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Participants enjoy the scenery and listen to the music provided by Milo Bowes Band and the NCCU Jazz Ensemble while Dean Gretchen Bell and Dr. James.

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3 Participants enjoy the scenery and listen to the music provided by Milo Bowes Band and the NCCU Jazz Ensemble while Dean Gretchen Bell and Dr. James Owen go over placement of the schedule





8 David Kipen, NEA representative, overjoyed that this community has selected the NEA Big Read project to encourage people to read


10 Lionell Parker introducing Milo Bowes Band and the NCCU Jazz Ensemble



13 Dr. Susan Shillinglaw enjoying her introduction by Lionell Parker as the keynote speaker

14 R.C. Ransom IV playing American Pride on soprano saxophone



17 A member of the Milo Bowes Band playing the banjo They were AWESOME

18 Bass player from NCCU Jazz Ensemble playing a mean bass


20 Caswell County Schools Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools Durham Tech Community College Orange County Campus Hyconeechee Regional Libraries Orange County Schools Partnership for Children Person County Person County Schools Piedmont Community College


22 September 13- October 31, 2008

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