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The Odyssey and “Penelope” Poem. Directions: Create two of your own compound sentences. Create one of your sentences using a FANBOYS conjunction, and.

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Presentation on theme: "The Odyssey and “Penelope” Poem. Directions: Create two of your own compound sentences. Create one of your sentences using a FANBOYS conjunction, and."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Odyssey and “Penelope” Poem


3 Directions: Create two of your own compound sentences. Create one of your sentences using a FANBOYS conjunction, and create the other sentence using a semicolon. *Don’t forget the comma before the conjunction and the semicolon rules!

4 1. Compound 2. Simple 3. Compound 4. Simple 5. Compound 6. Simple 7. Compound 8. Compound 9. Simple 10. Simple

5 3 Perceptive and insightful idea that goes beyond the literal (provides an interpretation, not just a "what happened") Demonstrates a deep understanding of the text(s) Clear connection between thesis and evidence Specific and well-chosen text evidence You get it, and you can explain it in detail to a partner. 2 Reasonable idea that goes beyond the literal (provides an interpretation, not just a "what happened") Explained clearly and specifically Text evidence directly supports the thesis Demonstrates a clear understanding of the text(s) You get it and you can clearly explain it to a partner. 1 Reasonable idea that goes beyond the surface level (thesis) but no text evidence Text evidence is not clear or specific Not enough text evidence Answer only presents a literal meaning ("what happened"); no interpretation offered You kind of get it, but you can't explain how you know it. 0 Does not answer the question Not based on the text(s) Too unclear or general Only repeats the question No answer - just text evidence You don't understand the question, so you can't really give a clear answer.

6 If the prompt refers to two different texts, your thesis, evidence, and analysis should refer to both pieces. You will need two pieces of evidence instead of one. When quoting your evidence, be sure to address the title of the piece since there are two possibilities.

7 Option Two: Thesis (addressing both texts) Blended evidence from text 1 Blended evidence for text 2 Analysis for both texts Option One: Thesis (addressing both texts) Blended evidence from text 1 Analysis Blended evidence for text 2 Analysis If you are contrasting (showing the differences), option 1 is often the best choice. However, if you are comparing the two texts (focusing on similarities), option 2 works well.


9 In the pathway of the sun, In the footsteps of a breeze, Where the world and sky are one, He shall ride the silver seas, He shall cut the glittering wave. I shall sit at home, and rock; Rise, to heed a neighbor’s knock; Brew my tea, and snip my thread; Bleach the linens for my bed. They will call him brave.

10 Do you appreciate bravery that does not require facing physical danger? How is the last line of the poem ironic? The power of the poem derives from its understatement. Do you think the understatement is effective in revealing the suffering that Penelope endured during her husband’s long absence? Understatement – a figure of speech in which the writer says lessens or minimizes the importance of what is meant For example, if you were in a desert where the temperature was 125 degrees, and you described the thermal conditions by saying "It's a little warm today."


12 The characterization of Penelope in the Odyssey is similar to the Penelope portrayed in Dorothy Parker’s poem because both women are underappreciated for their bravery. In the Odyssey, Odysseus chastises his wife for being standoffish even though she has had to “arm [herself] long ago against the frauds of men,” which reveals her perseverance. Similarly, in Parker’s poem, Penelope “sit[s] at home, and rock[s]” and continues her normal routine of chores, yet people “will call [Odysseus] brave.” Even though the Penelope in both poems has not had to face physical dangers, she is still courageous in her efforts to both stay faithful to her husband and guard her heart against doubt. For twenty years Penelope has faced life as a single parent to her son, and yet she does not receive any affirmation from those around her for her dedication to her family. All the while she maintains an unwavering hope that her husband will return home, a truly heroic accomplishment.

13 How is the portrayal of Calypso in the Odyssey different than her portrayal in the song, “Calypso”? Explain your answer and support it with evidence from both selections. Homework – Due Tuesday, Oct. 14

14 My name is Calypso And I have lived alone I live on an island And I waken to the dawn A long time ago I watched him struggle with the sea I knew that he was drowning And I brought him into me Now today Come morning light He sails away After one last night I let him go. My name is Calypso My garden overflows Thick and wild and hidden Is the sweetness there that grows My hair it blows long As I sing into the wind My name is Calypso And I have lived alone I live on an island I tell of nights Where I could taste the salt on his skin Salt of the waves And of tears And though he, pulled away I kept him here for years I let him go My name is Calypso I have let him go In the dawn he sails away To be gone forever more And the waves will take him in again But he'll know their ways now I will stand upon the shore With a clean heart And my song in the wind The sand will sting my feet And the sky will burn It's a lonely time ahead I do not ask him to return I let him go I let him go

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