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Austin ISD Up Close Edna Ramón Butts Director, Intergovernmental Relations & Policy Oversight.

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Presentation on theme: "Austin ISD Up Close Edna Ramón Butts Director, Intergovernmental Relations & Policy Oversight."— Presentation transcript:

1 Austin ISD Up Close Edna Ramón Butts Director, Intergovernmental Relations & Policy Oversight

2 Intergovernmental Relations Local State Federal

3 Role of the Board & Staff in Legislative Matters Staff may only monitor, serve as a resource, provide information. Board members have more flexibility than staff and may advocate for or against a particular measure. Director of IGR & Policy Oversight reviews bills, distributes to appropriate staff for input on impact, and shares that information, as appropriate. Staff testifies on behalf of AISD as a resource only if invited. Staff may testify in their individual capacities as long as they do so on personal time and clarify they are representing themselves, not AISD.

4 Guiding Principles Adopted by Board June 2012 Flexibility to prioritize spending. Restore cuts made by the 82 nd Legislature. Keep promise to Districts that funding will not go below 2006 levels. Funding for full-day pre-K. Financial assistance for Districts that pay SS. Reinstate DATE funding. Moderate emphasis on & approach to standardized tests.

5 Legislative Priorities Adopted by Board December 2012 Guiding Principles + Increase the Tier 1 funding weight for Bilingual, ESL from 0.10 to 0.12. Restore and increase Student Success Initiative funding; make it available for all grades. Eliminate or postpone requirement that a student’s performance on EOC exam account for 15% of final grade. Focus on only the most essential exams as graduation requirements: Math, Science & English Language Arts. Expand flexibility in ways students can satisfy graduation requirements, such as SAT, ACT, AP, IB, dual credit classes.

6 83 rd Legislature Major Education Issues School Funding Assessment & Accountability School Safety Student Discipline Charter Schools Vouchers/ School Choice/ Taxpayer Savings Grants

7 School Funding – SB 1 Senate - $1.5 billion in FSP funding, plus $44 M pre-k formula funding, and $14 M in additional funding for the Student Success Initiative. House - increased the Foundation School Program (FSP) by $2.5 billion. Average increase for all Districts in ADA is an estimated $210 in FY14 and $304 in FY15. Districts that still rely on ASATR are estimated to see increases of approximately $40/ADA in FY14 and $30/ADA in FY 15. AISD will receive $28/ADA in FY14 and $16/ADA in FY15. Conference Committee will negotiate differences.

8 Assessment & Accountabililty HB 5 creates new Foundation Diploma Plan with 5 Endorsements: STEM Business & Industry Public Services Arts & Humanities Multi-Disciplinary Studies Reduces EOCs from 15 to 5 Eliminates requirement that EOC account for 15% of final grade

9 School Safety & Student Discipline SB 17 - gun training for teachers SB 393 - prosecution of children for Class C misdemeanors SB 1114 - prosecution of children for Class C misdemeanors SB 1115 - data collection / reporting; Disciplinary Action Plan SB 1556 - establishing School Safety Advisory Council and School Safety Certification Program HB 1009 – permits Districts to appoint school marshals HB 2367 - bus drivers authority to keep students safe when they are transporting them to and from school.

10 Charter Schools SB 2 - Amends cap on the total number of charters increasing it by 10 charters in FY15, 25 charters in FY16, 40 charters in FY17, and 60 charters in FY18 compared to the current cap of 215. Commissioner may grant additional charters not subject to the cap for entities operating charters in other states that meet certain performance requirements, primarily serve students with disabilities, and serving as dropout recovery programs. Would require TEA to conduct an annual performance evaluation of charter schools with requirements stipulated by the bill.

11 Vouchers / School Choice SB 115 – School Choice Program for certain students with disabilities SB 23 - Texas Equal Opportunity Scholarship program Provides business with tax credits for donations made to third-party donation aggregators Third-party aggregator would then award scholarships to students to attend private schools Students must be either at-risk of dropping out or from households making less than 200 percent times the threshold required for free school lunch. SB 1575 - Taxpayer savings grant program Provide parents who send their children to a private school with a reimbursement equal to the lesser of either the school tuition or 60 percent of the average state maintenance and operations spending per student. Would be restricted to students entering kindergarten or first grade or those who have spent the entire year prior in public school.

12 Policy LEGAL policies compile federal law, state law, and court decisions, providing the statutory context in which all other policies should be read. LOCAL policies reflect Board mandates, decisions, responses to law, and authorizations. REGULATIONS are the administrative, detailed “how to” carry out LEGAL and LOCAL policies. Under authority of Superintendent. EXHIBITS are forms, charts, lists, etc., also under the authority of Superintendent.

13 How can I get involved? Stay informed – Texas Legislature Online Contact your legislators E-mail and written communications Phone calls Personal visits Testimony

14 How can I get involved? Coalition of Revenue Contributing Schools Save Texas Schools Texas Association of School Boards Texas PTA TAMSA

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