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The DART-Europe E-theses Portal and ETDs from the Czech Republic Martin Moyle Digital Curation Manager UCL Library Services, UK 4 th.

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Presentation on theme: "The DART-Europe E-theses Portal and ETDs from the Czech Republic Martin Moyle Digital Curation Manager UCL Library Services, UK 4 th."— Presentation transcript:

1 The DART-Europe E-theses Portal and ETDs from the Czech Republic Martin Moyle Digital Curation Manager UCL Library Services, UK 4 th Seminar on Accessing ETDs, Brno University of Technology, 21 October 2009

2 Contents DART-Europe: background DART-Europe E-theses Portal –overview –usage and feedback –benefits –how to contribute

3 DART-Europe: background Began in 2005 Supporting the management, discoverability, re- usability and preservation of Europe’s electronic research theses Working primarily with consortia and national libraries Governed by Board of partners; resourced through partner contributions European Working Group of the NDLTD Working closely with LIBER

4 The DART-Europe E-theses Portal A discovery service for open access, research- level electronic theses User focused Easy for contributors to supply metadata Low maintenance

5 Open access e-theses: why? Make the very latest research available to others Highlight the work of early-career researchers Showcase research groups and universities –increase the impact of academic institutions –stimulate academic and industrial collaborations Public visibility helps to detect (and discourage) plagiarism Can include supplementary data sets, models, multimedia, etc.

6 Impact of open access e-theses Two examples from the UCL Eprints repository:UCL Eprints –Thomson, Catherine Claire (2003) Danmarkshistorier: National imagination and novel in late twentieth-century DenmarkDanmarkshistorier: National imagination and novel in late twentieth-century Denmark –1309 downloads since January 2008 –Wang, H. (2009) New strategies for low noise, agile PLL frequency synthesisNew strategies for low noise, agile PLL frequency synthesis –214 downloads since deposit, June 2009 Open access e-theses showcase your researchers and your institution The DART-Europe Portal helps to increase this exposure

7 Aggregator OAI-PMH HARVESTER STANDARDISATION User Interface Local and national e-theses platforms Consortial repositories Institutional repositories National repositories Metadata harvesting Researchers Metadata DART-Europe E- theses Portal Portal architecture: overview

8 DART-Europe E-theses Portal: facts and figures As of 10 October 2009: 117,045 theses 195 Universities 15 European countries ~80 new e-theses added daily

9 Simple search

10 Awarding University Click a title to see full record… Consortia and other providers are also credited

11 Link to source record..

12 Search author, title, abstract, all Various ways to limit search

13 Various browsing options...

14 Create marked lists for download

15 Search history View new records New records also via RSS feed Feedback form


17 Portal usage Usage is gradually increasing... Last 6 months: 46,423 visits 40,676 visitors from 172 countries

18 Recent feedback Congratulations to all staff that operate the site (Brazil) I must say that I really appreciate this projet, it is very nice to be able to have access to so many documents. (France) I'm a librarian from Thailand...It's very very useful for my users. Thank you very much for everything from your site. (Thailand) I would like to ask you if it is possible for me to added my thesis on the website of European eThesis. I just finished my university. (Slovakia)

19 DART-Europe Portal: benefits For contributors –raised visibility for Universities and consortia –low-cost participation For authors –added exposure for work –helps to introduce early-career academics to open access and to copyright issues For researchers –aggregation aids discovery: benefits of quantity, convenience, consistency –discovery leads straight to delivery

20 Portal: contributing countries Belgium Estonia Finland France Germany Hungary Ireland Lithuania Netherlands Norway Portugal Spain Sweden Switzerland UK Work in progress with: Austria Denmark Greece Italy

21 How to contribute OAI-PMH is used Metadata is collected in simple Dublin Core DART-Europe needs: –OAI Base URL –OAI set(s), if necessary, to identify theses that are open access doctoral or research masters level DART can harvest direct from Universities Or from, if possible...

22 Aggregator OAI-PMH HARVESTER STANDARDISATION User Interface Czech Republic e-theses platforms Institutional repositories Metadata harvesting Researchers Metadata DART-Europe E- theses Portal Metadata Harvesting models(1)(2) Could restrict OAI-PMH access to DART-Europe IP, if needed

23 Summary Portal is simple, but a useful discovery tool It is good for researchers and good for research Participation is very simple Participation helps to showcase the work of researchers, Universities, and consortia How can DART-Europe best work with the Czech Republic Universities?

24 Further information Portal –http://www.dart-europe.eu DART-Europe – Email – Thank you

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