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BISS Am. Can. Ch. Seasac’s Winning Colors & Randy Schepper, beloved friend & handler.

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2 BISS Am. Can. Ch. Seasac’s Winning Colors & Randy Schepper, beloved friend & handler

3 1-16-93 Miss Mo’s first show at 6 months RWB (major) Judge: J. Donald Jones

4 Miss Mo & Randy Scheppper (her beloved handler & friend)

5 6-21-02 – GSCA Specialty Best Veteran & BOS Judge: Carl Liepmann Handler: Gary Zyac

6 6-30-96 Group 2 Judge: Miss Dorothy MacDonald


8 3-8-97 – GGGS Specialty BOS Judge: Mrs. MaryAnn Alston

9 6-23-02 Best of Breed (from veteran class over supported GS entry) Judge: Mrs. Mareth Kipp

10 10-12-96 Group 3 Judge: J. Council Parker

11 7-17-99 Best Veteran & Best of Breed (following GSCA specialty) Judge: Mr. Lester Mapes

12 7-16-99 – GSCA Specialty Best Veteran & Best of Breed Judge: J. Donald Jones

13 6-15-96 Group 4 Judge: Mrs. Rosalie Anderson Handler: Jennifer Gabriel

14 Group 3 Canadian Show

15 10-6-96 Best of Breed Judge: Dr. Elliot More

16 8-26-00 – GSCA Specialty BOS Judge: Mrs. Betty Stites

17 GSCA National 10-27-96 BOS Judge: Quentin LaHam

18 8-26-00 – GSCA Specialty Best Veteran & BOS Judge: Mrs. Betty Stites

19 Miss Mo had a lot of wins under this judge over her lifetime- - but this was one of the best!!! Thank you, Mrs. Ann Katona

20 Randy Schepper & Miss Mo

21 Farewell, Miss Mo July 4, 1992 – March 9, 2003

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