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Joining Forces to Enhance the Depth and Scope of Engagement through Community Engaged Research: A Tale of Two Public Universities Nancy Franz-Iowa State.

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Presentation on theme: "Joining Forces to Enhance the Depth and Scope of Engagement through Community Engaged Research: A Tale of Two Public Universities Nancy Franz-Iowa State."— Presentation transcript:

1 Joining Forces to Enhance the Depth and Scope of Engagement through Community Engaged Research: A Tale of Two Public Universities Nancy Franz-Iowa State University Edith Parker-University of Iowa

2 Overview researchers and community educators authentically connecting U of Iowa Institute for Clinical and Translational Sciences partners with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach connect researchers across units with community educators through a continuum of partnership options

3 ISU Extension and Outreach Director, Professional Development Professor, School of Education Dr. Nancy Franz

4 Nancy’s Background 32+ years with Extension in five states 4-H agent, volunteer, department head, district liaison, state specialist, project administrator, graduate student, administrator Youth and adult education in all program areas Research in TL and E&R community engagement

5 Dr. Edith Parker Professor and Department Head Director, Prevention Research Center for Rural Health Community and Behavioral Health College of Public Health Director, Community Based Research Core Institute of Clinical and Translational Science The University of Iowa

6 A bit About Edith’s Experience Born in Siler City, NC –residence of Aunt Bee….

7 First Job Teaching In Kenya

8 Second Job- Working with Save the Children in Burkina Faso, West Africa

9 On to Academia Working with the Detroit Community on Childhood Asthma Research in a Participatory Fashion

10 Nancy and Edith’s Partnership Goal Improve Iowan's quality of life through a seamless research- community education engaged partnership

11 Partnership Strategy Engage Iowans where they live and work with the latest public health research and education to improve their lives Inform the public health research and education agenda in Iowa LGU+HSU=CER= community change and improved health

12 Community Engaged Research Commitment to conducting research that to some degree shares power with and engages community partners in the research process and that benefits the communities involved either through direct intervention or by translating research findings into interventions and policy change. (page 6)

13 Methods for Community-Based Participatory Research for Health (2 nd edition) Editors- B. Israel, E. Eng, A. Schulz & E. Parker

14 Partnership Structure Community-based research leadership and education champions from both institutions connect leadership teams and project teams Champions - Edith and Nancy Leadership teams - CTSA and PRC at U of I and ISUEO PD Project teams - dementia, caregiving, health disparities

15 Partnership Contiuum information sharing training and technical assistance cooperation mutually reciprocal project collaboration

16 Partnership Phases Getting to know each others - meet and greet, connect faculty and staff Finding common ground through projects - join research with educational infrastructure Determining best practices and impact

17 Partnership Portfolio -Dementia research and education -Clinical translational science award -Research prevention center for rural health -ISUEO and DCBH networking -Grant proposals -Rural health information sharing -Health education professional development -Community-based research professional development

18 Intended Partnership Peer Products journal articles conference presentations abstracts and proceedings literature reviews conference posters competitive grants/contracts

19 Intended Partnership Applied Products fact sheets training logic models PowerPoint's curricula and tool kits guides technical assistance policy development

20 Intended Partnership Community Products forums workshops websites newsletters presentations reports designs presentations displays

21 Partnership Best Practices it is about the community who serves as champions and project team leaders and members is critical open doors for each other provide therapy for each other stay focus on common goals

22 Partnership Best Practices be patient - bureaucracy is slow and so is human and community development one solid successful partnership leads to many others solid peer, applied, and community scholarship is great partnership glue find and connect researchers, educators, and community members with a high CERQ (community engaged research intelligence)

23 Resources Edith’s book Nancy’s JOE, JHEOE and JCES articles Partnership table

24 Your experiences with university/university partnerships Lessons learned Success factors Joys Challenges

25 Thank you

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