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The Venice Tide Barrier Project The Bailong Elevator.

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3 The Venice Tide Barrier Project

4 The Bailong Elevator

5 The Millau Viaduct

6 The Langeled Pipeline

7 The Three Gorges Dam

8 The Big Dig

9 The Toshka Project

10 The Lilypad Project


12 "We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win..." - John F. Kennedy

13 "that's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind,"


15 Understand the Vision  Superintendent  Academic Officer  Curriculum and Instruction Executive Director  Chief of Data and Accountability  Chief Financial Officer  Instructional Director of Science

16 Coordination with District Staff  Budget  Human Resources  Title 1  Director of Facilities Management  Support Services

17 Develop the School Leadership Team  Assistant Principal  Lead Teachers/Academic Coaches  Counselor (s)  Team Leader  School Council – Parents

18 Build the STEM Team  Establish Criteria for Selection of Staff  Key Positions – Certified  Key Positions – Classified  Begin Interviews by April 1 st, 2013  STEM Team completed by May 1 st, 2013  STEM Team Meetings, Grade Level Meetings, Subject Area Meetings during May 2013 (2)  July Summer Institute – MOA for Focus School

19 Parental Involvement and Building Relationships  Parent Meeting to Introduce Principal – March  Survey to know expectations  Survey of parental resources  PTA  School Council  Open Houses in July and August  Develop parent/school contract

20 Creating Expectations for Students  Open Houses  Summer STEM opportunities  Building Character and Soft Skills  Academic Goals  Student-led conferences  Effective use of Technology

21 Map Community Resources  Business/Industry Partnerships  Mentors  Community Based Instruction  Develop High School Pathways  Analysis of Elementary Feeder Sources

22 Prepare the Building  HVAC  Roof  Engineering Lab  Building Layout  Classrooms  Technology

23 Honor the Current Bartlett  Staff  Students  Parents  Focus School  Title 1

24 Move from Vision to Implementation  Curriculum  Math and ELA established  Science and Social Studies – must develop  STEM, Research, Technology, Specials  STEM Classroom Feedback Rubric  Master Schedule  PBIS  Professional Development  Rigor/Relevance Framework (Application Model)  After School Program/Clubs

25  Explore CTAE connection  6 th Grade  3 teams  SRA Read to Achieve, Foreign Languages, STEM Lab, Technology Lab,  7 th Grade  8 th Grade

26  Increase number of STEM specialty program applications which will require lottery for all grade levels for the 2014/2015 school year  Achieve Georgia Department of Education State STEM School Certification by end of 2014/2015  Facilitate infusion of STEM best practices in all SCCPSS elementary schools  Project-based research by students to convert Bartlett to a “Green” school  STEM to STEAM in 2015/2016



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