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Political Failure, Dictatorship, and Corruption Zimbabwe & Cuba By: Dylan, Connor, Stockton, and Parker.

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Presentation on theme: "Political Failure, Dictatorship, and Corruption Zimbabwe & Cuba By: Dylan, Connor, Stockton, and Parker."— Presentation transcript:

1 Political Failure, Dictatorship, and Corruption Zimbabwe & Cuba By: Dylan, Connor, Stockton, and Parker

2 Zimbabwe Granted independence in 1980 Unstable government Mugabe rose to power Mugabe’s leadership lead to inflation and corruption throughout the country.

3 Cuba Cuba gained independence in 1898 Fidel Castro came to power 1951 Fidel gave power to brother, Raul both are communist leaders.

4 Problems in Zimbabwe Corrupt leader: Mugabe is blamed for many of Zimbabwe’s problems. Inflation Cholera epidemic Poverty

5 Problems in Cuba Corrupt leader: Castro is blamed for many of the problems in Cuba. Poverty Communist government State controls people’s lives

6 Zimbabwe Political Failure Rules by fear Terrible economic inflation 100,000% High unemployment Worthless currency

7 Cuba Political Failure Inequality Poverty Lack of healthcare and education Few human rights

8 Zimbabwe dictatorship Robert Mugabe 29 years of failed rule Military backed

9 One of Mugabe’s Houses Average Hut in Zimbabwe

10 Cuba dictatorship Fidel Castro 1959 Revolution gained power Back by Soviet Union Anti-American Cuban missile crisis

11 Zimbabwe corruption Steals votes Campaign of violence “no-go-zones” Arrest opposition leaders

12 Cuba corruption Blackmail and bribery Money laundering Voucher system Government control

13 Development Definition: Low standards for: –Democratic governments –Industrialization –Social programs –Human rights Compared to the west (developed nations)

14 Zimbabwe Mugabe : Government run by corrupt leader Bad economy Little to no education/healthcare Citizens have no say

15 Cuba Castro : “socialist republic” run by a dictator Poor economy due to embargo Fair social programs Limits freedom of people

16 Zimbabwe: Overcome Barriers New government Citizens more freedom Better education End Isolation Nonprofit organizations International businesses Economy

17 Cuba: Overcome Barriers End Castro’s Reign –More voice to people –Democracy –Fix US relations Economy –End embargo Continue free healthcare

18 Barriers are not overcome Dictators must be stopped or problems will continue: –Isolation –No human rights –Failing Economy –no freedom

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