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UBCM Newly Elected Officials Presentation On Robert’s Rules of Order Meeting Procedures: Motions in Action By Barrie Lynch Registered Parliamentarian.

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Presentation on theme: "UBCM Newly Elected Officials Presentation On Robert’s Rules of Order Meeting Procedures: Motions in Action By Barrie Lynch Registered Parliamentarian."— Presentation transcript:

1 UBCM Newly Elected Officials Presentation On Robert’s Rules of Order Meeting Procedures: Motions in Action By Barrie Lynch Registered Parliamentarian

2 UBCM Newly Elected Officials Most Frequent Motions  Main Motion  Amend  Refer  Postpone  Point of Order  Appeal

3 UBCM Newly Elected Officials Why Parliamentary Procedure  To determine & execute the will of the assembly  To provide an orderly and expeditious manner of transacting business

4 UBCM Newly Elected Officials The Fundamental Principles  Justice and courtesy for all  Do only one thing at a time  The majority rules  The minority has a right to be heard

5 UBCM Newly Elected Officials Ranking of the Rules of Procedure  The Fundamental Principles  The Laws of the Land  The Local Government Act/Community Charter  Your Procedural Bylaw  Robert’s Rules of Order  Other Rules

6 UBCM Newly Elected Officials The Introduction of Business  Bylaw  Resolution  Lowest Ranking  1.Moved  2.Seconded  3.Stated by the Chair

7 UBCM Newly Elected Officials Main Motions  ….I move  ….I move the adoption of the following resolution  ….Resolved that

8 UBCM Newly Elected Officials Sample Resolution  “That Councillors Wilson, Hollington and Thorne be authorized to attend the 2006 Federation of Canadian Municipalities Conference”

9 UBCM Newly Elected Officials To Amend  To change the wording  To perfect –Insert or add –To strike out –To strike out and insert

10 UBCM Newly Elected Officials Primary Amendment  Insert between the words “authorized” and “to” -- “at a total cost not to exceed $4500.00”.  “That Councillors Wilson, Hollington and Thorne be authorized, at a total cost not to exceed $4500.00, to attend the 2006 Federation of Canadian Municipalities Conference”.

11 UBCM Newly Elected Officials Secondary Amendment  To strike $4500.00 and insert “$1500.00 per individual Councillor”.  “at a total cost not to exceed $1500.00 per individual Councillor”.

12 UBCM Newly Elected Officials Main Motion  “That Councillors Wilson, Hollington and Thorne be authorized, at a total cost not to exceed $1500.00 per individual Councillor, to attend the 2006 Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce.”

13 UBCM Newly Elected Officials 7 Subsidiary Motions  Lay on the table  Previous question  Limit or extend (limits of debate)  Postpone definitely  Refer to Committee  Amend  Postpone indefinitely

14 UBCM Newly Elected Officials 5 Privileged Motions  Fix the time to which to adjourn  Adjourn  Take a recess  Raise a question of privilege  Call for the orders of the day

15 UBCM Newly Elected Officials Point of Order  Chair rules

16 UBCM Newly Elected Officials Appeal  “Shall the decision of the Chair be sustained?”  Not debatable Tie Vote passes in the affirmative  Recorded Vote

17 UBCM Newly Elected Officials Round the Table  Q & A

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