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Lincoln University The Math Science Partnership of Greater Philadelphia Pedagogy Learning Seminar.

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Presentation on theme: "Lincoln University The Math Science Partnership of Greater Philadelphia Pedagogy Learning Seminar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lincoln University The Math Science Partnership of Greater Philadelphia Pedagogy Learning Seminar

2 How we started PLS In December 2006, LU communicated with MSPGP for faculty development seminars. Dr. Victor Donnay took interest in the matter and helped us write a sub award proposal for Pedagogy Learning Seminars. He also committed to give presentations in these seminars. This is how PSL began at Lincoln

3 Organizational Challenges We did not fully understand the goals. There was no communication between Math, Science and Education Departments. LU was being renovated, so scheduling was a challenge. And so on..

4 We could manage because We got tremendous support from LU faculties. Many did not attend the seminars, but communicated with us via e- mail. Dr. Joanne Deboy head of the Ed department, gave us valuable guidance. Without her with us, we could not have done it. Lastly, Dr. Victor Donnay gave us a mentor support.

5 Spring 2007: Speaker Dr. Victor Donnay. No. DateTitleAttendanc e 12/15/0 7 How People Learn9 23/8/07Formative Assessment 12 34/12/0 7 Research on Learning 12 45/3/07Conclusion11

6 All the seminars were Interesting Informative Well organized Interactive They gave us a model for a learner centered classroom.

7 Fall 2007 We planned to conduct each seminar in two sections: First hour for a formal presentation on new learning methods. Second hour open for discussion. We invited all the Math and Science faculties for participation.

8 Fall 2007 No.DateTitleSpeakerAttend ance 19/26/07How People Learn Dr. Major, Prof Parker 10 210/17/07Challenges of Teaching and learning Prof Parker, Jay 16 311/7/07Formative Assessment Dr. Nagase 411/28/07New Approaches in Learning.

9 Seminar I How People Learn Speakers Dr. Helen Major (Physics) on “How people learn”. Prof Parker (Education) on “ Some Common Preconceptions About Mathematics”.

10 Discussion Results Seminar I How People Learn

11 Group 1 Without a put down, engage the reasoning of the students. Guide them through a reasonable argument to the new (current) concept. Let them know a good guess is alright. Have them justify their guess. Science and math is built upon hypothesis (good guessing). Use it to build students’ confidence.

12 Group 2: Facts are observed or experienced. For example in the fish story, if the frog had given facts about anatomy of animals/human life on land, then the fish would have made a better guess. Factual knowledge can be logically explained. Conceptual knowledge is based upon understanding.

13 Group 3: Students should think about their own learning. Students should use critical thinking/reading. Students should utilize time management. A meta-cognition model should be in place (student self- awareness of learning). Instructors should connect to students’ experiences. Examples of real-world experiences should reinforce concepts.

14 Seminar II “Challenges of Teaching and Learning” Speakers. Prof Parker on “ Some personal challenges of Math Instructions” Dr. Jay (Math) on “Classroom goals”

15 Discussion Results Seminar 2 Challenges of Teaching and Learning”

16 Group 1: Students dislike mathematics! Students exhibit a defensive posture in our math and science classes ! Fast pace teaching is a challenge for students. Give attention to each student. And so on..

17 Group 2 Getting students to be receptive to new ideas Being confronted with statements like, “My teacher did it this way…” Students who always sit in the back of the classroom or lecture hall Student lack of study habits despite coaching and use of review sheets And so on..

18 Group 3 How to teach generalization, but know what is relevant/non-relevant. Find the examples that lead to the essential components. Students do not display love of learning. Affordable, but good conceptual learning as opposed to process And so on..

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