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Room 120 We worked hard to make this our BEST YEAR EVER! Here’s how…

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Presentation on theme: "Room 120 We worked hard to make this our BEST YEAR EVER! Here’s how…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Room 120 We worked hard to make this our BEST YEAR EVER! Here’s how…

2 Before school started, our team did.

3 We pulled weeds to clean up the DODC.

4 We wrote letters to soldiers in Iraq.

5 We welcomed a visitor from Lesotho, South Africa. Remember the Lesotho S-P-O-O-N?.

6 We sent love to a sick little boy here. Noah Biorkman Passes Peacefully Family Receives Thousands Of Cards From Strangers November 23, 2009

7 We learned about a stranger who is doing good things for others…and we decided to help him…

8 …so we collected hats and gloves…

9 …and we collected games…

10 …then school supplies…

11 …then books…

12 …and finally we went there to help him help others.

13 We played a little that day too!

14 Meanwhile, we made some penpals in Texas.

15 We learned about a neat music group who spreads peace and love across the world, just like we can do…and we got to talk to their frontman, Grandpa Elliott!

16 And the whole time we learned together, shared together, had fun together…we were the examples.

17 Here is some of what we learned…

18 “I learned to do lattice and long division. It really helps with division and multiplication.” - Courtney

19 “I learned how to divide and subtract decimals and how to divide numbers. I also learned how to play the game.” - Brayden

20 “I learned that I got a lot better in reading…more than I was supposed to.” - Jessica

21 “I learned to never give up.” - Samuel

22 “I learned how a lightbulb works and about the circuit.” - Brianna

23 “I learned that anyone can be a teacher.” - Christopher

24 “I learned that being a team is very helpful.” - Ryan

25 “I learned about multiplying decimals and dividing decimals is a lot of fun and you will probably use it when you go shopping.” - Ashley

26 “I learned about homophones again to get it in my head so I remember it in fifth grade.” - Cody

27 “I learned how something little can make a big change.” - Madison

28 “I learned that everyone can help anyone and anyone can help everyone.” - Tanner

29 “I learned that everyone can be a teacher. I teach my teacher, my teacher teaches me too, like how to live life or how to express his or my feelings.” - Gabby

30 “I learned that Mr. S. is not a teacher, he’s a learning leader.” - John

31 “I learned that you always have to indent in a new paragraph and everyone can learn well.” - Nathan

32 “I learned how to multiply and divide decimals.” - Dylan

33 “I learned how to do long division. At first I didn’t know how to do it, but when Mr. Sutterlin taught me how, I love it!” - Son-Ja

34 “I learned lattice multiplication and long division.” - Devin

35 “I learned to spell: special, beautiful, probably, hundred. I learned how to read better. I learned how to write essays.” - Lauren

36 “I learned grammar…it’s may I go to the bathroom, not can I go.” - Cameron

37 “I learned a lot more reading. I have improved a lot in reading and spelling.” - Taylor

38 “I learned how to make peace in the world by helping people and by realizing that peace is a big thing.” - Kaili

39 “I learned that in science, you don’t just experiment, you do more steps than that!” - Greg

40 “I learned that if someone you don’t like disturbs you, just ignore it.” - Al

41 “I learned how to infer in reading. Read the text clues and use BK to infer what’s going to happen.” - Jake

42 “I learned how to add decimals.” - Parker

43 “I learned how to express myself in song. Before I was scared to sing, but now I feel confident enough to sing.” - Nolan

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