting business at meetings and public gatherings. It can be adapted to fit the needs of any organization. Today, Robert's Rules of Order newly revised is the basic handbook of operation for most clubs, organizations and other groups. So it's important that everyone know these basic rules!

3 Robert’s Rules of Order
The fundamental right of deliberative assemblies require all questions to be thoroughly discussed before taking action! The assembly rules - they have the final say on everything! Silence means consent! Over all Goal: To bring order out of chaos, So he decided to write Robert's Rules of Order, as it came to be called .

4 History and origins Robert's Rules of Order is the short title of a book, written by Brig. Gen. Henry Martyn Robert, containing rules of order intended to be adopted as a parliamentary authority for use by a deliberative assembly. Currently in its eleventh edition and published under the name Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised, it is a widely used parliamentary authority in the English- speaking world. The first edition of the book, whose full title was Pocket Manual of Rules of Order for Deliberative Assemblies, was published in February 1876 by then U.S. Army Colonel Henry Martyn Robert (1837–1923) with the short title Robert's Rules of Order placed on its cover.

5 Robert’s Rules of Order
Provides common rules and procedures for deliberation and debate in order to place the whole membership on the same footing and speaking the same language. The conduct of ALL business is controlled by the general will of the whole membership – the right of the deliberate majority to decide. Complementary is the right of at least a strong minority to require the majority to be deliberate - to act according to its considered judgment AFTER a full and fair "working through" of the issues involved. Robert's Rules provides for constructive and democratic meetings, to help, not hinder, the business of the assembly. Under no circumstances should "undue strictness" be allowed to intimidate members or limit full participation. Everybody knows and should follow the established rules. Mostly common courtesy/manners. The Council decides things by majority. Everyone has equal rights, and should be made to feel comfortable and feel they can participate fully.

6 Robert's Rules provides rules and procedures that allow a deliberative assembly to make its decisions efficiently, but with all due regard for the rights of the minority. Following the rules ensures a fair and more achievable outcome without wasting time, but remembering all the details of parliamentary procedure can be a tall order. Keeping some quick reference material on hand when you enter a meeting will ensure you have the important information you need to effectively and democratically achieve the business of the assembly (Council) i.e. Agendas, reports, Robert's Rules of Order checklists, etc.

7 Robert's Rules for Setting an Agenda
At the foundation of every good meeting is a good meeting plan, or agenda. And Mr. Robert is the man with the plan. Robert's Rules provides your group with a standard order of business, which is simply a sequence for taking up each different class of business in order: Our Council’s agenda is very similar to his example The agenda and all committee reports are merely recommendations! When presented to the assembly and the question is stated, debate begins and changes occur!

8 The Different Types of Rules that an Organization Creates
When it comes to making rules under Robert's Rules, one rule stands out: A group is free to adopt whatever rules it may want or need as long as the procedure for adopting them conforms to any rules already in place or to the general parliamentary law. The reason for having rules in the first place is so that you and your fellow group members can mutually agree on governance (that is, who your leaders are, how you choose them, when you have your meetings, and so forth), procedures for arriving at group decisions, and policy covering the details of administration for your organization. Different situations call for different types of rules. Robert's Rules classifies rules based generally on their application and use and on how difficult they are to change or suspend: A group is free to make rules, but most use the established ones, including the Open Meetings Act, etc. Governance – bylaws, Procedures deciding things as a group. Policies for the overall administration of the Council, i.e. office policies, etc.

9 Types of Rules under Roberts rules
Charter: The charter may be either your articles of incorporation or a charter issued by a superior organization if your group is a unit of a larger organization. A corporate charter is amendable as provided by law or according to provisions in the document for amendment. A charter issued by a superior organization is amendable only by the issuing organization. Bylaws: The bylaws are fundamental rules that define your organization. Bylaws are established in a single document of interrelated rules. Rules of order: Rules of order are written rules of procedure for conducting meeting business in an orderly manner and the meeting-related duties of the officers. Because these rules are of a general nature about procedure rather than about the organization itself, it's customary for organizations to adopt a standard set of rules by adopting a parliamentary authority such as Robert's Rules. Standing rules: These rules are related to the details of administration rather than parliamentary procedure. Motions your group adopts over the course of time related to policy and administration are collectively your standing rules. Robert's Rules also mentions custom, referring to unwritten rules followed in actual practice. But because they're not written, they're not considered a "class" of rules. Charter is basically the RCW’s and WAC’s creating the Regional Council. Standing rules are the administrative policies, i.e. travel reimbursement policy.

10 Making and Handling Motions Following Robert's Rules
In an organization that's following Robert's Rules, When that light bulb goes off in your head and you have a great idea, You make a motion to get your idea discussed and a decision made. Here are the eight steps required from start to finish to make a motion and get the decision of the assembly. Each step is a required part of the process. Ideas become motions become actions! That are fairly debated and decided. Everyone has biases and is influenced by someone.

11 Step What to say 1. The member addresses the chair.
“Mr./Madam Chairman.” 2.     The chair recognizes the member. “The chair recognizes Ms. Gliggenschlapp.” 3. The member makes a motion. “I move to purchase a copy of Robert’s Rules For Dummies for our president.” 4.     Another member seconds the motion. “Second.”

12 Step What to say 5. The chair states the motion.
“It is moved and seconded to purchase a copy of Robert’s Rules For Dummies for your president. Are you ready for the question?” 6. The members debate the motion. “The chair recognizes Ms. Gliggenschlapp to speak to her motion ” 7.     The chair puts the question, and the members vote. “Those in favor of adopting the motion to buy a copy of Robert’s Rules For Dummies for your president, say ‘Aye.’ [pause] Those opposed, say ‘No.’” 8.     The chair announces the result of the vote. “The ayes have it, and the motion carries. A copy of Robert’s Rules For Dummies will be purchased for your president.”

13 Motion etiquette Only one member can be assigned the floor at a time.
Only one main motion can be pending at a time. The mover is always allowed to speak first. Only one member can be assigned the floor at a time. Recognized by the Chair. Members take turns speaking. No member speaks twice about a motion until all members have had the opportunity to speak. Everyone gets the right to present, speak to, and vote on ideas. Courtesy and manners Rule

14 Motions or Actions Main Motion. is a formal proposal by a member of a deliberative assembly that the assembly take certain action. Subsidiary motions, which affect the main motion being considered. Incidental motions, which affect rules and procedures that are not specifically tied to a particular main motion. Privileged motions, which are urgent matters that must be dealt with immediately, even if they interrupt pending business. Motions that bring a matter again before the assembly. Five basic types of motions, we will look at each type.

15 The motion A Motion is proposed by a member of the body, for the consideration of the body as a whole. With the exception of certain incidental and privileged motions, the person making the motion, known as the mover, must first be recognized by the chairman as being entitled to speak; this is known as obtaining the floor. Once the mover has obtained the floor, the mover states the motion, normally prefixed with the phrase "I move." If the motion was in writing, the mover would say "I move the resolution at the desk" or "I move the following resolution" and would then read it. Generally, once the motion has been proposed, consideration by the assembly occurs only if another member of the body immediately seconds the motion. The motion is made after the Chair recognizes the Mover, if seconded the debate can take place, if no second it dies and there is no discussion on the subject.

16 Subsidiary motions, Commit Postpone to a certain time
Postpone indefinitely Amend: The motion to amend, in parliamentary procedure, is used to modify another motion. Commit Postpone to a certain time Limit or extend limits of debate Previous question Cloture: aimed at bringing debate to a quick end Lay upon the table Place upon the table Postpone indefintely is a way to kill a motion without voting on the motion. Amen is to modify, then you vote on the amendment and then the amended motion. Commit to a committee. Postpone to another meeting. Put a time limit on debate. Previous question or Call for the question is to call for a vote, considered rude until all get to debate. Table a motion

17 Incidental motions Point of order Appeal Suspend the rules Objection to the consideration of a question Division of a question Consideration by paragraph or seriatim Division of the assembly Motions relating to methods of voting and the polls Motions relating to nominations Point of order is pointing out a violation of the rules. Appeal a point of order, Suspend the rules- usually used to change agenda or break a rule.

18 Privileged motions A privileged motion is a motion in parliamentary procedure that is granted precedence over ordinary business because it concerns matters of great importance or urgency. Such motions are not debatable, although in case of questions of privilege, the chair may feel the need to elicit relevant facts from members. In order of Precedence: Fix the time to which to adjourn Adjourn Recess Raise a question of privilege Call for the order of the day These motions take precedence over others but stillhave to be recognized by the Chair and not interrupt others. They are on the handouts. As far as precedence and wheter you can interrupt and whether it takes a second.

19 Motions that bring a matter again before the assembly.
Take from the table Rescind, repeal, annul or amend something previously adopted Discharge a committee Reconsider

20 Miscellaneous information
a board may adopt its own special rules of order and standing rules so long as they do not conflict with the society's rules or Laws Recognition of “one person, one vote” as a fundamental principle Provision permitting notice to be sent by electronic communication, such as or fax, to members who consent subsection on “electronic meetings,” is included in Robert’s Rules Bylaws sometimes have to permit certain rules, i.e. electronic meetings, notices by or fax, might be limited.

21 Misc. continued If the president is a member of the voting body, he or she has exactly the same rights and privileges as all other members have, including the right to make motions, to speak in debate, and to vote on all questions. So, in meetings of a small board (where there are not more than about a dozen board members present), and in meetings of a committee, the presiding officer may exercise these rights and privileges as fully as any other member. The requirement of a two-thirds vote means at least two thirds. As a consequence, nothing less will do. The president is to prepare a proposed agenda, but that becomes binding only if it is adopted by the full assembly This item is what is misconstrued a lot, I never thought the president could make a motion or second. Also, a motion can be passed if the Chair feels it is general consensus and asks if general consensus, if someone objects then a vote is taken.

22 Summary Robert’s Rules of Order is one man’s presentation and discussion of parliamentary procedure, that has become the leading authority in most organizations today. The basic principles: Someone has to facilitate or direct the discussion and keep order. All members of the group have the right to bring up ideas, discuss them, and come to a conclusion/decsion. Members should come to an agreement about what to do. Members should understand that the majority rules, but the rights of the minority are always protected by assuring them the right to speak and to vote. They are referenced in a lot of places, again they are to run a meeting using rules all can follow and be treated fairly and get a chance to speak.

23 Summary continued All members are equal — they have equal rights and responsibilities. The organization is run with impartiality and fairness. Law and enactment rule the organization, not the whims of the leadership. The rules are applied equally, impartially, and fairly to all and not just a select few. The majority rules, but the rights of the minority and absent members are protected. Everything is accomplished in the spirit of openness, not secrecy. Members have the right to know what is going on within the organization by attending meetings, inspecting the official records, and receiving notices and reports from committees, officers, and boards. Helps conform to laws like Open meeting etc.

24 Using the rules allow for a quicker more efficient meeting!!
Parliamentary procedure is the best way to get things done at your meetings. It will only work, however, if you use it properly. Remember to: • Allow motions that are in order (proper). • Have members obtain the floor properly. (Recognized) • Speak clearly and concisely. • Obey the rules of debate. • Most importantly, BE COURTEOUS. Thank You I move to move on!

25 Robert's Rules For Dummies, 2nd Edition by C. Alan Jennings, PRP
References Robert's Rules For Dummies, 2nd Edition by C. Alan Jennings, PRP Wikipedia The Original Robert’s Rules of Order Web Site

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